Skin health

ITT share tips for clear healthy skin

>hermit mode
>mild case of blackheads on nose
>go outside and sunbathe for a while because realise I'm probably vit D deficient at this stage
>being in the hot sunlight literally melts my blackheads away
anyone else experience this?

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i'm in the same situation as you except that i haven't sunbathed yet, how long did it take you until they melted away?

I have these too. They're spreading to my forehead. I've got face scrubs but I never use them.

I have these but not as bad because I wash my face regularly

So you're saying the sun is actually helping your situation?

got mild blackheads on the nose, really fun to pop them

Here, instead of anecdotal evidence I'll just show you what normal people use to get rid of blackheads. It's so satisfying, you just wet your nose, put a nasal strip on for 10 minutes, rip it off, and like 20+ disgusting blackheads come off at once.

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I had heard shit like this was a rip off

Exfoliating scrub
Charcoal scrub
Always use sunscreen during prolonged sun exposure

Bullshit, this stuff didn't do anything for me. It's infuriating because my skin is perfect aside from my fucking nose.

just get the generic one from target or costco they're really cheap and you'll be really glad you did

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I use these sometimes. Unless you really have blackheads, these are just pulling out the oil/sebaceous filaments. It works, but they come back in a about a week or so. Not possible to get rid of, as they form in your pores

How the FUCK do I lighten my skin?
I've tried everything but nothing whitens my elbows or knees...

White house paint should do the trick

Asian detected.

Mine are a little more minor than those but I'll give it a shot I guess

korean shops have masks that whiten the face. Try find some cream there that does the same


Damn how did you know...

I'll look for one, hopefully in a couple weeks everything balances out.


>Damn how did you know...
Because Asians are the only people who buy skin whitening shit, you guys are fucking weird.

Not true at all. Indians do it a lot. It helps to make you appear as though you are in a higher caste than you are.

Go vegan, it made clogged my pores dissapear in a matter of week and lost 0 muscle.

~1hour but I suppose it depends on the temp where you are, we're in winter now but I've done this in summer before (Australia) and it was way more effective

yeah seems like it

you can shove that up bioré ass

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ive heard these things enlarge your pores if you abuse them


bigger issue is that by removing the sebaceous filaments you're inviting bacteria into the pore, which causes more issues than just leaving the filament in there in the first place.

sure it did you fucking gains goblin

jesus christ

Why would you want to make your skin lighter?

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How the FUCK do I stop my face from getting red after I shower? Every morning after I shower my face looks slightly red and my complexion looks awful for at least 2-3 hours.

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For skin

> Omega 3
> Vitamin C
> Vitamin D
>l tyrosine for skin color and acne improvement


>Lay a tarp on the ground
>Apply generic anti-acne solution to the tarp
>Lay down on the tarp and slide your back all over it until satisfied
Do this every day for a while and you'll be golden.

This is nightmare material

maybe your soap is fucking your shit up

Someone on Jow Forums told me that they could be a consequence of having hot showers, as the hot water usually first hits the upper back - exactly where the acne grows.
I've started taking lukewarm showers and some time later my back acne disappeared.

Of course, correlation =/= causation, but it won't hurt you to try.

>cut out sugar
>cut out dairy
>taking zinc
>washing back with only water
>not touching face except to wash it
>still have nose blackheads and tons of back zits 3 weeks later

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>salicylic acid
>benzoyl peroxide
>change your pillow covers nightly
>wear a clean shirt to sleep in every night

use cold/cool water when you wash your face mabye

>Be weird teenager
>Don't treat my skin well because that's what normies would do
>23 years old
>Still have scaring from my teenage years

How do I treat them, Jow Forums?

no. tried vegan 3 years, did nothing.

details? how much sun exposure exactly? what time of day? sunscreen?

mine are awful and i'm pale as shit but I will try this if it has a chance of working.

1 hour just the one time?

Jesus. I only ever have a few barely visible dots on it

Go to a doctor, some creams work really well

Are you sure they're blackheads? Have you ever squeezed one out? If it was soft and squishy when you did then it was a subacceous filament, which are entirely normal parts if your skin and shouldn't be squeezed out.

These fuck your skin up. You're just leaving massive pores in your skin that will be filled by oils, sweat and dead skin and get bigger and bigger. Do not use these. Just exfoliate.

how many fucking pillow covers do you have


stop putting chemicals on your face everyday and eat healthy. only in the west you see this shit

Pot scaring is forever. If it's blood stuck in the skin like a tattoo, you just have to wait.

My skin feels smooth (around my cheeks mostly) but they are red and a little pimply. Am I fucked bros?

shitskin detected

Red face is a sign of super high testosterone. Embrace it.

thats a very spesific answer for not being a shitskin

wrong it's genetic


>sebaceous filaments

Explain further, please. You can't just use big words like that without some elaboration.

I'm just like you, except I know my shit on these matters a little more.

Ya got rosacea look it up


Lol, just use a search engine, you pleb

Since pillowcases exist in 3-dimensional space there are 2 sides and an inside
1 pillowcase=4 days

Copy paste of someone that knows more about this stuff. Enjoy boys :)

Don't ever get overweight. If you are, lose the lardio and don't get it back
eat variety of fuits and veggies
low stress activities(eg, low calorie diet or intermittent fasting, exercise, sauna)
don't eat big carb loaded meals
bioactive collagen peptides(verisol) + astaxanthine
go to a derm to get a retinol/retinoid
always use suncreeen(
search for "gut microbiota health". it is associated with better collagen
- Collagen can't be absorbed through the skin.

- Zit preventing/removing products are useless.

- Moisterisers are only needed if you shower too often (causing the skin's natural layer to wash away).

- UV light from the sun knocks electrons from the atoms in your skin, including the dna, which changes how it reacts. Which means your body needs to replace that skin cell. Your body can only replace so much skin cells before your skin will start to look old.

- High glycemic foods, dairy, sugars upregualte the production of IGF-1 which in turn causes excess sebum production, which leads to acne.

- Stress damages the skin because stress releases the stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol breaks up and damages the collagen inside the skin. High cortisol can also cause a series of other health problems (high blood pressure, diabetes, fatigue, etc).

- Skin damage by UV rays is cumulative and increases depending on how much you were exposed to the suns. When people are younger the skin can regenrate more easily but getting older the damage accumlates.

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Cant lose what you dont have

Why not?

Pale people can be goat tier so long as their skintone is clear and even

I have permanent rosy cheeks since the day i was born. feelsbadman

Anyone ever get a case of what I would call “red nose”?

It doesn’t happen often, but like once a year I’ll wake up with a red sore nose that isn’t a cold and has no pimples to speak of. All I can do is wait it out. Any ideas on why this happens?

Stop shilling your retarded normie "solution". is right, these are actually more dangerous than the result is worth and can lead to an infection in the "triangle zone", which is the area formed by the three points of the center of the bridge of your nose and the outer (far left and right) tips of your lips.

In addition to causing a higher risk of infection, long term use also has the potential to cause capillary breakage and will only serve to enlarge the pores and deform the skin in the immediate surrounding area.

The sebaceous filaments on your nose, like it or not, are NOT immediately correctable if you want to maintain any semblance of long term health for your skin. If you really want to maximize your results and minimize the damage to your skin, it would be much smarter to develop a consistent skin care routine and clean up your diet.

Is also correct, but please be careful on exfoliation. I know too many of you guys who use an abrasive scrub or exfoliate daily and all this does is damage the surface of your skin even further. A chemical exfoliant, such as a low% Alpha Hydroxy Acid or Beta Hydroxy Acid used every two days accompanied by a physical exfoliant (the scrub) 1x a week is more than sufficient.

>Non-foaming Face wash in the morning i.e. Cosrx Good Morning Gel Cleanser
>Moisturizer (moderate weight) on the face i.e. Cerave Lotion
>Moisturizer (heavy weight) on the elbows, knees and ankles i.e. Cerave in the Tub
>Sunscreen with SPF 50 minimum on face, 35 on exposed appendages

>Pine Tar Soap in shower (works for both shampoo and body soap, find a good paraben free conditioner that works for you if you need it)
>Salicylic Acid Wash on shoulders and break out prone areas
>Spot treat acne scarring and hyperpigmentation with 10% Glycolic acid every two days (chemical exfoliant)
>Light Weight Moisturizer (Cerave PM)

And don't forget to drink plenty of water

psoriasisfag here. sunhine and this stuff keep me looking mammalian

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no, fuck you. i want my broscience

the filaments on my nose are slowly going away since I started applying huge amounts of moisturizer with urea all the time. I've read that certain oils may work even better, getting one soon.

is almost correct, some effects of the scarring are irreversible but plenty can be done to mitigate it and return you some normalcy.

Microdermarolling these areas will help to restructure the skin by forcing it to heal around any potting that is present. Upping your collagen intake and making sure you moisturize these areas will also facilitate the healing process. Check with a dermatologist about this, my area is more on preventing breakouts, controlling breakouts when they do occur, and repairing pigmentation damage.

I'm not a dermatologist but 5 years of playing doc for E-1s has definitely taught me plenty about what works and what doesn't for skincare.

What’s E-1?

broscience worked rather well for me so far.

That's great to hear! Urea itself is a very mild acid. As for oils, I cannot make any recommendations as I don't know your reactives or medical history, so I would advise on looking up some Korean skin care vloggers such as Liah Yoo who have a science-based explanation for how and why products work and can help you to make a better choice for an oil.

I will advise that you stay away from coconut oil; an obscene number of people I know have reacted poorly to coconut oil (think angry red, rough textures skin with painful closed comedomes) and it's just not worth it. Remember to spot test any new products on a non-visible area (inside of wrist and behind the ear are good, easily concealable areas for testing with similar skin to the face) for at least a week before regular use, if possible two weeks.


Well E1-E4, or in layman's terms Private to Corporal.

Former Naval Corpsman/Doc

This post was sponsored by Junji Ito himself

Which moisturiser specifically? Eucerin?

Worked and did me wonders. I wish it got rid of the pimples close to my mouth.

I used adtop creme from dermasence because it soaks in fast. I'll now try jojoba oil though because my creme isn't making them go away completely.

Not my copypasta but almost everything here is fucking spot on. I'll try and address each of these points in a little more detail so I can break it down Barney style for you.

>Collagen cannot be absorbed through the skin.
For all intents and purposes this is right because what little collagen CAN be absorbed through the skin will make you break out like a mother.

>Zit preventing/removing products are useless.
Almost completely right. The only exception to this rule is Hydrocolloidal bandages, which actually draw out the sebum and pus in closed comedomes and force pimples to come to a head much quicker. Cosrx Acne Pimple Master Patches are a great example of this (and extremely inexpensive), but these are pretty much the same as blister bandages which serve to draw liquid out of the affected area.

>Moisturizers are only needed if you shower too often.
This is a half truth- moisturizers are dependent on a variety of factors, including environmental variables. The same heavy moisturizer that you'd need while running around the northern territories in Canada in the dead of winter to stop your lips and face from cracking and bleeding will not be the same moisturizer that you use in Florida when it's summer and 95°out with a humidity index of 90%. Adjust your moisturizer for the environment. It should never feel like your skin is greasy* not should your skin feel tight or dry.

>UV Light from the sun & >Skin damage by UV Rays
This is 100% correct. Please, please use a good sunscreen guys. When you all finally make it, I guarantee you don't want to leave your qt heartbroken when she finds out you have stage 4 skin cancer. SPF 50 minimum on the face, SPF 35 everywhere else, and remember UVA and UVB radiation can penetrate cloud cover so the fact that it's overcast and rainy (looking at you, Britbongs) means nothing.

>High glycemic foods...
100% correct. Eat these foods in moderation or eliminate them entirely if you're that acne prone.

How long have you been using the cream? If it's sub 3 months, keep using it and don't add another external variable to the mix yet. You are not going to be able to make your sebaceous filaments disappear entirely. Try a face mask once a week before jumping to an Oil Cleansing method.

These strips quite often just pull out the sebum gland along with the blackhead/whitehead cap, which is why there's so many little dots on them (the one in the photo is a particularly bad case of blackheads however). Constantly pulling out that gland and forcing it to regrow gets it inflamed and the pores get bigger, which then start trapping more sebum and making it worse. You just feel good for a short while because all the oil and glands are stripped out and the top layer of skin is removed, which feels clean and fresh, but over time this makes your skin dry and can make it flaky. Not to mention it's a disposable product so you have to keep paying for something you could do for free, indefinitely, creating tons of waste, because they're designed so that you keep needing to buy more.

Much better to gently scrub your face in the shower and moisturize with a simple moisturizer afterwards, every day. Also wash pillows often, drink lots of water, go outdoors and get some sunlight, eat less dairy etc. All those things reduce the amount of oil your skin produces and keeps it hydrated.

Stop taking fuckhot showers. Heat facilitates bloodflow and I'm going to guess you're so white the moon could give you sunburn, which means that the flushed effect you get is even more pronounced. I can guarantee that the temperature that you're subjecting yourself to get that flushed complexion is also too high for your hair and is doing nothing but forcing the sebum production in your skin to skyrocket to compensate for whatever gets scorched off in the shower. If your skin feels "tight" and "excessively clean" (think cartoon style clothespins at the ears to tighten your face up) then you're being far too aggressive on your skin.

>Eat less dairy


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You dumb fucking boot you were doing so well until you got to "scrub your face in the shower... every day."

Everything else is spot on but I'm going to work as hard as I can to dispel the myth around scrubs and physical exfoliants. These are the skincare equivalent of sandpaper; if you get your regular lotion and then added some fine sand to it, that's essentially what the scrub is. By drawing these grains/abrasives across your face, you only create more, deeper damage that your skin has to work even harder to repair.

I'm not even going to touch on the environmental impact of the plastic microbeads found in Neutrogena's garbage lineup.

Chemical exfoliant, every 2 days post-night cleanse and pre bed (these increase the reactivity of your skin to UVA/UVB, so sunscreen use is a must even if you're a wagie), and physical exfoliant 1x week, and be gentle while you do it.

Certain dairy options are far better than others. Nonfat Greek Yogurt vs. Shitty Office Secretary Yoplait, low sugar added Skyr vs that garbage chobani with the flip to add chocolate chips, Kefir vs Bulldyke Activia, etc.

Consistent yogurt intake (WITH NO ADDED REFINED SUGAR) is excellent for your gut bacteria. If you can't bear the taste of Skyr or Greek Yogurt as it is (fag) then add some fresh berries or fruits for the antioxidant boost.

>be unifag
>summer holidays
>go home to parents house
>hardly any meat in the house
>no fish or fruit
>just carbs and snacks
>ask them to buy some decent food
>get angry at me for insinuating their crappy diet is crap
>skin gets loads worse and body fat goes up
the woes of living in the middle of nowhere. The most annoying thing is that theyre always on some stupid meme diet which they cant even follow so I dont know why they get offended when I bring this up.

These are bad for your skin

They are, all of the little spots on your nose are not blackheads, they're called sebaceous filaments and they play an important role in distributing your body's naturally produced oils to your face. If you remove them regularly you will absolutely fuck up your nose, you shouldn't even try to remove them once because all of the little holes left behind will fill up with shit that shouldn't be in them and then you'll get actual blackheads.

If this came off a nose the person who did it is a retard

I bet you're pretty cute

Anyone got any experience using borage oil?

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Your nose is becoming tanned and darker so they're less noticeable, they're not "melting away'

Unironically go to r/skincareaddiction
Really helpful information and guides yo my skin is poppin

jojoba oil my dude

just.. don't eat the shitty food. better to eat nothing than junk. no one's forcing it on you.

Indians are Asian too, dude.