Underbite vs overbite

Which is worse?

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I have an underbite, makes me look like I suck dick everyday. Still think it's better than having a an overbite though.

Id say underbite is worse for men, overbite worse for women.

Overbite gives you incel chin
Underbite gives you chad chin

Overbite gives you a weak chin and jaw.
Underbite makes you look like a retard.

Most people have an overbite, it's not that big of a problem.

Under-bite is a problem, and can cause damage, especially if you fall or someone punches you. Your jaw and chin is under constant tension as well.

quite the opposite.

overbite makes you look like you suck dick 24/7, this certainly looks better on a woman than a man.

yo senpai I've been adjusting my front jaw forward to where it's slightly in front of my upper jaw. Definitely helps bring out my jaw but am I fucking myself over in the long run?

>adjusting my front jaw

i prefer using the rear jaw myself


my bad meant to type lower jaw

It depends on severity. At moderate levels, overbite is worse because incel chin. At severe levels, underbite will make you look like a retarded bulldog/human lab experiment.

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Both are shit, only people who have them are poor people whose parents couldn't afford braces.

A slight underbite is attractive, an overbite emphasizes nochin.

I used to have an overbite of 7mm (pretty big) as a child, got braces and it’s gone now. Still didn’t have incel chin back then.

Incel chins aren’t even that common with overbites lol

How the fuck do you fix an overbite?

Isnt all this easily treated with braces?

>Have an overbit
>Still got a chad jaw
user 1 - 0 Jow Forums

I've got an overbite no chin faggot look. I will never make it.

I have an overbite with a chadjaw

You mad?

Damon system braces. It also expands your palate.

I have an underbite but my fat hides by chad sledgehammer jaw.

It's actually the exact opposite man.

Underbite makes you look retarded, but at least you can pull off the brutal orc look. Overbite makes you look like a feminine chinlet, but you can try to look like a vampire or a sabre tooth tiger.

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Me too brother. Master race

Underbite. Fuck, gonna share a little story with you guys. Came across this board 5 or so years ago. Looking at facial aesthetic threads etc and looking at my own I realised that something was off.

I went to see a private surgeon who told me I had an underbite and the top part of my face was narrower than normal. Told me it would cost 20k but referred me to the NHS where I waited for 5 years. Had SARPE surgery to widen my upper jaw and I'm near having double jaw surgery (most likely in January). Appearance has improved 10 fold....unfortunately im a 30 year old boomer and these things dont matter as much as they did.

Underbite is desirable in a man, makes you look like pic related

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The vast majority of people have overbites, it has been the norm in humans since at least the stone age.
Underbite is chad and is always considered more masculine.
Overbite makes your face look more infantile.

If you have recessed chin, you'll look like Neanderthal with fowards jaw, but chin still not being further than lips.

same, underbite looks so fucking retarded

t.guy with overbite projecting

an overbite makes you look like a chinlet
and underbite makes you look like a cave man
Id say a slight overbite isnt as bad as a slight underbite since its less noticeable and its normal to have a small gap between your teeth anyway.
Is anyone really ever happy with their face though?

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slight overbite (lower teeth touching back of upper teeth) is correct posture.

I have slight underbite and it looks good

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>not going for ork mode

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>it looks good
Hahahaha, no

No dude, see my post above. Get this shit corrected. As you get older your jaw may protrude further forward and it will become painful to eat and chew etc. Your face will look a lot better if you get it fixed. DO IT FAGGOT

I always thought it looked masculine

it makes you look pretty retarded, at least from the side
healthy teeth will always look best, very slight overbite is best

mr incredible is that you?

makes you look low iq, and not in the chad caveman kind of low iq

Is that a member of the Hapsburg clan?


just be confident bros

Attached: left guy has confidence.png (1273x663, 1.33M)

>claim underbite is superior

imagine being this retarded

yeah but no one actually looks like that fucking waste of space goblin on the left.