/sig/ - Self Improvement General

Gentlemen, you've hit the bunch limit again !

Let's keep on moving forward Edition

Last : - Sticky, feel free to contribute: 4chanfit.wikia.com/wiki//sig/_sticky

- Another great guide covering lots of fields, including the Spirit, the Body, the Mind, the Social Being, Money/work/Jobs, and General Skills

It's midweek guys, you've done great so far !

> What are you working on at the moment ?
> What are you going to do to self-improve for the last coming days ?
> What are you study materials at the moment ?

You GOT THIS ! We're ALL gonna MAKE IT !

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day 33 nofap right now. I'm so aggressive towards my goals now, I feel like I can take on anything. Good feels bros, you guys should try it out too

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Decided to quit drinking for good. I wanna start reading books for an introduction to western philosophy and politics.

We're halfway through the week lads. Have you accomplished so far? What are you planning to accomplish this week?

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Gf and I are the sickeningly co-dependent types- so we're trying to spend 5 days apart no communication. That sounds ridiculous and unhealthy I know, but we literally can't stand not being around each other. It's so fucking hard though.

the arcitea guide is so good, does anyone know where it came from (im assuming bb.com) and what happenend to it (why it was abandoned)?

Gotta learn to be happy alone and have your own time or you'll crash and burn hard.

Source: guy who has been in 2 long terms exactly like you described.

Clean living for 3 months. Quit smoking cigarettes (10 year pack a day smoker). I'm running again. I run a 5k almost daily now. I'm training for a half marathon. Picked up a basic skin care regimen. Eating a Paleo diet.

You too can quit, user. Can highly recommend nicotine gum.

im trying to get into books lately
trying hard to not lose my will these last few days

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I've started BJJ but frankly martial arts isn't an avenue of self improvement anymore it's obsession that facilitates my laziness and satisfies me in ways it would be useful for me to be frustrated. Because I have no career and am bombing through my savings.

Finally done with the nicotine Jew as well. Godspeed brother.

Finished my summer semester with b's now i want to learn spanish

My gains have been getting better since increasing the intensity of my workouts. Thinking about getting into meditation. Any advice?

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> What are you working on at the moment ?
trying to get into stretching again
> What are you going to do to self-improve for the last coming days ?
audiobooks, meditation,
> What are you study materials at the moment ?
none atm

also what are best stretches to help with dorsiflexion?
I can't deep body squat and its holding back my leg days

She's gonna get blacked by your homies around the block.

>tfw developed a crush on a big thot

Might help

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Just woke up, rolling.

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Man what is happening to me? I keep postponing chores and getting late to work. It's lack of discipline but I just have no will or energy to get things done. Any suggestions?


the feeling when you just broke a 3 week plus no fap streak

ive been doing intermittent fasting for a few days and it seems like a really good way to eat less

hopefully ill lose these massive lovehandles

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>What are you working on at the moment ?
Picking up Duolingo on my commute (Dutch, as I'm off there soon). Continuing going to the gym early in the morning which has given me more time in the evenings to do cool stuff which is great and I feel much better for it. Also reading a lot more, and on day 48 of nofap.
>What are you going to do to self-improve for the last coming days ?
Continue to hit the gym and read
>What are you study materials at the moment ?
Nothing major but currently reading "The War of Art" by Steven Pressfield. Can recommend.

>new job in a new city
>leanest ive ever been
>gonna meet new people and finally find friends probably since i have a good excuse for not having a prior circle of friends
>most money i ever made
>most independent of everyone ive ever been

im usually not a fan of these masturbatory posts, but im just so genuinely happy Jow Forums, im sorry, i feel like i can finally be who i am

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What's the new gig user?

how the FUCK do i start studying on my own as a college freshman who always did the bare minimum in highschool?

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Have any of you experienced the power of visualization ?

No but I hear virtualization with kvm/qemu is bretty gud


Get out of your dorm, leave your phone in locked up in your room, leave your laptop behind. Just you and your textbooks the taking notes by hand the old fashioned way.

>Spend ages thinking about no gf
>Come to realise that actually a gf is the only thing I'm lacking
>Everything else has been going really well for me since I've been putting in a ton of work
>No longer feel bad

u still have no gf

Anyone have a habitica/habitrpg party?

leave your user id user i just made one


you fuckers still falling for this meme if u dont have ED or sissy fetish go masturbate once every week for max testo


>Get sick
>Stop gyming
>Discover /sig/, start reading, cleaning, learning new things
>Sickness gets worse

We're all going to make it bros but damn, the Gods are not going to make it easy. I feel like sometimes we pretend we understand that suffering is inevitable, but it's just a comforting lie.

Keep struggling brothers.

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whats wrong with lifting while sick thou ?

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>Marching toward a white figure with a swastika
I don't think KANGS applies here.








Ate a whole frozen pizza by myself today for breakfast

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Check that

rolling and checking


How do I get started into bodybuilding?

First you must lift weights. Then you must eat lots. Then you must eat less.

does anyone have any more stretching infographics? I feel like I have no idea where to start. I feel like I should be able to touch my toes.

Nice numbers. Also rollan

Hey guys I’be got a good job that pays well and gets me free access to the gym but with school (which is basically my main priority) and lifting I have no free time.

I work 20 hours a week.
Wat do?

is it socially acceptable to continue a conversation with a girl if you start to get a hard-on?

How do I stop being a picky eater? I always get the blandest option when I go out because I don’t trust anyone other than myself to cook good new food

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Missed out on a goal I've worked my whole life towards.

Situation looking bleak, aint ever gonna get my dream career now, I messed it up.

What do

Wake up early and lift before you start your day. You likely have more free time than you think if you start cutting out little things that eat time here and there.

Life's not over. You can find something else that will fulfill you.
What was it you were working toward?

this is a great image. Thank you.

these are great, thank you!

Medicine degree. Missed out after failing interview after interview, and i probably wont hit my grades after severely underperforming in exam. No one else to blame but me. I put in hours, but I guess it wasnt enough and now its over man.

>arcitea guide
what is this?

Look at OP's message mate

Joined a MT gym,also joined a rockclimbing gym,and my bass guitar is ready to picked up. Just broke up with the ex, and now ive got time and some money to improve myself.

However, somw cuntwad smashed my window of my car and stole my book bag with just textbooks inside. Fucking sucks. But part of being a man is handling any given situation in a matter of confidence and solidity. I hope whoever fucking did that gets whats coming to them

Guide I found somewhere. Works pretty good.

Step 0: Do a few cycles of breathing in all the great majesty of the universe and breathing out all the dark and cramped thoughts that are stuck in you, letting them go away with your breath.
Step 1: breathe and focus on breath.
If your mind wanders, count sub-beats of breath.
If it still wanders , count sub-sub beats and so on until the effort of counting the beats forces the rest of your mind quiet.
Step 2: continue doing this until you start to get a feel of the state of not thinking about anything but the counting.
Step 3: slowly ease up on the counting and remain in that silenced focus. Replace it with focusing on the breath.
Step 4: if you have gotten this far, you have made a great achievement. See how long you can persist in that state. At first, if you can manage 30 seconds you are doing very well. Eventually it will grow to five minutes and then to fifteen minutes.
Step 5: Stretch goal for someday when this becomes somewhat easy for you to get into immediately. Start carrying the silent presence out of your meditation practice into daily life while doing other things.

At first, your mind will sneak thoughts on you like a dream. Or you will become very bored or disaffected with yourself. Do not worry about this, do not fight it. Once you notice it is happening, simply allow your thoughts to drift away and return to silence.

When you start to gain some accomplishment at quieting your mind, the body and mind will rebel. Your mind will try to convince you that you are in pain, that theres something very important that you should be doing. You may get visual hallucinations or other hallucinations such as changing size or sensations of movement. You may feel that they are very important and profound or maybe terrifying. They are distractions on the path to meditation. Just like the intrusive thoughts, ignore them, allow them to pass, return to stillness.

It's definitely not over user. That one opportunity might not be there, but you could keep working at it. Maybe you thought you put in enough work, but if you look back and reevaluate maybe it wasn't enough.
But if you just got done, taking a day or two off to clear your head, breathe, think about where you're at and where you're going and what you want, can help you move forward.


extreme roll

Not that user, but this will help me. Thank you.

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Alright so I followed this user >proposal and adjusted it to make it into a pic.

So here we go guys, we have a brand new SIG ROLL - INCLUDING NEET EDITION

Attached: Sig roll renewed.png (2769x3881, 2.59M)

Might help too

Attached: Beginner guide of meditation.jpg (518x3648, 2.4M)

Thx buddy

thank you user

I want to get into the habit of reading. And I want this to be a systemic thing, like counting calories or going to the gym. Over the last few months getting it organized really helped me out with actually following through with the decisions I made. What can I do to make the same improvements when it comes to reading?

>how the FUCK do i start studying on my own as a college freshman who always did the bare minimum in highschool?
Step one is acknowledging how little you know. At 18, you're just barely beginning to get a handle on how the world works. Don't over-value that tiny piece of knowledge you've got, try to grow it. Listen to conversations by people who know much more than you (podcasts and youtube are great for this). Realize that the value of hard work isn't in the results, but in the work itself. Working hard, being honest, and generally being decent WILL open up doors in your future, if you practice them.

What you demand from yourself matters as well. If you get a test back and you got a B on it, how does that make you feel? If it's "Whew, I passed", and not "Damn, I could have done better", that's an indication of where you're at. If you're satisfied with mediocrity, you will produce mediocrity. If you demand more of yourself, and work over time to achieve the most you can, you'll see it in the results.

Set aside 20 minutes a day for reading. In a few weeks/months, up it to 40 minutes or an hour. There's your starting point.

I keep wondering about the lookism pill
Is it true? Are we average men condemned to a life of lack of female options and prejudice from people based on our looksm? All the efford in order to be more confident is useless? Unblackpill me Jow Forums

Youd be suprised how much just good posture can do. Get to ballet-tier posture and grace of movement, with low bodyfat, people gradually stop caring about the rest.


Once you get one you will see that it's no big deal


anyone got any guides to achieving good posture?

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>What are you going to do to self improve for the last coming of days?
Well I'm actually undecided about what sport should I pick up for college, I don't know if you guys took any sport and I would be glad if you guys could tell me your experience, should I give it a try or stick to cardio and lifting?

What sports do you like? Have you played any before?
Soccer is an easy one to pick up as it doesn't require much equipment, just a ball and maybe shoes or something to serve as a goal.
On my campus there were always pickup games of sand volleyball, which is easy to learn too.
Frisbee as well. But it's not absolutely necessary to know a sport, but could help in meeting people in college.

I've played Basketball and Tennis and I was pretty good at both, but idk if should pick up a new sport like Swimming, Baseball, Football or Climbing, I just want an activity to do between classes and studies.

Basketball is great then. I assume your college has a rec center. Mine almost always had people playing there, so could be a good way to meet people or get exercise. Also there is probably an intramural league.
With tennis you'll probably find someone who plays casually but that could be fun for a pickup game, or to play with a girl and teach her how if she doesn't know.
Climbing and swimming are also great.
Baseball is tougher unless you mean more than just throwing a ball around and playing catch, in which case its just like football and easy to get into.

meant for

how do I improve the chances of landing a good engineering job out of college? Im 3rd year in and have a 2.5 gpa. Im currently taking a break from uni for the army and looking for things to put in my resume that can cover up my shitty grades