Eating before training

>eat less than 2 hours before working out/running/swimming
>get acid reflux, feel "heavy" and full, feels like all my blood is going to my stomach/bowels rather than muscles

>eat more than 2-2.5 hours before working out/running/swimming
>hungry and no energy

wtf am I supposed to do?

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Change your diet.

My diet is all lean protein, healthy fats (fish, olive oil, nuts and nut butters etc), whole-grains and tons of veg and fruit. Literally no processed stuff or junk food in it and I trace macros. That can't be it, especially when there's folk on this board who live off McDonalds and Taco Bell.


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Eat a light meal and lift an hour or two later. I lift in the morning after a handful of blueberries, few eggs, and toast

Wow you're a spoiled little brat, huh ? You like living off daddies money huh ya little cuck ?

Try different pre workout foods to see what works on you and doenst give you pain aches.

Usually rice cream or oats are pretty easy on the stomach so give em a try


or eat bigger meals at night and train fasted in the morning

stop eating dogshit

I eat 70-100g carbs (WITH FIBER) and 40-50g protein at 10:00 and am good to go even up to 2:00

You should have energy even if you didn't eat at all before working out.

Eat more veggies, get more vitamins in. You should feel your strongest when you're hungry.

eat less before your workout and eat more carbs
the energy comes from eating carbs the day before
hunger is your body fucking with you (insulin); don't listen to it

>Wow you're a spoiled little brat, huh ? You like living off daddies money huh ya little cuck ?

Thanks, I have oats for breakfast and found they work the best but I've only really got a window of about 30-60mins between digesting them enough to not feel bloated before I'm hungry.

How do you prepare them? I use milk in mine if it makes any difference

So in all these cases it means working out in the morning? Training hungry in the afternoon after fasting all day is horrible, I've not tried it in the morning though.

What's your carb of choice?

it can mean that
you'll probably complain about being tired though
> fasting all day
why are you fasting all day?

Isn't eating big meals at night bad for putting on fat?

>why are you fasting all day?
When I say day I mean the hours until the evening (morning, lunchtime, afternoon)

Was meme'd into trying it at some point and have done it accidentally as well in the past due to bad planning.

Not really. Your body doesn't work like that. Look up "glycemic index."

Eat something like a moderate sized bowl of oats or cereal with a banana 1-2 before your workout, and save a heavy meal for afterwards

That's what I do anyhow

Found your problem.

Dude. Don't fucking do that. Eat food. Christ. You're working out. Intermittent Fasting is for retards and juice monkeys. If you *have* to fast, do it in the morning. Don't do it though. Eat some fucking food.

Do you not warm up or something? A few minutes of cardio is usually enough to kick my shit into gear when I feel like ass.
Otherwise, look into some sort of pre-w. You don't have to use meme-stream stuff like C4 or the likes if you think that way, but carnitine and 'men's health' supps like virility boosters work for me. Could try liquid b-vitamin and liquid ginseng.
Also: if you're getting acid relfux AT ALL, you're eating like a fat fucking pansy and should fix your shit diet. Stop eating so much liquid fat, nut butters, and starchy carbs.

why not fast bro wont it keep my insulin low and help burn fat i been fasting like 20 hours a day for like 4 weeks lost just over 12lbs im also about 1k calories below mantainance veryday and keto and workout every day

Projecting poorfag. Get back to the deep fryer, cuck boy.

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Thanks I'll do it now. The only time I've seen that term used before is to do with diabetes and with replenishing the glycogen levels in your muscles post-workout/cardio (I think)

Your body is either burning glucose or ketones, and since you're not doing keto, it's safe to say you're not getting enough energy from the carbs in your diet.

It doesn't work for me either, like I said I can barely do cardio when I'm hungry - my lifts are trash on an empty stomach. I think it's just good for mega-cuts but I don't see the "energy" that people keep talking about.

Think you meant to quote

I'm awake alright it's just I don't have the power to do heavy lifts or the endurance to do "proper" cardio like HIIT or long runs/swims.

>Could try liquid b-vitamin and liquid ginseng.
Out of what you listed those sound the least "artificial". With the exception of coffee, I've steered clear of pre-w's so far because they all look like nuclear waste but ginseng is legit (I've tried it for tea and it worked in terms of waking me up).

>Also: if you're getting acid relfux AT ALL, you're eating like a fat fucking pansy and should fix your shit diet. Stop eating so much liquid fat, nut butters, and starchy carbs.
I'm not talking about the sort of reflux you get from a shitty diet like after thanksgiving dinner I mean that having half-digested food in my stomach while I'm doing crunches on an incline bench or shit like that makes me want to throw up. I get it even with oats and fruit or other simple stuff. The only thing that never seems to have a negative effect even if I eat it super-close to working out is avocado on rye/pumpernickel bread - go figure.

Well, adding more grains can't be a good idea because I'm currently having 1/3 cup of oats and if I have any more it takes ages to digest. What about huge fruit bowls or making my own smoothies like the bjj acai bowl meme? Anyone tried those? In his video he basically put a shit-ton of grapes (pure sugar), half a coconut and some frozen acai shit

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Your stomach contains certain levels of certain bacteria, just like the rest of your 'gut'. When you have low acid production in your stomach, certain bacteria can thrive more readily. If you regularly have issues with simple carbs and fruit sugars giving you problems with acid reflux, their is a good chance that the carbs are fermenting in your stomach, increasing acidity and CO2, therefore causing bloating pressure, and mini-burps forcing the acid up.
This can be helped by taking a shot of apple cider vinegar around 30 mins after a meal, or whenever you feel the acid reflux. And to keep it away, I would suggest staying away from simple starchy carbs and limit fruit sugars.
Also, I say limit your liquid fats as well because they can also ferment in your stomach and greatly increase acidity if they sit in your stomach too long.
Make sure to wash all your meals down with huge amounts of water to get all the liquefied food down into the bowels after 30 mins - 1 hr. That should take cart of the carbs and oils after having been partially digested.

Also, I meant more of a warm up to sort of change your metabolism into work mode. I could be full awake and just feel like straight ass after work or at 5AM, but after a "daily 16" or 5-10 mins of full body warm-up, I'm motivated, energized, and ready to go.

>This can be helped by taking a shot of apple cider vinegar around 30 mins after a meal, or whenever you feel the acid reflux. And to keep it away, I would suggest staying away from simple starchy carbs and limit fruit sugars.
Thanks for the explanation and the solution, this sounds legit I'll try it. Couldn't acid reflux also be caused by the opposite, i.e. too much acid in the stomach? In which case I assume something with a base pH would be the solution like what Rennie tablets do basically?
>Make sure to wash all your meals down with huge amounts of water to get all the liquefied food down into the bowels after 30 mins - 1 hr. That should take cart of the carbs and oils after having been partially digested.
Out of all you mentioned, this is the only thing I've noticed helping so it's good to hear it's not just in my mind. I was told just a few days ago by a friend that cold/chilled water is a bad idea for this because it solidifies the fats in your stomach and makes them harder to digest. Is there any truth in that? IIRC the Chinese are crazy about their warm/tepid water and hate cold water.

Interesting, what do you do? Jog on the spot or something?

uma delicia

When I was in the Marines, that was almost always our first warm up (a la 'get the blood flowing' meme, but it works). Since I've been out and exercising, I find that ellipticals and those sort of stationaries (stat. bike, stair stepper, quick jog on tread) work equally well, if not better. If you're outside, then yea just jog in place, or take a lap around a building or something.

i did ty annon

*fewer* than 2 hours . . . out/running/swimming

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>Amerigoblin trying to correct a Brit's use of English

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Thanks, I'll try it. I'll have to do a short cycle to my gym for the next couple of months which might be enough in itself. Dynamic stretching could also be a good idea, a lot of athletes on pitch/field sports seem to do it too.

lol why am i included in this?

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For not realising he was wrong, I deserved your image not him.

Good luck, friendo. Keep in mind that if it doesn't work for you, don't make it try to work. It worked for me and I made gains doing it, everyone is different. Don't overtrain and certainly don't lose your gains over it.

>hungry and no energy
stop being a pussy.
Unless you're sub 5% body fat you still have plenty of energy on your body.
The amount you eat daily will easily replace the amount you use.
Int fasting for 8 years, I never eat before 3pm, workouts are always before 12 am.

Only way I can sleep is to count all my calories and ingest them starting 5 hours usually before I go to bed. Sleep like a log, lot easier to control cravings since I just don't eat at all until it's time to.
Cravings are sated, protein needs are met, sleep.

But i used it ironically. Are you Asperger?

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Kinda yeah. But I also hadn't noticed the seam between the guy's head and the megabrain

>The amount you eat daily will easily replace the amount you use.
>Int fasting for 8 years, I never eat before 3pm, workouts are always before 12 am.
>Only way I can sleep is to count all my calories and ingest them starting 5 hours usually before I go to bed. Sleep like a log, lot easier to control cravings since I just don't eat at all until it's time to.
>Cravings are sated, protein needs are met, sleep.
Sounds kinda crazy desu, how long did it take you to adjust to that?

this guy has the answer to your fitness questions

Just train fasted bro its good for fat loss bro

use common sense user, you shouldn't be eating food that take a lot of work to digest preworkout.

try WHITE rice and a small portion of lean protein... alternatively rice cakes and some whey in water or almond milk.
you shouldn't be clogging up your stomach and taking away blood flow from your muscles

>try WHITE rice and a small portion of lean protein
What would you recommend? Is white rice more easily digestible than brown?

>rice cakes
Those are excellent but you do need to eat quite a few to fill up or get much energy at all.

>you shouldn't be clogging up your stomach and taking away blood flow from your muscles
That's exactly what I feel aside from the bloated/burning feeling.

What other fast/easy to digest would you recommend, what do you eat?

fiber takes more work to digest so yes white is easier

Cheers m8

>Just train fasted bro its good for fat loss bro

I don't understand why you fasters act like you've found jesus or made contact with E.T. all of a sudden.

Just eat a small packet of sweets (100 calories or so) 30 minutes before your workout.

drink green tea with your food user it makes digestion easier

idk breh. eating about an hour before works well for me.

God I wish that were me

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