How often do you actually see somebody who has hit 1/2/3/4 in the gym?

How often do you actually see somebody who has hit 1/2/3/4 in the gym?

people act like that shit is common, but that's just becasue of what they've seen on social media. sure a 6 or 7 plate deadlift might look common if you only get fitness advice from social media, but in the actual gym how often have you seen it?

1.5/3/4/6 is massively strong, but many fitness sites especially plebbit would claim that that is just novice level at this point, it's like fucking dragonball with powercreep. I know three people who can bench over 3 plates and one of them basically only benches and has a 100kg deadlift and 120kg squat, the other two are well over 6 feet tall and are almost twice the width of a normal proportioned person

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Depends on what kind of gym you go to. I've been in 3 different gyms and have only seen one dude benching 3 plates. He was roided to the gills.

I do 1/2/3/4 for 5RM and normies lose their minds when they see me squat 3.5 plate. I'm close to a 4 plate 1RM squat and even the PTs get impressed like it's some inhuman act.

That being said, commercial gyms are garbage, avoid at all costs.

i can squat 6 reps for 3 plates once i get warmed up, but my knees are whats holding me back from that mog tier 3.5. especially the left one, ive been dialing it back to get the form down but i dont know man, dont wanna do squats cuz going up the stairs later that day and feeling my knees pop is shit.

Not often. I even went to a gym where it was mostly dudes in the weight room and most of them looked like they were on roids.

People seem to lose grip of reality when coming to the internet it seems. They see it so many times, then think it's normal.

This is why it's important to live in reality, not online. Probably also why so many people are mentally and spiritually out to lunch so to speak.

Besides the dl those numbers aren't crazy. In fact they're completely average and shouldn't take more than 6-8 months if you're not dicking around in the gym.

Start doing soft tissue work on the glutes, it band and the poplydius. That should clear up any knee and low back pain you're expierencing.

I go to a large state school (about to start my 5th year lol). Going to the gym whole time (not the athlete gym, thats a whole other ballgame). I've seen exactly three people benching more than 3 plates. One was a 7 foot club rugby captain. I just hit 2pl8 for 5x5, and there are only a handfull of other guys I've seen in the gym this summer doing that or more.

This could be true for 1/2/3/4 1RM, i hit it in few months of training from being a potato. But past intermediate is when results vary a lot from person to person.

guess 99% of people are just dicking around


>it's easy if you just work hard like me!
>oh, post body and stats? well uh that's not the point...

Sure I'll post pics when I get home from work.

Stats are from recent workouts and because 1rms are a waste of a workout.

Squat 10x3x385
Press 12x1x200
DL 15x1x405 (first time in years bc injury)
Rack pull 750
Power Clean 12x1x275
Bench 6x3x250, 8x1x275
Weighted dip 200bw+205x1

It's a rarer occurance for me to see people in the gym that can't hit 1/2/3/4 than can..

Powerlifting gym master race.

Forever weak and small because everyone is making all kinds of enhanced gains.

1/2/3/4 is not even a balanced weight

The real figure should be 1/2/3/3.5

Because a 140 Squat only equals to a 160 deadlift, not 180

Oh and I hit a 405 zercher out of the rack and a 545 partial zercher that I was proud of.

given that most people don't OHP or deadlift, never

depends on proportion, 100kg squat and 176kg deadlift


1/2/3/4 is arbitrary you cucks
A 5’6” manlet is never going to lift as much as a 6’ dude.
I have people comparing their lifts to mine even tho I weight like 25lbs less then them and they think they are objectively stronger, when in ratio bw:lifts they are weaker.


been going to the gym for 20 months now and still havent hit 2pl8 bench. has been pretty much stuck for the last few months even though ive gained weight consistently

Try throwing in heavy triceps assistance work. Weighted dips, close grip bench, jm presses and skull crushers on a decline are a good start.

And you might want to consider adding 100-150 BW dips or 300 pushups every couple of days. Preferably in a separate am work out if you can manage it. I did that for a few weeks and my press and bench shot up like crazy.

Its pretty damn rare IMO.
In a random city McGym ~1 in 100 is there or above.
In a special powerlifting/athletics gym, still like only 1 in 10. Youd think thered be more.
In a uni gym at a good sized uni, like 1 in 50.

To toot my own horn, I reached a 225 reps max of 20 for bench, a 210 lb X 1 and 185 lbs X 3 seated military press. DL potential is unknown. Did manage 405 for 6 after four months of training. 365 X 5 squat before I quit BB squatting and DL for good. Back acted up cuz I was an idiot about proper recovery from when I got minor injuries when I was pulled into crossfit. but thankfully it never go so bad I needed to go to a hospital. I never did like powerlifting style training or 1-rep maxes. I tended to ask some of the football players what the head coach had em doin or Id chat with the rugby players. I would say for me it was a mix of good genetics, keeping my routine simple and pure but with some varience, and not doing stupid shit in my personal life I didnt need to.

Heres the thing. Most people have shit lifestyles (dont recover at night well or let other shit gang up in them they shouldve taken care of earlier), dont do necesarry research so as not to “look weird” (normies), eat like idiots, have no discipline, or most importantly they have bad/mediocre genetics.

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you are retarded, not because of crossfit, but to think that you need to do 1RMs to peak at powerlifting. Top singles are a rare occurrence on any serious training cycle

My old gym was relatively popular with guys that were into their powerlifting. They even had a blackboard of peoples 3 lift totals, there was about 16 people with over 1000lb total

t. lard

I go to a community centre gym and have never seen someone deadlift more than 3 plates or bench/squat more than 2 plate. Im sure there are people who could do more, but they dont for some reason. Someone was doing rack pulls with 100kgs yesterday.

meh, my diddly is 595 while my squat is 475. some people have a larger difference between those lifts

t. conventional puller

when all your knowledge is theoretical of course it sounds easy to hit 1/2/3/4. they're just calculating the progress a perfect SS routine would have, ignoring life and deloads and all the rest.

same here, do you have a huge wingspan? I have orangutan arms, i almost touch my knees when pulling sumo

would some body please explain those numbers?

1 plate ohp
2 plate bench
3 plate squat
4 plate deadlift

I lift at my local university gym, have been here for 1.5 years, these are out of maybe 200 people
1pl8 OHP: seen 4 guys so far
2pl8 bench: around 15 guys maybe
3pl8 squat: ~4 guys
4pl8 DL: ~9 guys

1.5pl8 OHP: Me and another guy (he looks bearmode at 5'11")
3pl8 bench: 3 peeps
4pl8 squat: 1 guy (the OHP guy)
6pl8 DL:(~3 at 5pl8)

meant to say 6pl8: 0 people
might be that on DL people are scared of snap city

the 5'6" manlet will have an advantage in pressing though. Stop coping little guy

in like 7 years in gyms,
1: basically never see anyone doing standing OHP, if they are they look like they browse Jow Forums. seen up to like 1.5pl8 seated presses and ~40kg dbs for reps big roided guys
2: common as fuck
3: uncommon but see it occasionally
4: rarely see heavy DLs, even big guys tend to just do like 3-3.5 for a ton of reps

I rep 1pl8 OHP in the 8-12 range and people look at me like I’ve just discovered fire

damn those are weak defenses

>soft tissue work

Could someone elaborate on this?

They are objectively stronger

they are stronger, they do lift more, wtf are you on about

I'm a powerlifter in a commercial gym so I'm at 1.75/3/5/6.

2pl8 bench is rare but I've seen a few gym bros do it.
There's like 2 other people I've seen do 3pl8 squat (full ROM) and only rarely see people deadlift but there's a few who can do 4pl8.
Virtually no one does The Press(tm).

rare? i barely see people squatting or deadlifting. i haven't ever seen someone doing OHP, saw a person squatting (not in the smith machine on baby weight) once and deadlifting twice

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>Everyone is exactly the same

I started out at a bodyweight of 110 lbs, I doubt that 6-8 month can get me to a 225 lbs bench press. I mean how much weight and more importantly muscle can you even gain in that time frame.

My gym has an absurd number of strong people in it. A 4pl8 squat is nothing special here.

>been here for years
>never found out what the fuck these numbers mean

1 plate is 1 x 45lb on each side of the barbell
the numbers mean:
1 plate deadlift
2 plate squat
3 plate bench
4 plate over head press

>4 plate over head press

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1pl8 is 20 kg and you only count half of the bar due to moment arm. So
1pl8 = 20+10 = 30 kg
2pl8 = 2*20+10 = 50 kg

the only part thats even remotely seen here is the 2plate bench.
the occasional big guy does between 80-120kg bench for reps. no one ever 1reps.
The other lifts are rare af already, never seen anyone go heavy.

thats why you take Jow Forumss standard with a massive grain of salt.

i lift in commercial gym in yurop and never see dudes bench 2pl8 or more, only like once in a blue moon a bodybuilder comes in and does that, deadlift i've seen 2 dudes pulling 3pl8 and squat is like below 2pl8 for everyone, usually I'm the one squatting 3pl8 or more cause I've strong legs and everytime people stare as if i'm a freak or something, i'm a manlet though
press is done with curls bars mostly


>spent the entire time thinking i was getting mogged by you fags because you were multiplying them by your bodyweight. ill take the ego boost.
1/2.5/5/? at 18 and 220 am i making it?

100% this.

Local neighborhood budget gym: 15 year old, grandmas, and the odd 40+ angry dude doing everything (read: yeah, literally everything) wrong.

Strength gym: Everyone jacked. People working together. People considerate, actually talk to each other. Things in their right place. People put weights/bars/plates/bells back. Everyone serious. Equipment is Olympic quality. Multiple deadlifting platforms, squat racks, benches. Everything oiled, cleaned. PTs listen to your goals, it's more of a conversation with them about what you want and how to get it than them going through a 4 week course to regurgitate the same program to every single person who walks through the door.

Join a real gym, user.

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How tall are you? I’m 6’2” with huge femurs and am convinced most people posting 1/2/3/4 instead of your proportions are simply manlets

>can squat 110 kgs 8 reps 3 sets
>can barely bench 65kgs for same amount
Feels pretty fucking bad, my chest looks decent, but i feel so fucking weak.

Nah, you just go to a shit gym. All of those numbers are achievable in 8-10 months of anybody starting from nothing.

Either you squat too high or your bench form sucks

not him but same 1rm, 310lbs squat 350lbs deadlift and I'm 5'10

This. Been lifting since December. First couple months couldn't figure out DL conventional stance. Stumble on sumo a few months in. Few months later figure out correct way to conventional. I'm currently at 350 (counting bar) and I'm confident I'll get to 405 within the year. But i have only really done conventional DL for 3 months or so.

is 1/2/3/4 1rm?

Doesn't matter. If u do it for 1 because a month or 2 later you'll be doing it for reps....

I don’t really watch other people in the gym, just focus on doing my own thing. Do you really stare at other people while they work out?

>8-10 months of anybody starting from nothing
Maybe you're an average American fatso

most highschool football programs have some guys hitting 295 bench and big guys with 350 bench
Also the squat form is absolute garbage but they have kids hitting 335+ squats for reps frequently

Absolute newfag to lifting here, what does 1/2/3/4 mean?

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there is an answer in this thread already

Mfw the guy giving advice can't even spell popliteus correctly

How am I doing?

Been lifting since the end of march

>Bench press - 60kg 3x5
>Squat - 85kg 3x5
>Deadlift - 100kg 1x5
>OHP - 32.5kg 1x5

My OHP is really shit in comparison to everything else, I feel let down by it

lifting 1 plate means there is a 45lb weight on each side of a 45lb bar
1 plate ohp = 135lb
2 plate bench = 225lb
3 plate squat = 315lb
4 plate deadlift = 405lb

I split my time bouncing between four different gyms in a 70 mile radius and in 6 months of going consistently at different times of the day:
>never seen anyone do lmao1pl8 The Press™
>seen a handful of people with 2pl8 bench, most are 1.5pl8 or less
>seen one dude squat 4pl8, maybe five others do 3pl8, most stay at 2pl8 or slightly above
>never seen anyone do 4pl8 diddly, hardly see anyone deadlift at all

What program?

>counting the bar


What if I can squat 4 plates on a smith machine. What would that translate to on a normal free bar squat

Are you a small guy?

impossible to say, u probably can't even squat properly if you only did it on the smith machine, so 0kg I estimate


That’s like asking how your Lat Pulldown translates to pull-ups. You just gotta go try it out and see for yourself.

I used to do 2 plates back in high school, haven’t had opportunity to use free bar since then.

The trick is volume user, I went from an average bench volume of 6k lbs per session to doing over 10k yesterday and for the first time in many months I feel it

>be manlet
>tree branch falls over oneitis
>try to lift it off her, fail
>6'1 chad walks over and hoists it off, carrying her into the sunset
>h-hehe jokes on him, i'm proportionally stronger

I go to the local YMCA. Nobody OHPs 1pl8, about 5 people can bench 2pl8, 4 of us can squat 3pl8, have never seen anybody deadlift 4pl8 although I’m sure this one guy could.

I (temporarily) live in a shithole pajeet country and literally nobody lifts heavy, they just do high reps shit.

That's because everyone at the YMCA is a down low faggot trying to cure HIV with exercise. Dont expect any of those walking corpses to be strong

So tonight I did 10 reps of 1.5pl8 bench press than went to 1.75pl8 and failed after 3. Wtf? I gave myself about 1min 30 break. Than I deloaded to 1pl8 and smashed out 12. Please any advice on why I only managed 3 would be great.

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Intermittent strength disorder. It's a symptom of HIV.

This, some faggot probably bled onto a bar you used.

Make some lifestyle gains user and move back to the first world.

Oh I will, just a few more months to go.

I used to go to a small medschool gym and the guys that would go there from the medschool, PT school, nursing school, etc were fairly competent. sure, most people were novice level and were fucking around with dumb meme exercises, but there were also guys who I become friends with who were doing olympic lifts and actually competing.

>Rack pull
whats that?

> 6’1” #230 20 yrs


Get mogged

Basically the upper half of a deadlift.

1.5/3/4.5/5.5 checking in

T-t-thanks guys. I'll just go an hero into a cop

I go to a commercial gym. I'm not even at 1/2/3/4 and I'm probably top 3 in strength if not plainly the strongest guy there. I wish there was a powerlifting gym at my city.

nice dude

For ohp try using a suicide grip. Since switching over a year or two back I haven't reverted to a normal grip - it's so much better.

Also make sure you've taken a deep breath before every rep and that your whole body is taut the whole way down and up, then breathing out and back in at the top, much like a squat.

There are plenty of people in my gym that deadlift over 600lbs or Bench 405+. I don't know the exact Numbers but i would guess 15-20 people at least. And it's just a shitty commercial gym. I think the real answer to OPs question is, it's never good to have an ego about your Lifts because there is Always someone who outlifts you.