I know you guys are more into the lifting part of being Jow Forums but probably are not as knowledgeable about the nutrition side other than protein and eat big.
I'm very interested in nutrition and have developed my knowledge over the years so I'll do my best and give out my advice if there's anything you want to know. However I'm not a professional and anyone who just tries to test or argue with me will be ignored.
no meat is pretty much the only source of protein with all of the essential amino acids. If you are vegan or vegetarian though then hemp seeds are pretty much the only plant based source of protein that has all the amino acids you need.
Robert Fisher
>i know u lift weights but you only eat protein kid how new are you? fitness is as much diet as routine. lurk for like a week at least before talking out your ass. threads discussing diet and nutrition are prevalent.
now fuck off
Michael Thompson
I am going to fast for the next 10 days, except this weekend is my best friends' 21st and I wanna get drunk with him. Will not having eaten all week really fuck me up? I plan on breaking the fast for that one night so I don't poison myself, i'lol just chow on some bread or something.
Jaxson Sanchez
What role do calories play in building muscle
Are carbs pointless if not utilized for energy
Does more protein = more recovery
What role do calories play in recovery
Henry Bailey
I am a newfriend to the Jow Forums world and I need to lose a fair amount of weight. I have lost quite a bit so far by cutting out sugar etc.
I would like to know what are the essential nutrients for losing weight? is protein still as important as if I was trying to gain?
Is keto a meme diet or are carbs actually that useless in your diet?
Anthony Baker
Calories are energy so you need them for your body to do anything. When building muscle you need energy to repair your body so pretty important. If you eat too much energy though then your body stores it as fat.
Protein is calories that your body can especially use for your muscles so are extremely important but any more than you need and it becomes fat
Henry Stewart
Losing weight is completely about how many calories you eat and how many you burn. I suggest you find a base metabolic rate calculator online to good a good estimate for how mnay calories your body needs everyday to maintain your current weight.
There are still tricks however to eating fewer calories to losing weight. Eating high fiber foods and less refined foods are how to feel full longer on fewer calories and will result in weight loss. foods like potatoes are and vegetables are great because they are high in fiber and low in calories. Often you will not even need snacks either because they will keep you feeling full until your next meal.
The hugest problem you will face is refined foods like white bread and chips etc. Since they are so starchy and have are practically refined to the point where they are digested like sugar in your body they cause sugar rush like symptoms with an energy rush and then crash. They aren't necessarily fattening on their own but since your body processes them so fast you will be shortly hungry again later and will end up eating more calories then you want.
Mason Lewis
What’s the final word on protein I can have in an hour and how much in a day? Also what should my diet look like? Especially in terms of macros
Alexander Cruz
Why is porridge in the morning is so damn good?
Cameron Watson
Not really sure how much you can eat at oncei since thats kind of a broscience topic and its hard to really prove how your body deals with that situation. For reference just ask this question on any fitness forum and you'll get a hundred conflicting opinions. If you are concerned about eating enough protein though you can always eat more than you think you need because it will just become fat if you eat too much and if you think you are getting fat then lower your protein intake.
The only thing I know for building muscle is that generally you need .1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. So if you follow this and protein is 4 calories per gram split the rest of your daily calories even between fats and carbs and you should be fine.
Aaron James
its usually warm, keeps you full all morning, and nutritious. So your body is happy that you treat it right in the morning.
Isaac Gonzalez
How important are micros? Would you recommend any supplements? Zinc? Fish Oil? Or just a simple multivitamin?
Things I enjoyed adding to my diet were oatmeal, cauliflower, broccoli and brussel sprouts. I find I can eat at least 1-2 servings of these every day and I feel a lot better
What other sorts of things could I be eating everyday for fiber that are easy to prepare like those? Sweat potatoes? I dont know
Logan Brown
by mixing and eating a variety you can easily get all the amino acids and such needed though. Been looking into slowly going began. Any advice for a diet set towards gaining weight??
Elijah Scott
Micros are extremely important and far undervalued. The best way to get your micro nutrients is through organ meats and vegetables. I would argue that micros are just as important as macros because consuming all of your essential vitamins and minerals is important for your body to do everything.
The benefit of eating enough vitamins and minerals is actually very noticeable if you can make the effort to do so. Not eating enough magnesium for example can even cause symptoms of depression and lack of energy which will surely lower your performance in the gym. Also many minerals are necessary for proper muscle use and bone strength.
I highly discourage you from using supplements to get your micros. They are always less available forms of the nutrient and most gets wasted meaning less of what you want and more stress on your kidneys to process the extra shit. A good way to see this is if you ever get brightly colored pee from energy drinks due to the vitamins they add to them. Also you need to have a balanced diet because many vitamins and minerals are co-factors and rely on other vitamins or minerals to be fully effective in the body so when you only take one you are not going to get the full synergistic effect of having a little of everything. And multivitamins are bad because you usually don't get enough of everything they try and pack in there and they still destroy your kidneys.
The only decent supplement is fish oil because you need omega-3s but you still don't want to take too much because you need balance between omega-3s and 6s so only take as much as you need to balance these in your body.
Lincoln Nelson
If you want to go about mixing then make sure you really look into the amino acid profile of each food so that you can be assured you are getting all the amino acids you need.
The other problem with being vegan is usually getting enough minerals that people usually get from meats like zinc and magnesium. So a good way to make up for this is by eating nuts and seeds like almonds, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds. You will also want to eat a lot of dark greens that usually have high mineral content like broccoli and spinach.
For getting big, nuts and seeds are good because they are usually high in fat and have some protein so you can eat a lot of calories in a small serving.
Caleb Wright
thanks user
Ian Garcia
potatoes or sweet potatoes are really good because generally everyone likes how they taste so they are easy. The best sources are definitely oatmeal, nuts, seeds, and beans. Another important fact about these sources is that they are specifically high in soluble fiber which is good for your heart and cholesterol.
Andrew Cox
nibba do NOT fast for a week and then eat and get drunk in the same evening. you'll almost certainly shit your pants.
Owen Mitchell
There were studies about how much protein your body uses, it's based on body weight and I can't remember the formula but it's about 20g/meal for someone who's 80kg.
Connor Jones
half the threads on Jow Forums are about nutrition