What's the point of natty lifting? No matter how much you eat or bust your ass, a retard on 500mg test who lifts 30 minutes a day and eats junk will mog you
And there are no sides to that little test
What's the point of natty lifting? No matter how much you eat or bust your ass, a retard on 500mg test who lifts 30 minutes a day and eats junk will mog you
And there are no sides to that little test
I keep hoping somebody at the gym will try to sell me steroids. I would definitely take test because I'm probably pretty low
testicular atrophy is a thing. if you plan to stay on 250mg/week or so, you will need some hcg and other stuff to keep your balls a respectable size and to keep you from going sterile.
>tfw no vamp gf to suck the blood out of my cock
You can still be stronger and faster than the bloated wannabee bodybuilder on gear.
There's a couple of juiced guys at my gym but I've never seen them bench more than me.
They're too busy doing isos and chasing pumps in their delts.
what's the point of lifting when it's about the face
easy come easy go
the side effect is your body stops producing test and ur forced to take roids forever, because the moment u stop all those gains will vanish
My wilks is almost 500 and I’m natty and about 15% body fat. I don’t see the reason to roid when I’m still making gains and I’ve only been lifting for a few years
>tfw huge balls and low test
feels fuckin weird because this is the opposite of what I should be
my brother has even huger balls and he's hairy as fuck. I'm barely hairy it don't make no got damn sense.
>What is PCT
tfw smol balls
dunno about test, not a lot of hair on me, but not even my grandpa had it or dad. Yet both were/are chads.
>And there are no sides to that little test
That's actually a lie.
I have no idea where the 500mg is the basic dose for beginner thing comes from.
I've seen no science backing it, no well known well studied lifters explain why
It's just tossed around and agreed upon.
That is full balls shut down stunt your endocrine system and growth if you are still growing levels of gear.
Any amount over....200-250mg is supposedly highly suppressive and you'll have to fix any estrogen problems that pop up as well as take hcg to keep the balls functioning and keep them from shrinking.
The amount that isn't super suppressive and can make you feel better and help build in the gym as well is....80-150 mg every week or two I believe.
So can anyone enlighten me.
The upside is that you're not a slave to a drug and don't need to worry about fucking around with your body chemistry or purchasing/acquring roids and other necessary drugs to go along with them.
just imagine that some people lift solely for the purpose of feeling better and being healthy with looks being just extra
stop being a faggot OP and see the bigger picture
Your body dysmorphia is clouding your judgment. First, you have a skewed perspective of just who the competition is. Walk in to a few bars some time or around the grocery store. Look at the other men walking around. Look at the ones who have wives and GFs. Notice anything? Like 99% of them are skinnyfat DYELs and fatasses. Lifting at all, keeping even an "athletic" build (which is very doable natty), literally puts you in the top tier of men as far as body goes.
The other thing you need to know is that men care about other men being yoked way more than women do. Women mainly care about three physical things: Face, height, and abs. If you've got these, you win. It may not be fair, and you may protest that you squat way more than the lean male-model type guy and could totally kick his ass, but to most women that doesn't matter. On an instinctual level, they weight facial aesthetics, height, and leanness as better indicators of fitness than mass.
You can look really good if you have good genes, work hard, and have low enough bf
human body produces a50-70mg of test/w
you're full of shit, never injected and shouldn't be giving advice on steroids
and ball shrinkage can't be helped with hcg, they will always shrink, but hcg will keep them producing test and sperm cells
your body will shut your test production with any exogenous amount of test, 500mg is a very good dosage for good gains with zero sides besides balls diminishing and occasional gyno if you don't take the AI
test only gives you problems above 1g/w
Your dick and balls will work later on in life.
Finally someone giving good advice
>Not lifting for yourself
>Having any pride in roid gains
Not everyone cares about being the "best" by others standards, user.
Point me to a single solitary fucking study that backs your shit.
Just one.
>They're too busy doing their gf and chasing Stacey in her underwear.