When did you realize Arnold was a sham faker steroid abusing faggot with no actual talent or skill? Garbage bodybuilder.
Fuck him.
When did you realize Arnold was a sham faker steroid abusing faggot with no actual talent or skill? Garbage bodybuilder.
Fuck him.
Other urls found in this thread:
When watched pumping iron he seemed like a smug cunt
about the same time he won the mr. olympia c:
>trumptards btfo again
Ya that sucks. He is a 1st gen immigrant that doesn't grasp the total situation in this country
Since before I started browsing Jow Forums because he's a race traitor who does drugs and participates in the most corrupt government in the U.S.
this. that movie made me like Lou Ferrigno more
lots of guys who lift are smug cunts. So long as there is someone smaller than them in the room they will lie to themselves and think of themselves as superior to keep the ego feeling like it is in control.
Getting old sucks, seems like most guys lose their balls in the process
tfw you're so butt blasted you dismiss everything about the man because he has an opposing view point
Arnold has been a cheating scumbag his whole life. Now he's grown more estrogenic with age he's become more liberal. Doesn't help he's been sucking Jewish cock the minute he set foot in the US. Trump is real and Arnold is just a fluff and pump, fake, Hollywood tough-guy. Look at his own affairs, he's an adulterer, who's had multiple surgeries for his poor life choices, his kids don't respect him- only one of them took up his passion of bodybuilding, while another became a fat slob to spite him. Fuck Schwarzanigger.
>he still cares about what celebrities say
dont go so hard on him
we dont admire arnold now, we admire old Arnold. New arnold is shit.
He doesnt have any choice. They are all cucked. He got into hollywood. He became a governor. They manipulated him. Of course hes only a shadow of his former self. He doesnt decide to say all that crap. Most of the celebrities dont, they are only told to say stuff.
Leave the poor guy alone. He fucked up a lot, and while his legacy will not be forgotten, he must be.
>shitting on Arnie
Hang yourself faggot
Based Arnold
This fucking asshole did more to erode our 2nd amendment rights and jam pack every square of this state with chili shitters than just about any of his successors.
Don't trust anyone who ever had anything to do with Hollywood...they all seem to work for the same mysterious force. Who could it be?
>Doesn't help he's been sucking Jewish cock.
>Arnold is just a fluff and pump, fake, Hollywood tough-guy. Look at his own affairs, he's an adulterer, who's had multiple surgeries for his poor life choices, his kids don't respect him
All of this applies to Donald, who is also a fat slob
What a stupid thread
I hope he gets cancer and wastes away to nothing while his hair and teeth fall out, shitting himself constantly and dying in agony.
Fuck off faggot
You fuck off.
Trump Semper Fi.
Name ONE (1) thing wrong with Putin
He poisned a poor dude and his daugther.
Man it really fucked me up to see him smoking a joint or on the beach with models. Then you have Lou Ferrigno training his ass off in a basement with his dad. Really puts the underdog mentality in perspective
Its pretty difficult for anyone in the upper class to be pro-trump
Being this upset over a person who has accomplished far more than you ever will in your entire life,has been synonymous with fitness for several years,and has no idea that you even exist. Go for a walk lad.
t. cuck
Fuck traitor Trump.
Does anyone actually give a fuck about international politics?
All I want is for Trump to focus his energy on kicking out illegals.
kys pol reactionary retards, try lifting instead of pretending to be real men online while eating gallons of basedbean oil and getting cucked irl
arnolds dad was a literal nazi
unironically something to be proud of
No evidence of that. I'm pretty sure it's a false flag considering the way May and the media handled the situation was exactly as with the syrian gas attack false flag bullshit
Is that why young Arnold was such a Chad?
Oh no! Baby doesn't like some truth being told?
>our country
They are both jewish bootlickers
>celebrating catastrophic loss
The white nationalist community laughs at you
Arnold is literally the goat. Just because you cant handle reality doesnt make this any less true you fucking dyel
die for something or live for nothing k?
name one thing that could change your mind about him
He's not wrong tho , Trump is a faggot Jew. He's Putin's bitch
too liberal and jewish
Arnold actually served in the military. On top of training, he did extra favors and services to the higher ups just to get his own room to lift weights.
He created those weights out of cement and other military shit he found.
After everyone gave up and slept, he used a few extra hours to train more.
Came to America, barely speaking English and won the top guy in the bodybuilding world.
Decided, fuck it, I'll try acting. My name is confusing and not marketable and I can't speak well, but fuck it. I believe in myself.
Becomes the biggest name in action and sci-fi, literally a pop culture icon of the 80s and 90s.
Runs for Governor.
What has Trump done?
Used daddys money to invest in hotels, pay to be in movies, and dupe a bunch of dumb hicks into eating up all his shit. Fat motherfucker probably never jogged in his life. Now he's sucking Jewish, Russian, and North Korean cock.
>Talking shit about one of the Iron Gods
It's time for you to leave
>"us fellow whites frown upon celebrating the deaths of the good hearted and innocent Jews, I mean, come on goy- I mean guys!"
Showing me that whatever Putin is doing is objectively worse for america and europe than what the elites we have over here are doing. The only reason for any of this "muh russia" brinksmanship in the first place is because neocons/neolibs were butthurt that Putin is helping out Assad against ISIS and CIAniggers.
Arnold really was a faggot in pumping iron
he is his own legacy, wtf are you on about. dont go tough on him? maybe not his personal life, but he bends the knee too often as of late
Lol bitterfag. You have no power in this but a vote. You probably won't even use that. Why do you even care? America is fucking huge btw
Theresa May said so and she would certainly not have any kind of political motivation for lying whatsoever!
International politics is fucking important. the entire "refugee crisis" in Europe was manufactured by the desire to destabilize Syria and kick out Assad, just as what they did to Gaddafi.
Oh big fucking deal.
He injected more steroids than all the other guys so he won at bodybuilding and used that as a license to print money.
Real fucking role model.
What a loser.
Even he says winners don't use drugs
I like that this has become a pro-russian meme in the west when it was originally used by ukrainian posters to mock russians
Despite being the absolutely most triggered people on 4chins, Jow Forumsfags won't touch this post because he vaguely shitted on Jews
You bois anger is getting you nowhere regardless of how you view the world or politics (of which you have almost no say in or weight in how they are conducted) ((implying you do anything but vote a couple times))(((eat muh dick)))
He's a filthy commie
Literally it
Thank you for your valuable contribution America-san.
Mods really let poisonous threads like these stay up. Jow Forums is trash.
>celebrities thinking their opinion matters
He actually IS a politican though.
>be Arnold
>crowning achievement is saying "I'll be back" as a movie robot
>be Trump
>crowning achievement is being President
you sure did show us
Fucking assholes like you deserve the electric chair. Kys degenerate arnold is the GOAT and he's right. America's too pussified under trump and he's deliberately creating a vaccum for other world leaders to takeover.
Better this than a dozen totally-not-softcore-porn-imagedump threads or the billion autistic looksmax threads
I want Putin to "take over" on the world stage. At least russia isn't the country that does dumb fucking shit like destabilizing countries all across the world and causing massive shitskin migrant floods in order to help out Israel.
Arnold's a cool guy. I liked his story about giving a guy a pot brownie and not telling him what it is. It's funny to make people think they're losing their minds! Just a prank bro! LOL got you wasted
I like this wacky strong guy and his funny accent. I'd listen to his opinion on important issues!
He did WHAT?
That's really really cruel.
it's in his autobiography along with his weird fascination for "marrying a kennedy"
Imagine being so sensitive that you cant take any criticism of your shitty president without crying about it.
Trump is a fucking idiot. A good message to the left, but still a fucking idiot
talking shit about Arnold
honestly this is the average sort of girl i wish i had been having one night stands with in college
nothing really noteworthy about her but it would be a good night of feeling like you're normal. i'd almost rather bang her than someone objectively prettier because at that point you're like "ok you're banging me but you're out of my league, what's your angle"
with this girl you're like "ok shes just horny like me, we're both average. cool"
anyway whats this thread about?
whoa now. just because he's another moron repeating propaganda he heard doesn't mean he wasn't badass in predator.
forgive him. he knows not wut he do.
Even with roids he had a pretty astonishing physique and also managed to become a triple A movie star plus he held a governmental office (Cuck California granted). "cheater" or not the dude fucking raped the game. Also the cope
based burr. That was before he got cucked by his feminist black wife.
>crowning achievement is being President
Obama was president too
Not very impressive
Mike Katz masterrace reporting in
Arnold, the fucking shill for the most corrupt elite group in the world
Stick to BB Arnold and the rest of you, you dont know shit about reality
Fucking assholes like you deserve the electric chair. Kys degenerate Donald is the GOAT and he's right. America's too pussified under Obama and he's deliberately creating a vaccum for other world leaders to takeover.
Fixed that for (you)
I'm sure bombing the shit out of Syria is doing wonders for the stability of the Middle East
Nigga, of course he bends the knee, that’s what you do when you get that high up the ladder. He conquered Hollywood, he was a politician, to be given that much you will obey your masters.
You’d bend the knee too or end up dead or the latest “sexual harassment” scandal. You’re there as a microphone for the people that made you and nothing more.
stfu faggot
Wow he insulted god emperor Trump I can't believe anyone ever idolized that beta cuck basedboy
>Drumpfaggots are so upset that their cuck Russian lapdog is hated by other Republicans that they try to emasculate one of the worlds greatest body builders
When willl you fags neck yourself?
He had a physique that set the bar, and he mogs most of the losers on Jow Forums in his old age. Fuck his gay ass opinions, but you cannot deny he was aesthetic as fuck.
>Celebrity says something I don't like
Where the fuck are the mods. Go back to your fucking board.
oh his wife is fine and she knows how to shoot the shit too , ya twat
ruined his podcast chiming in all the time.
How many of you that are hating on Arnold even lift?
Arnold may be left leaning, but at least he's stuck to his guns all these years, unlike cadet bone spurs who jumps around on anything based on popular demand
>Chad who served in military
>Came to merica
>Made merica his bitch
>Cadet bone spurs
>Rich parents
>Got sorta richer
Arnold had an impressive body but he's just another celebrity, he'll go with whatever he thinks is the safer option to preserve his popularity and relevance.
Don't forget he was governor of California.
Its possible, but Russia is one of several countries that have the nerve agent. No real evidence it came from russia, let alone that it was a kremlin sanctioned hit.
Because he was told to act that way, to make it seem like Lou was an underdog good guy. Did you really think that "training is better than cumming" shit was real?
When I discovered that Arnold is a redditor
This antiRussia hysteria and Cold War propaganda is insane, and it's crazy how Democrats insectoid voter base has followed the pheromone trail set out by their brain bugs without so much as a question.
My enemies aren't the Russians people or government. My enemies are the party trying to turn the border into a revolving door and turning our streets into a war zone filled with violent BLM and antifa thugs. A party that has no morality beyond "what eva do wut feels good" and caters to lowest common denominator violent scum in bed with "intelligence agencies" who violate the constitutional rights of our citizens while murdering thousands overseas in manufactured conflicts and giving weapons to genocidal terror organizations on our tax dollars.
No Russian ever called me a deplorable.
He might be on steroids but it doesn't mean he's wrong about trump.
>using one spurs as an insult