
What do y'all think of facepulls?
is it a meme exercise?
I heard its good for your shoulders

Attached: band-face-pull.jpg (370x370, 51K)

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I ironically love them and do them on chest days. Feels like therapy for my fucked up nerdshoulders.

Added face pulls to my back day and I can honestly say I get less shoulder pain compared to when I didn't do them

I do em but I can never get a good burn with em

Does anyone else lean back when doing these
Im only 170 but i can go kinda heavy on face pulls, the problem is that the weight pulls my whole body forward even when my feet are planted so i feel like im leaning back cartoonishly trying to counter balance it

ok thanks ill give em a try

do them right

I used to do them back when I went to uni gym. Just something I'd do a little after my main big lifts to help supplement.
Now that I think about it, they're really the only thing I sorta miss about switching to home gym master race and going barbell-only.

get some resistance bands and you can do them at home

Im at a 60 degree angle from the ground at least. It feels like too much but that's apparently right.

I kind of half squat with my back still straight and use my legs to brace. I just can't do it standing straight up

Never thought of that. How do you do progressive overload with resistance bands though?

loop it or get a band with more resistance

I use bands at home as well, and personally I just hold the motion rather than overload on weight. So like instead of pulling 5 times at X pounds, I pull 5 times for X seconds.

excellent for rear delts

Right, it just seems like whenever people demonstrate it or whatever theyre always standing straight, but unless youre going really light i dont know how this is possible

solid advice, I'll look into buying one of those to start.

By read delts and traps love it, so I do them.

I think it's just one of those gray area things. The whole idea is to help hit the rear delts, but the less of a perpendicular angle you get, the less they'll be hit. It's sorta like with OHP and how theoretically you want to remain as upright as possible, but in reality when you're doing max weight, you're going to be leaning back. You just try not to lean too far back and turn it into a standing bench press as best you can.

do it user
i always do this and just wrap a band around the powerrack and do around 5 sets inbetween my lifts

but if you have a cable machine you can adjust the point height of the handle, which is what I do.
but wtf do I know, I"m DYEL

I guess the logical extreme of this would be to go to the lat pulldown machine, lay flat on the seat instead of sitting at it, and then pulling the bar toward your face. That way you're doing strict facepulls with no ability to lean back.

Everyone will look at you like you're a freak, but hey, whatever.

I don't have the balls to do that. I'll just keep putting the cable machine at medium height and doing my gay half squat form. But it hits those rear delts good

>he's not willing to go to ridiculous lengths to get the perfect theoretical form
never gonna make it brah

Attached: 8x6 breh.png (280x275, 143K)

I do my face pulls on the seated cable row.

Once you get past dyel-tier ohp, they become a necessity to not end up in snap city.

What is the dyel-tier OHP cutoff?


1/2/3/4 for a single rep. good form required though

Decent exercise but memed to death these days. I prefer bent over lateral raises personally.

I can do 175x5 OHP, guess I'm past DYEL tier and have never done face-pulls.
I'll give them a shot if it will help make more gains though.

>175x5 OHP
p-post shoulders
good god


Seriously though they're a legit exercise. Good for your shoulder health and give you big rear delts. I do them almost every workout.

Attached: when-you-say-the-wrong-thing-to-a-latina-instgram-gbrillon-20392558.png (500x564, 125K)


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You could probably set up as if you were about to row and pull with elbow flare to recreate the motion. Also do this while keeping the torso parallel to the ground

Unfucks a lot of bad posture

mirin' user
one day I'll escape DYEL ottermode

The GOAT prehab and rehab excercise. Started doing them and my shoulders feel amazing, as though they've been lubed up. Also completely stopped shoulder popping and clicking and I can now do lateral raises comfortably

I recommend 1x 20 warmup + 4x15 + 1x20 burnout AMRAP on pull days. Also do a very light 1x20 set at the end of push days.

lower the weight, increase reps. A lot of people do them as a high row which is wrong, do them Omar style

you're doing more of a high row then a face pull

not if you lower the cable height


Attached: 1531793693752.jpg (300x300, 22K)

Can I do this with elastic bands?

I love them, do them almost every day for shoulder health.

Trips don't lie

I doubt overloading is as crucial for this movement as with others, as long as you're stimulating the external rotation with significant resistance, no?

>back day


i legit do these with a resistance band every morning and night, and its really helped my posture and shoulder health.

>175x5 OHP

Love them, but don't do it like in that picture, that is just going to fuck your shoulders up.