/Neck gains/

Ok, here is the situation, i've explained the neck pill to my gym buddy, he says its a waste of time. my neck went from 14 inch to 16.5 by doing neck curls, he still doesnt buys it.
>need pictures of the neck pill, the before and after ones, i know you have them in your collections you cheeky bastards, NOW POSTEM!

Attached: neck7.jpg (210x240, 5K)

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Neckpill is a waste of time, thickening my neck has ruined my jawline


you never had a jawline then

That doesn’t make any sense you retard.

Tell me that this guy's jaw doesn't look sharper with a thinner neck

Attached: 93zZV16.jpg (1338x644, 175K)

dude, you never had a jawline, mine looks way better, i use a short trimmed beard plus the thiccker neck i look hella better

fags who lift for women need to take the /neckpill/ and realize that women are attracted to a thick neck, back, and forearms. everything else is peacocking to impress other guys.
its more noticable because of his thin neck, but his jaw is still the same. it just isn't the only impressive thing on his head now with a good and thick neck.

>neck curls

Or you could just lift normally and develop your neck that way without looking like an acoustic.

Like what, retard? You could pull 700 with a 13 inch neck

Whats the difference? If someone is lacking in a certain area they can do isolations

isolations are only good for your arms, traps and neck, for everything else they are a waste of times and will only promote injuries

Nah I'd much rather keep all these gains to myself and keep you all confused and uncertain. Maybe I'll start selling my neck program at some point.

Take notes from Corpsegrinder and Corey Taylor and headbang like not-pussy

Attached: necc.jpg (480x480, 42K)

What size neck does Jow Forums have?
can you increase neck size?

I agree with this statement

Attached: ayy.jpg (480x360, 9K)

just look up when you deadlift, to the point you can feel your neck somewhat straining.

It doesn't?

V taper and abs are good too.

What are the best exercises to build your neck?

looks like a childs neck


a good balance isnt bad but you cannot overdo it. it also takes away from your shoulders

kek idiot, it literally looks sharper with the bigger neck

ITT: necklets

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is it a bad idea to train neck everyday?

Here OP

Attached: neck progress.jpg (1280x1280, 709K)

what are some good exercises for the back of the neck?

Attached: neck.png (568x377, 7K)

Did you really need the picture m80?

Here you go buddy

I guess


This is basically/thread

but i'd like to point out that the neck bridge is king in terms of growth. hanging your head off a bench and curling a plate didn't do shit for me, but as soon as I started doing neck bridges my neck blew the fuck up. Went from 15.5'' to 16.8'' (17.5' with a pump) in about 3 months.
Neck bridges bro. youtube it.

Attached: wrestler.jpg (500x522, 47K)

What is Jow Forums's opinion on neck bridges? A buddy that did wrestling in college swears by those and he has a huge neck, but I've heard they cause problems in the long run?

looks like the starfish from spongebob

looks like a gremlin

What does Sleep apnea mode look like?

Jaw and face look better with thicker neck, are you baiting?

Can cause sleep apnea if you go too hardcore, no amount of pussy is worth that. Just because you can get a neck like Fred Flintstone doesn't mean it's worth it in the long run.

The only problem you'll have is sore dick from all the pussy you'll get