Post your preworkoutfu

Post your preworkoutfu.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>be me
>complete dyel fag
>use pre workouts an autistically pretend im on roids while lifting
>one day notice some dude on actual roids lifting next to me
>his bacne and incision clearly invisible
>he's also grunting and sweating gallons of his own bodyweight
>get scared and get on machines instead

a cuppa joe and determination to get the best possible workout i can

Just finished up a tub of GAT it was aldight, how is pulse I'm literally shopping on Amazon for a new pre rn

Imo Pulse, Ghost, and unironically C4 ultimate are the best shit you can get.

Haha what a story!

I take a shot of salt and potassium, some beta-alanine and l-citrulline then sip on some lightly salted and potassium water throughout my workout period every 3rd day of my workout I'll add in 400 mg of caffeine for an extra Rush but have to keep that on a cycle to keep it effective.

This stuff is actually delicious

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Decided to try using a preworkout due to work being a huge energy drain. Got Pulse Blue Raspberry, tastes like sour ass but damn it does its job well.

Mr. Hyde

Works like a charm and never disappoints me

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The power is unlimited

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Most days a good cup of coffee and 200mg modafinil. Ocasionally EC stack, but I'm taking a break from heavy stims at the moment.


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Amazon's got this on a lightning sale right now for $20 bucks for 30 servings. I've never had it before but the reviews are good and I needed preworkout. Lightning sale means it ends soon, so hurry up if you guys want it

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That but green apple or the blue raspberry.. Best ever

That one is pretty meh in formula.

My recommendation is Vapor X5 with some bulk citrulline. You can get it for under 50 cents a serving.

I eat a hand full of this.

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Came here to post this

I use God of Rage. It's a 60mg of dmaa and 300mg of caffeine in a scoop. Gets me pretty pumped.

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>creatine and beta alanine free
hmm why

used to use gat nitraflex which is good and tasty but preworkout is completely unnecessary. go to the gym more often and stay disciplined instead of autistically pushing your body to the limit 3 4 times a week.
ill admit its useful if you need eextra motivation to go after a long days work. thats it.

IMO both are unnecessary in a preworkout since they are both saturation based supplements, buy the in bulk if you want them.
Otherwise it is taking away money from better ingrediants

Honestly I have no clue why legion would put 4 fucking grams in their preworkout.

Honest question, how does American or Australian Nescafe stack up against all the other instant coffee brands available there? Here in Poland it's so ubiquitous a lot of people literally call any instant coffee 'neska' regardless of the brand. I actually like it but that's probably because I've been used to it for years and don't know many other brands.

you have to be 18 to post here

It's pretty standard run of the mill stuff here in Australia, a lot of people get maccona which is maybe regarded as a little better.

Ok if you can get over the fact that its like drinking battery acid, this stuff will light you the fuck up like no other. Its not super expensive and its 100% the highest dosed preworkout Ive ever used.
350mg Caffeine
8 of cit malate
3.2 beta alanine

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My man. Shit gives me the shakes though, plus pretty sure it temporarily makes my dick stop working

I have no respect for current preworkouts. They're just caffeine sprinkled with garnish.

I mean aside from Caffeine to get you wired you really dont "need" anything else. what do you want a pre workout to have in it, TREN?

For example DMAA like the original Jack3d or whatever special sauce went in the original Craze.

Anybody spending more than a few cents on a cup of instant coffee is a literal brainlet.

>tfw your wheyfu has her own brand

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2 caffine pills, cost like 0.2 cents a workout

>C4 ultimate
Surprisingly this. I just tried some Galvanized and it was fine. Hyde was terrible and gave me terrible crashes. But for some reason Ultimate got the job done for me.

>ill admit its useful if you need eextra motivation to go after a long days work. thats it.
I go to the gym first thing in the morning. So it'll usually get me through the work day too.

If I took preworkout for the gym before work it would turn me into an angry asshole.

This is my pre-workout, it's like being turkey slapped by the Incredible Hulk

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This shit isn't a fucking joke. One of the only preworkouts that still has 1,3D in it. I physically cannot handle more than a single scoop.

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you just like it because it's thick and black

does it feel like this gif?

Attached: 8754-hulk-fucks-black-widow.gif (400x206, 1.84M)

Do you get it from a local supp shop or do you order it? The only issue I have with it is the creatine.

I use outlift pumped and it’s fucking crazy

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Wait, where do you get that? I thought DMAA is outlawed

I ordered it from

Thank fren

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Excellent for both in and out the gym.

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all these pwos look like they're going to give you fucking renal cancer when you're 40.

just drink some coffee, you cookie cutters.

1 scoop esn crank pump + 14g aakg + 8g citrulline malate + 5g beta alanine + 200mg caffeine

I drink a liter of water with a tsp of creatine, and a tsp of l-citrulline.