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>I am looking for a hot man, possibly a model, who makes AT LEAST six figures
Holy shit I knew fat people were delusional but this is too much

What's this??
I can't imagine what that looks like.
I'm imagining those collars from football shoulder pads but made out of fat.

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>manlets will never know the pleasure of a Plus Sized Princess
When will they learn?

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The day Belle met a real Beast

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The body was laying down on it's back

>this princess wears running shoes

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fat people xrays makes their fat shoulders and backs look like pauldrons

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>fairly successful
>has a job and pays bills
Is this the fucking standard of success to someone? $10 says she's a receptionist.

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The funny thing is that NYC sanitation workers get paid a lot more than you'd think, I remember reading an article over the winter of a pair of garbage workers that made 6 figures when you factored in their overtime.

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>that forehead hump

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>Caloric content
>Caloric content
>Summer is coming
>They're really just saying things
>Informing people of facts is offensive

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>Informing people of facts is offensive
Welcome to the modern day, friend.

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I remember informing my sister that her 'coffee' drink was 400+ calories and had double the recommended amount of sugar by WHO in the drink alone. That did not go over well, which is funny because we were buying groceries and talking about all the healthy foods we bought

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Anyone got that screencap of Google being forced to get rid of their 'calories lost while walking' app because it was fatphobic?

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>Spend 5 minutes at the gym
>"Can't lose weight, muh genetics"
>50,000 Likes, 100,000 Retweets

she isn't even fat

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Enjoy the OC

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I don’t get it. Did they meet? Is the fat guy calling some other guy fat?

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Gotta love /v/ at times.

are you blind

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The absolute state of potatoes

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she has big thighs and I wouldn't call her skinny but she's not fat. I think you're missing the point of FPH

That's actually awesome bulking food. Look at all these proteins and fat.

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american detected

This is your brain on America

Somebody has high expectations

real thread

there was a picture yesterday in a fph thread about some fat girl who said she didn't believe that dieting worked after she tried a diet for 3 days and just gave up

I'm british and 116lbs

>only 5 inches taller than me

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Why is /v/ of all places surprised they have fat fucks among them?

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Based korean pastor

But NYC is expensive right?

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That woman obviously doesn't run

They shouldnt have apologised

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>he like everything else, but my looks, which I cannot control

That's literally the only thing you can control about yourself.

I doubt she could even follow my daily cardio routine even once.

There is literally no way this is accurate unless they just replaced the potato flesh with fucking butter.

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Is this the one that died last year?

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Fuck Milo.
Anti American piece of shit.

Google embrace that shit, read up on james damore being fired.

Tumblr is a bigger cancer to the internet then Jow Forums is
That's saying alot

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I picked up a tinder chick this weekend. All she had was a face pic, but I managed to find her facebook because the dumbass put her full name on tinder. She looked thin, androgynous and cute in her FB pics. I picked her up and this bitch was 50lbs heavier. We hung out for a while, went swimming. I was trying to find an escape route. She commended me on not trying to fuck her right away. A little later I just came out and told her I wasn't interested.. She had this horrified shocked look on her face. "this.. this has never happened to me before" It was an awkward 25 min drive back to her place. Really regret not just peeling out and leaving when she came to my car

I'm so hungry right now


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look mom that's the photo I made yesterday woooo

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what kind of person posts this on craigslist? Literally 0 self awareness

Lol. The cake flasher.

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>going to church to meet chicks

That was his first mistake

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You and your imaginary tumblr army?

It hurts to see weak willed people

Nah, they're just different types of cancer

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I hate the fact that clothes are more and more cut for obese people, even in smaller siezes and sports clothing.
I can fit my fist with room to spare between my waist and my jeans, but my quads are skintight, and I'm not even doing that much for my quads.
Same goes for T-shirts, either as wide as a tent or too short


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He does less harm than the fat acceptance movement

You have to buy mid-range designer brands. They are still tailored for fit people. Hilfiger and Armani jeans fit me perfectly.

It's so funny when 25 year old women have the upper bodies of 60 year old dads. That's the exact moment where the self-hatred should really kick in. It's incredibly fascinating how it usually doesn't.

>zumba instructor

That's a lie. She ate the original instructor and stole the jacket.

>be me, have a thing for alt/punk girls at the time
>Have v8 Monte Carlo is, red new motor
>Very very recognizable car
>Qt3.14 goth girl starts hitting me up on Myspace(oldfag)
>Let's hangout
>Proceed to pick her up in my Monte Carlo
>Drive be the location to pick her up, literal land whale beached on a bench
>Goth attire
>Go back home
>Phone begins blowing up
>YOU DITCHED ME1111!!1!1!1
>MFW looked nothing like her pics
>Shit talked me for like a year on myspace

Attached: download.jpg (259x194, 7K)

You did nothing wrong

good job user here's a (you) for your trouble

Literal brainlet on the fatty

>Dark red oily substance pouring out of your asshole
Does being fat give you super-piles or something? That's some horror story shit right there.

this could be eye-opening but there are too many medical terms. if they turned it into a public awareness ad it could open some eyes

looks like a trannie

>we have enough resources and equipment to deal with obese patients

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LITERALLY how is this possible

> stumble into here on the way to /fat/
> oh
> oh god
*skips /fat/ straight to /fast/*