How different do people treat you now that you got Jow Forums...

How different do people treat you now that you got Jow Forums? Are they nicer to you and generally treat you with more respect?

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I still give off an unapproachable vibe so nobody talks to me still
Feels good man

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In general people respected me more
I became more confident in myself
Woman started to notice me way more now

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Women certainly find me more attractive and guys are less likely to bust my balls.

That's with strangers though, with people I know they get catty and passive aggressive. Sucks but it is what it is.

Something like this. People expect you to initiate the conversation and are very friendly if you do.

Women approach me a lot, never happened before. I was a deer in the headlights first time it happened

people actually love and trust me, even respect me.
especially younger kids, they run up to me to play and stuff, then comment on how strong i am.
feels really nice and bubbly

People say hello to me when I'm walking but because I wear in-ear earbuds my surrounding sound is muffled so I always squeak out an "ay" because I can't figure out how loud to pronounce a normal greeting.

No one wants to talk to a fat ugly person.
This is a fact, not trying to be mean. Ive been on both sides of the fence multiple times

nope, lost 80 pounds, everythings still the same, actually its worse desu, cause now i have a lot more insecurities and my "fun fat dude" vibe is gone

nobody actually likes "fun fat guys" they are more often annoying, secondly, when you put on muscle people will start treating you better, it's like a miracle

Nope unless you were a total whale who managed to get down to a respectable size most people will resent you because they can't stand seeing someone improving themselves.

Makes them feel bad for sitting on their arse all day eating doritos. Also in my experience the majority of women want a (mildly) obese slob so that they feel comfortable about themselves.

But fuck them because the right people will notice in time, have faith!

greentext pls

One thing I noticed was that the employees in clothing stores will chat with me now, both dudes and chicks.

I don't get bothered by chavs on the street any more which used to happen a lot. Friends now automatically follow my lead and stuff. Some guys who used to like me no longer like me
Women look at me now

Super jacked on good roids here

>When I rocked a shaved head men would avoid me like the plague, women would mire
>Grew hair out and erryone mires, some approach me and ask nutrition advice
>at work the skinny fat and fat bosses all seem to fear me and avoid me while they talk shit to all my coworkers
>people apologize profusely to me if they accidently get in my way

I’m not mean and I don’t bully, they just assume since I’m swole I’ll break them in two

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nothing changed for me

Lifting was the first thing I ever did that made me realise I could work hard at something and see results, as silly as that sounds. I think it's made me a better person, and people treat me differently in return.

People smile at me much more.

Other male friends are more passive aggressive.
One of my buds who I suspect is bi is now handsy, and I catch him staring at my dick area pretty frequently
Some of my friends gf’s blatantly start flirting with me, makes me incredibly uncomfortable
>be at small party
>not like a college party but a small get together, about 15 people, most of whom I know
>go to grab a beer and a tortilla chip bc craving
>gf of close friend comes up to me
>starts talking to me about Facebook and why I never post anything
>starts taking selfies of us “so I’ll have a cute girl to post on my wall”
>she’s probably just fucking around but she says “we’d make a hot couple”
>pats me on the ass and walks over to tipsy bitches
>her bf is just BertStaring at the whole scenario
>I feel like the worst friend, try not to think about it
>they break up two days later
There’s no way it was my fault or the reason is me, there’s got to be other problems there.
I’ve started wearing clothes that accentuate my features better and i get compliments but fuck I’m sure I’m awkward and don’t know what to say other than thank you.

I'm still 5'5" so I still get treated like a kid

I have a resting angry face and I think thats fucking me up
Im cute and all but I get the feel people think Iam unapproachable: girls always pass by me looking down and guys all forcibly deepens their voice and act more manly like they are afraid im going to call them faggot
I mean, Im chill and kinda autistic
How to look more approachable?
Walking with a goofy smile?

i once was 16 years old and weighted 135kilos
people rarely talked to me personally outside of school even tho i had a group of friends
now im 23 and weight 76kg still nobody really talks to me
its still all the same, im still in my room in front of my computer listening to sad music on most nights
wish i could just become a neet sometimes

not much has changed

and lately im starting to believe im a literal autist after seeing my nephew pick up girls like an alpha while im still a kissless virgin

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i second this. greentext now

>people apologize profusely to me if they accidently get in my way

Kek at all this humblebragging. Go fuck yourselves.

He's larping

I don't leave the house tb honest famalam

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the people that acted all masculine and abrasive are nice and quiet
women don't act patronizing
the effects are strange to describe but they are massive
i started lifting at 17 or something but was a auschwitz mode fag before and was kinda bullied but not really by this one dude that was older than me
the type of bulling that's verbal and slightly confrontational
to cut the story short i met the dude a couple of months ago or something and he was timid as a cat and didn't say anything except but a hello
before hand he would bust your balls even if he was in a hurry to get somewhere
ie he wouldn't miss out on a chance to demean someone
all in all being big is good and you should get big too

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>guy asks how people are being treated
>people answer
>be so insecure that it pisses you off

lmfao never gonna make it


how do you get people to aproach you
i have to try so hard to even get to know someone and even then they never seen to really try to get close to me

My mom noticed I put on upper body mass, but at 5'7.5" it's not like other women will be impressed, can't say I blame them.

Why are you even talking? Kill yourself.

150(68kg)lb-->200(90kg)lb lean
Strangers get out of my way, people are a lot more nice in general.
Men show me a lot more respect, especially in areas such as clubs where the assholes usually rear their ugly heads.
Women are a lot more approachable now, the ones I get with opnely mire my body and grope me, my current GF hid my clothes when I slept with her the first time so she could "look at my beautiful body longer".

I never trained for looks (do powerlifting programs) so these things were not important to me, but they nice.

Haha, well, if you insist.

>Me sitting in McDonalds
>Order a Big Mac
>Sit in a corner booth
>Near the booth, bunch of obese landwhales keep glancing at me
>I'm trying to eat normally, but later decide to leave
>Suddenly they all stand up and come forward, block my path
>"Where do you think you're going user?"
>They know my name
>I squeeze through all of them and go out the door
>Hear them laughing behind me

Not the user that you replied to but here’s what’s been happening to me since three years of lifting and doing cardio while also finishing my military service. Be warned, I type like shit.

> first of my own family noticed that I went from a normal built lad to become more lean and muscular
> mom was mirin and so was her friends
> girls at the gym started approaching me, not to talk but to do their workout closer to me. They probably smelled my sweat, but it did not bother them
> my friends that I didn’t meet until after my military service, noticed that I was ”being a big guy now” and wondered how many thots I had wrecked
> desu - I had only had a few gals coming and going, but made out with around 8 thots at clubs during a period of a year
> mom asking if I have ”met” any girls lately and thinks I am lonely
> explains that I have been ”meeting” girls but nothing seriously
> mom is mirin even more
> meet a few of her friends downtown
> she presents me as the good son that get mires
> so used to mirin that I now stop wearing tight shirts
> still wear them sometimes to remember the mirin

I used to be a /b/fag, now I get mires. Never give up my brothers. Do not waste your genetics

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Yes, I once looked myself in the mirror and thought "eww, what's with this grumpy ass face ?" Since I stoped frowning all the time I started feeling a little bit better

"Fun fat dude" why not be the regular fun dude?

Kill yourself.

Because he’s a walking gimmick and cringe incarnate.

People dont treat me like walking garbage, give me much less racism (only undertones now)

Learn to greentext faggot

Are you Indian?

East asian

White in zimbabwe

>more mires but mostly from gay dudes
>women seem to mire more but only if i'm in a good mood (which isn't often)
>my wife starting to feel up my chest and arms more, and is starting to get afraid of my ass because it's bigger than hers now.

that's all i can think of at any rate. pretty much everything else is the same.

Why settle for regular fun dude when you could be the handsome and fun man?

You deserved it.

eh, you'll get used to it. like anything else new and shiny it'll start to feel normal and not special. been lifting for a while now and i've grown into my new skin. thots will be thots, but having a nice body allows you to be more selective.

>not wanting to greentext is not knowing how to do greentext

I experience this too. Guy friends are more threatened by me and girl friends like me more. It feels ok but It also feels alienating.

Nah. You’re just a total fucking sperg.

Im at a point where im not dyel but not big, and I am getting noticed, but dont intimidate people yet. Lots of female attention, while males seem compelled to compete and try to assert dominance over me when they never noticed me before

I was with some of my Asian friends from college. I used to getbinvited to go hang with them regularly but in the past year Ir gone through a huge transformation attraction wise. Fitter and better face. Now his girl friends all throw themselves at me and our guy friends ignore me. It was do weird even an adult wife of some guy was openly flirting with me in front of her husband. Complimenting my skin tone and muscles and stuff. Made me uncomfortable for the guy but I guess it felt good.

Hail brother!


There are 3 groups of people that mires me the and the last one scares me
- gayfags
- milfs/cougars
- and pubescent teen girls
They look in a different way then gays and milfs; no lust or nothing of the type. their eyes become big and they just stare non-stop like they dont know whats going on, like a deer avout to be hit by a car
And some of them are cute and my dick gets warm and funny and I like looking back at them but im not a pedo help

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send them to me I am

This is literally a thread made for "humblebragging"
Wtf are u on about?

Gib pubescent gf

>tfw shaved my head
>tfw eyes are really sensitive to light so i squit a lot which for me looks like scowling
>everyone think im pissed and have a mission to do because when i walk i dont saunter around like a useless retard

People think im this uber serious dude on first meeting.

What kind of physique is needed to impress normtards? I lifted seriously for about 3 years, then gave up and just did calisthenics for past 2 years.
The only people who complimented me were kids, prostitutes, and my mums friends.
I don't know if I wasn't aesthetic enough, or if it just wasn't enough to made up for being a 5'3 ugly subhuman manlet.

Anything that makes you look bigger like shoulders, traps and arms

People cringe when they see you. You have issues and the average person can smell your edginess reeking off of you a mile away.

Unironically, is this enough? My traps, neck, shoulders, and forearms are still stick-thin, and those are the only muscles that really make you look bigger.
That photo was from when I still lifted though. Since then I've hindenberg'd up to 20% body fat.

Forgot the pic

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More traps a lot more and you would look like a beast even in clothes, also forearms, do your heavy deadlifts pussy

Homegym masterrace lost 45 pounds yet no one knows

I see too many manlets with this physique....

Nah. I think I look good and normie-ready and you can fuck off and kill yourself for all I care.

if it's someone i haven't seen in a while they might make small comments "wow user been working out" though even that is kinda rare; anyone in my life closer to me hasn't said much of anything. occasional random grill at the store or on street might smile but i'm too much of a spaz to say hi or smile back

Say hi you autistic fuck. Then tell her she looks beautiful then for her number.

Yes. It is that easy

“Hi. You look beautiful. Your number?”

Kill yourself, sperg.

>Woman started to notice me way more now
What do you mean by this? They just look at you more often when passing by? I do feel it too especially after I've worked on my walking, slowed down the pace, started holding my back straight and looking over people's heads.

once in a rare great while i might even say hi, but then have absolutely no idea where to go from there. last one to reply back i basically nope'd right out. not gonna make it, also 34 not a young lad like most on here. i have had gfs not a damn virgin but they usually force themselves on me when it happens.

baby faced master race

same i always looked like angry caveman

I was also shocked when I realized I sacrificed 3 hours (including road) 4 times a week for months to an activity that isn't gaming or shitposting.

Oh look it's Fat Kevin!

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how long did this take you? what your height kcal etc?

Gotten mires from parents, friends, and one girl who I convinced me to take my shirt off and flex for her.
The best though happened about a week ago when I was at the gym doing my push day, recognize a guy I haven't seen in abour a year and have gained 30 pounds since then.
>get off triceps pushdown w/ a mean pump and approach him
>hey Brad, long time no see
>holy shit, you got yolked user!

This came from a dude who played linebacker in high school & is fucking huge, that made my day. We're all going to make it, guys.

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Why doesn't under armor wojack open a window and get some natural light in his place? Natural lighting always makes a room feel better

that's the truth. people don't talk to me anymore

>u got Jow Forums? Are they nicer to you and generally treat you with more respect?
IS the other way around!
but only because i am a cold anger neurotic.

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Everyone thinks I am more confident despite me feeling that I am the same. I think maybe the change was so gradual over the last 4 years that I couldnt notice it. But everyone says I stand taller and prouder than ever before.

Also maybe because my posture improved as well. Could be just that.

>tice it. But everyone says I stand taller and prouder than ever before.
what about the improved breathing?, that always reminds me that i have made some progress.

ppl conclude im stupid from just looking at me, i have a masters in chem eng : (

>i have a masters in chem eng
And? That’s cool that you have a really easy major with one of the lowest entry barrier IQs of all STEM majors, but what does it have to do with your post?

Highest is? Guessing Phys or Math

A few things I've noticed:

- More people call your sir.

- Not having to wait in line at the bar, grocery store, etc.

- People get out of your way when walking through halls at work.

- Don't have to pay your tab at small clubs.

- Women blush and spill spaghetti when talking to you more.

- Older milfs will make up excuses to feel your muscles.


im a male working retail so i get treated like dirt no matter how i look

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Girls actually want to hang out with me sometimes, and try to make themselves come off as someone similar to me. Meanwhile, I'm drawing a blank while they try to make awkward one-sided conversation

This reminds me when i used typing as escapism, my brother used to gamble , i stayed 3 hours straight on the pc typing , surpassed anyone in my family and circle of friends with a mere 75 WPN but feeling like i have just begun typing yesterday. Just don't do whatever you do as escapism for a quick drop of endorphins is healthy and all but you have to use this things to know your self and it only works up to an extend is not much but it reaaally helps.

But don't forget to be open to compliments. Every bus driver i know stay like a stone to anything .

Major improvement with women, but otherwise a lot of disrespect for being “privileged.” I didn’t think the local wing of politics hated Jow Forums people so much.

congrats user, some states have it as low as 16