What is the best treatment fot pic related
What is the best treatment fot pic related
My swole hgh cock in your juicy balloon knot bb pls tell me u suk my fuk stupid bish
Im gonna fuck you so hard your ass pusy gonna give my cock a sock
Nowamean? Imonsaleen
Feeeenin fo dat biomechapucci SKEEEEEEEEEEEERT cum catch me
stop letting guys put their dicks in there
A doctor can drain it and patch it up
what is that
tea tree oil
Lots of fiber(Metamucil, benefiber, etc.)
Lots of water
Don't be an amerifat and use tissue paper to wipe, but get a bidet attachment and dab after cleaning with water.
>Lots of fiber(Metamucil, benefiber, etc.)
Or you know eat real food that is rich in fiber.
mods mods mods
Witch hazel, stand more, drink less coffee.
>mods ban some nigger for saying nigger
>mods don't ban this nigger who posted his cock
no fuck you over sensitive people
this is actually an important topic for people on a high protein diet who also squat hard
ive battled hemorrhoids before and they really really suck.
OP needs to start using baby wipes and cold showers after movements, no more dry wiping until its under control
also buy witchhazel wipes and a 5% lidocaine cream for pain and itching etc. ibuprophen helps too.
THE MOST SUCCESSFUL TIP is warm epsom salt baths at least once a day. you can also make an epsom salt sludge and smear it all over the pile and let it sit for 5-10 mins before your cold shower (burns like hell if you bled during the movement)
and like everyone else said, plenty of fiber and water. do not strain on the toilet. only go when you absolutely have to. try to not go twice a day.
>no fuck you over sensitive people
This. I really don't get people who come to Jow Forums to complain about nsfw pictures. Most if not all of you retards filtered through /b/ before you got here and now suddenly you became prudish?
Mods please don't ban me
I have a "strip" of raw wrinkly skin
Is this the beginnings of roids?
I tend to wipe dry and dont eat a lot of fiber so im a prime candidate.
Im having a hard time feeling out and determining whether its just skin or nodules forming. Does anyone else have this? Im too embarrassed to ask my doctor. Please help!
go see a fucking doctor you absolute mong
I think that's just the way that part looks cause it's closed up cause of the buttcheekks so no hair grows there
It feels bumpy or wrinkly
Is the skin just more elastic at the taint?
use roid cream
>too embarrassed to talk to doc
>not too embarrassed to make a thread on Jow Forums dedicated to butthole problems
Pick one mate and then harden up ya cunt!
Could be an anal fissure. Got one when I took a chit last month. It goes away if you use some cream but in your case looks like it's to the extreme brah.
>buy haemorrhoid cream
>wait until before you plan on showering to take a shit
>proceed to dump a tonne of heat but DO NOT wipe afterward - this will aggravate the roid
>jump into the shower and gently rinse out your filthy balloon knot
>get out of shower and apply haemorrhoid cream
Also, to prevent this from happening again in the future, make sure you and your boyfriend are sufficiently lubed-up before he jams his dick up your arse. A little foreplay with lube and fingering will help, as well. Think of it as a warm-up for your fuck-hole before the intense workout. And try not to strain too hard when you shart out his baby-gravy after the deed or you might prolapse.
How does one get hemmphroids lads???
Fast for a week and let it heal up. If you keep shitting and wiping, it'll never heal.
Fortunately for you, I'm an expert on this topic
1.Wash your asshole after EVERY shit with warm water and soup, then wash it with ice water for min. 2 minutes. YoU need to annihilate that rrhoid
2, dunno how it's called in english - Google says anal suppositories - you know, you stick that healing plug up in your fat ass - HOLD it there, your body will want to shit it out
3, drink lots of water
4, eat a lot of fiber
5, pray to god
6, if you're gay, stop gay
Thats fucked I remember when I got those I could barely sit without feeling pain
I used some kind of lotion
Theres also elastic bands
Worst case scenario you'll need surgery if those fuckers dont disappear
Can I use campbells, or is that too cheap?
Its different face to face user
And you know it
I remember I got them from doing too much abs and putting pressure on the abdomen like you do when you're shitting
I've had a mean jock rash the last week. Finally found a spray that is helping
Don't be silly. I was shitposting about mods b&ing a guy for saying nigger and not b&ing dicks on a blue board
I went to the doctor after having blood shits, she put her finger in my butt to check
Confirmed roid, gave me suppositories.
Good excuse to put things in your ass if you are into that
>no homo