>Day 3 of nofap
>Add some girl in my town who has a few mutual friends just because she is hot as fuck
>Keep dreaming of my ex
What the FUCK have you done to me?
>Day 3 of nofap
>Add some girl in my town who has a few mutual friends just because she is hot as fuck
>Keep dreaming of my ex
What the FUCK have you done to me?
Other urls found in this thread:
You mean what the fuck have you done to yourself.
NoPorn makes much more sense than NoFap btw.
I just want a gf man
Been there m8 hold on strong you'll eventually not be able to stop yourself from trying to approach every single girl on your area and thats a good thing from 100 rejections you'll eventually get yes
>NoPorn makes much more sense than NoFap btw.
>I'm too weak to not touch my dick so I'll make up a bunch of excuse arguments to why noporn is better!
Mate. Nofap changed my life. I've slept with 4 different women in 2 months. Before this I lost my virginity one year ago. Every time I fap now I feel like shit a few days after. Never going back.
I'm at 3 months + now. Not keeping track of days
I'm not saying NoFap makes no sense.
Porn has immense influence on you. You have extreme sexual stimulation available to you 24/7. Your brain just isn't designed for that. Watching porn without any release is just unhealthy to me. Hence first doing NoPorn before NoFap.
Meant to say I didnt have sex at all since I lost my virginity 1 year ago until 2 months of nofap and a lot of improvement.
Obviously nofap isn't magic, but to be able to earn the discipline of not faping you have to be really active. This activeness made me quit video games, gym a lot more, pick up boxing, walks in nature, reading more, socializing more etc.
yeah you're right. Quitting both fapping and porn cold turkey is a shock to your brain and libido so I can imagine people having issues with that. Yes. Definitely start with quitting porn and just fapping once in a while to your imagination if urges get too strong
Just wait, it'll get better. I did 90 days and it was amazing. I broke it and been trying to get back to that level of greatness. You get addicted to the feeling you have on no fap that as soon as you break it you will start going back on it instantly. I'm on day 6 now and want that greatness again. Once you go 3 months you can't go back. You don't even need to cum.
>keep dreaming of my ex
Yeah obviously nofap will do that to you because you are so desperate and horny. The point is channeling your sexual energy into practical things you enjoy. Get a new hobby or something
>haven't had sex in like 18 months
Is it even worth me doing nofap?
will nofap help with anxiety or panic? I'm on day 3 atm shall I just do the 7 day cycle? or try to go one month and then ease into 7 day cycle?
yes it will make you more confident thus increasing chance for sex
Go 1 month and see what happens. You never know. But yes it can help with anxiety for sure, it did for me.
It helped with me. I jump head first into college after being a recluse and putting it off for years. It gave me the little extra power to handle my panic attacks.
How did you lose your virginity and how did you recently manage to have sex?
How did you meet etc.
I went 6 weeks nofap and had still haven't had a wet dream. Is there something wrong with me?
4 months here never had a wet dream and not even interested in looking at females. NoFap killed my sex drive cause now i dont care about women or sex i just want to be alone and play vidya
3 fucking days.
You niggers need to get your shit together. What the hell are you expecting after 3 days, hell 2 weeks even? It's the most retarded measurement ever. You're going to need to commit to this thing a lot fucking longer than a month even. You niggers should know this on a fitness board.
This is akin to somebody going on a diet for 3 days and then claiming it's shit because they haven't lost weight, or some noob who goes to the gym 3 times and shoots up a school because he doesn't have the body he wants. Give this bloody thing a shot for at least 6 months to a year (like you would a proper diet or a lifting regime) to see if it works for you. Unless you already have like 5 years experience with this sort of stuff, but I'm guessing you don't.
Fucking 3 days. What the hell do you expect?
I have no idea if this shit will work for you and neither does anybody else, least of all you if you only give this thing a magical 3 days (or a week or a month).
I'm embarrassed how I lost my virginity. When I lost it I was still a desperate sperg 22 years old. Was at a bar and a drunk overweight chick about 28 y/o hit on me. Hated myself for how I lost it but it did help me overcome fear of intimacy and performance anxiety etc. Gave me a little hope too.
Getting laid without knowing any women through social contacts (all my close friends are even worse spergs than I, but I love them) is extremely hard so I just took what I could at the time. Since I lost my virginity I started working out more, good diet, started nofap half a year later, started a new better job etc.
My first fuck since I lost my virginity was a college. A thai milf cook. She actually hit on me cause she liked me so much.I think it's my young energy, aesthetics from the gym and stoic way of being or something. She wanted to date me but I didn't want to take care of someone else's kid so I just fucked her a couple times until she found a cuck for herself that could fund her and her kid. She then introduced me to her married best friend who thought her husband was boring in bed, so she hooked us up and we fucked twice but stopped because she felt guilty cheating.
The other two were just chicks I met over tinder and some other hook up site. Nothing complicated but they were 1 night stands which was pretty boring.
The thing is pointless lays are over hyped. After you've had a couple to improve your confidence with women they are nearly meaningless and I just wish to meet a smart qt I can marry. But you have to create a lot of options first
sorry for blogpost
Dont say nigger please there other words you can say instead
You're right.
i appreciate this blogpost. what was the context of your being drunk at the bar (or do you just get drunk at bars often?)
Yeah I do get drunk at bars often with my friends during winter cause there's nothing else to do when it's dark and cold af. It's like a weekly thing. Never get laid in bars cause I never approach women since I had a lot of fear of rejection so I was just extremely lucky that night that she approached me and I didn't fuck it up by sperging out.
Yeah, I'm in the same situation regarding my friends being absolute spergs.
But one of them managed to score a literal model tier gf (through work), which has got me panicking as I am the only one left who was never had a gf.
And I work in accounting so my coworkers are all a decade older than me.
Honestly wtf am i supposed to do i literally do not care for sex. I did everything good like i even lost weight and look good cleaned up my face shower regular and guess what. No fucking point cause i get no stimulation from seeing real people why do i only like waifus kill me
Once you begin the phase of the retention of semen in the blood you will achieve enlightenment.
Damn bro yeah that's tough. Almost everyone meets their gfs through social circles or work. If you have none you have to either get good at talking to random women at social events or the street (the hardcore way) or simply make new friends your age who can introduce you to single women they know.
Easiest way to get new friends is from work so it sucks you can't do that if they are older. I suggest working on your social skills, maybe go party once in a while and talk to new people and overcome anxiety.
Just keep improving man. Be patient. If your friends are starting to get gfs then your friends can learn to know women through their gfs and introduce them to you. It's all about patients, persistence, hard work and discipline. And stop worrying about it
>go party once in a while
Like to a club?
Because I obviously can't go to house parties as those require some kind of social circle.
Yeah a club. I like EDM a lot and learned how to dance so I go to clubs to dance and then sometimes spark up convos with cool people there
Nofap is a meme, nocum is the real stuff
You missed the thread someone got banned for saying nigger ON FUCKING Jow Forums
Wouldn't it be weird if I went on my own though?
The people in my social circle don't really tend to go out.
Fapping without cumming ruins the prostate and makes it easier to get things such as prostate cancer. It also still releases dopamine which is the reward feeling when you cum but not as much which still gives the affects of cumming but worse since you're also damaging your prostate in the process as well.
t. Doctor
My friends are like that too. But I sometimes get them drunk and make them come with me. I've actually gone alone a few times, fueled by my love for music so I just explain to the people I talk to there that my friends were too lame to come and I love dancing so I went alone. It's only weird if you make it weird
Thanks, for this.
I can't remember how long I've been on nofap now. I forgot I even had a dick desu
I'm on week 2, the flatline has risen and now I'm incredibly sensitive to anything in regards to the female body.
If you have friends and those friends have gfs then those gfs also have friends. Just keep socialising, bro. At some point you're going to find yourself in a group of some description where there are single chicks.
The important thing to do is not to isolate yourself from shit; if coworkers are going for a drink then go. Who knows what might happened?
>just socialise bro
Perfect example: I was banging a chick on and off for a few months there. I met her (and her friend) on a fucking Tuesday afternoon or some shit on my day off. At about 2pm, I went to go buy bread and milk and walking back home I passed my local bar and so went in for a few pints. I know the barmaid in there and she and I shoot the shit often so I'm chatting away and an older Aussie tourist dude comes in; I get talking to him about places to go and places in Europe to visit and he tells me he's going to Venice next. I'm talking to him about Venice, the chick whom I ended up banging hears this (she's sitting at the table behind me) and interjects into the conversation (because she'd been to Venice) and it went from there. Aussie dude left and so I'm left talking to them and get digits.They were in there because she and her friend were discussing an exam they had just sat. I sealed the deal by talking about how Venice stinks of piss even though I've never been which she found hilarious.
Learning how to shoot the shit with people is like riding a bike; you can't learn from a book - you need to actually try riding a bike.
>Semen retention and I have a gf.
I feel like fucking energetic on coke every day, which is good as I have a physical job.
Can't do more than a week and half tho, temptation is too hard when you see ass and boobs every day, I can literally implode.
Day ~46 here.
One day, this lust will end. And I shall be free.
We're all gonna make it!
Anyone have some infographs on NoFap? I'm addicted to jerking off to porn and I'm sure this is bad for me
How exactly no fap ties into your story except that it makes you so horny you want to fuck old married ladies and uggos on tinder?
Get a grip man you are fucking delusional.
have something
Thank you mate. Is nofap just no jerking off? or is it no jerking off to porn? or is it just trying not to ejaculate, which in turn means no sex? I imagine no sex can't be a good thing
Sex is a natural Test/confidence boost.
Completely different from nofap.
the fuck? do you have an archive
where did this happen on fucking /po/ ? fucking niggers man
exactly, no chick is going to magically appear in your room.
this is placebo effect of doing something totaly retarded. Congrats anyway.
>nofap 4 days
>I'm playing Minecraft and enjoying it again
Wtf, was fapping curing my autism?
>Day under 2 weeks
YOU WILL SUFFER UNTIL YOU REACH 2 WEEKS YOU FAGGOTS. Just keep in there, you can do it, you can overcome this filth.
I have been doing it for half a year. I don't even like porn anymore.
from a robot to a confident man. Nofap helped me get here. With my new confidence I've gained from nofap and fucking women I will go on to date innocent qts. You jelly bro
It's starting to work. Now get productive - do all the shit you should be doing, and if you're out of shit to do, find a new social hobby where you meet other people.
Welcome to making it.
>they fell for the hoax
Fuck me, imagine wasting so much time making that.
The dude is obviously on nofap trying to justify his next wank.
sure buddy, stay on nofap those superpowers should start any time lmfao
While it's true that noporn is what it's really about, you've got to remember that 90% of the people on Jow Forums have desensitised themselves so much they will very quickly relapse on both when they try noporn. If you're of the lucky 10%, enjoy it.
Not infograph, worth the read nonetheless
>virgin porn addict with performance anxiety
>every time I’ve tried to fuck I’ve failed
>get viagra prescription but insurance won’t cover it and its too expensive to pay out of pocket
>three girls send me nudes regularly and want to meet me but I’m too terrified of sex to follow up
>don’t even bother dating anymore because I’d rather save myself the humiliation
day of the rope soon
Lads, is there a way to decrease your sexual libido while maintaining your testosterone levels?
*pls clap*
Day 8 of no porn.
>balls are hurting because i haven't cum
How do I get rid of this?
What do guys no fap for 145 days still no boners or sexual arousal. Literally whats wrong with me? I fixed everything about myself i fasted for 30 days and lost all fat, started gym and am ottermode and i shower and cleaned my appearance but literally after all this effort even getting better hobbies all i wanna do is play video games and be a shut in. All this self improvement feels wasted cause even when the 8/10 talks to me at my gym i just cant be bothered to deal with her. What the fuck is wrong with me?
Get T checked
>Don't use dick
>It atrophies
Good going my dude
Even when i jerked off before like i couldnt get fully hard just 60% at best wtf its like im not sexually attracted to anything i thought NoFap would fix that
Two Months nofap
A gilf looked at me on the bus today. Came in my pants
>day 3 of nofap
>made a joke about raping a girl the next time I saw her
So shes read the message but hasn't responded yet, how long should I wait before sending another message?
wew lad
>day 64
Flatline for 3 weeks at least, no morning boners or anything. I feel angry, I was rejected from online dating because I'm ugly and still don't have the courage to talk to girls irl. Coping with redpills and waifus. I'm in a bad place lads, I am a bitter frustrated failed man.
Depression helps with no fap
Day 82 brehs... This is torture, but the benefits are real. I can get so hard that I can't fit my dick through a toilet paper roll anymore. Where do I sign up for the porn industry?
>tfw accidentally clicked on /e/ without thinking before quickly closing it back out
fug. Thought I was over this.
Just posted this in the other no-fap thread but oh well, here it is again.
Day 21/30 reporting in.
Last night I had a dream that I was really railing a blue-haired anime girl.
Like I was really messing up her insides, dick was bulging out her belly.
I ended up having an orgasm in the dream but I woke up immediately afterwards and checked for jizz, and nothing came out.
Wew, almost lost my gains to a semen demon from my dreams.
That jizz is for mai waifu.
don't let women define you.
>2 months ago
>active nofapper
>stop going on fit
>return to old habits
>become a degenerate fapper who makes excuses for myself
>constantly tired
>now getting back on track
I honestly missed you guys and I realized what a helpful place this can be, meme or not nofap+Jow Forums helped me through a really tough time in my life and helped me get my shit together and I took it all for granted.
I work at a pool so my eyes get a barrage of tits and ass on a daily basis, so staying on nofap is always a struggle. Any advice?
be strong lad
what the fuck
desperately needing a follow-up on this bro kek
Day 2, dreamt i fucked my sister and tore out her womb with my dick....
I'm just going to go back to fapping guys, I watch ths most vanilla porn anyways.
What was your ex like?