These muscles won’t make her love u user

These muscles won’t make her love u user

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>she may be prettier than me but she can't deadlift more than me

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It's not the muscles, it's the determination to get them and to keep them.

>it's the determination to get them
litearally everybody on this site just say to drop her if she shows even the slight desinterest

That's right and I don't need a woman's love.

Jesus loves me more than any girl could. That's a foundation that never fails.

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The muscles aren't for winning her love. They're for revenge fucking.

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I need the sadness for lifting inspiration

The muscles aren't for the girl.
They're for lifting up the crushing pain when she leaves.

ah yes, and his tight holes also feel pretty realistic eh?

Wake up sheep!
Or better yet, buy a sheep!

And they’re right. If you consistently show a girl interest and she’s not returning it, you drop her and move on. You can’t manipulate the modern woman to love you. There are no tricks or special moves. It’s a does or doesn’t affair. You ask her to hang out, you be normal and friendly, you do it a few times, and if she’s still not engaging you after that, you admit to yourself she isn’t interested and move on.

exactly why I started brother

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Of course not. She was burned at the stake by those damn anglos nearly 600 years ago.

Try being handsome.

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>i lift for her

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I know, because she already loves me! :)

I shall give you wisdom. Shave your pubes, shaft hair, and ball hair. Your penis will grow 2 inches and it will boost your confidence.

This. If it is a tinder chick not responding after two days of chatting, don't get obsessed.

If you have been together for 5 years, it is ok to try everything and be a pussy for a year. You won't get happiness of beeing a cold edgelord to a girl who loves you.

Oh well. Only a retard would use lifting to get women or purely for therapy. Lift because its fun and cool to be a strong dude. If she ever come back: Ive learned its a bad idea to let a woman back into your life anyway that decided you werent good enough. Of she was that full of herself once, she wont ever truly change for you. She will just disrespect you again.

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