Will wearing weighted clothing help me become stronger like in my japanese animes?

Will wearing weighted clothing help me become stronger like in my japanese animes?

Attached: GokuWeightedClothing.png (640x480, 286K)

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just go lift lmao

no, it will fuck you up tho

>not training in the gravity chamber at 100 Gs
never gonna make it

Yes, if youre consistent about it, like wearing it to work all day consistent.

But not as much as just lifting normally

Dragon Ball was produced by some 30kg chinks as well, besides eating much to grow they know shit.

Yes, it will. Read this: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_Lambert

>not spending a year in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber

>not put putting the gravity chamber in the hyperbolic time chamber

Wear armour OP. But then you have to do HMB, otherwise its just cosplay.

And cosplay is for faggots.

Attached: rusvsukr.jpg (1280x720, 200K)

No, but it will ruin your joints

>Not cosplaying to get cute cosplay girls for radical cosplay sex
Are you gay?

As interesting as that is, that's not really about weighted clothing per se.

No, but it proves that you can gain a huge amount of strength by just getting a ton of weight on yourself 24/7 and moving around.


What's the maximum amount of G's you could realistically handle Jow Forums?


Bullshit. 2.5 probably. If you’re 200lb it’d be like walking around as a 500lb fatty. Difficult but not impossible.

Yeah, no, thats not how gravity works.
Blood would leave your head, and your organs would press down into your pelvis. Plus our brains are really really soft. Fat poeple have more mass, but their blood and fluids are not more dense than yours.

> If you’re 200lb it’d be like walking around as a 500lb fatty
Nop, it would like be 2.5 as dense.

Check pilot records and astronauts. I wanna say between 2 and 6 Gs.

Yeah, for a few seconds with g-suits. Fighter pilots pass out at 10+ if sustained for long.

I thought they pass out at even 2 if you're not strong enough to flex your glutes and keep the blood pressure in your head?

Im pretty sure it is mostly about duration user. A roller coster will pull 2 for a few seconds, and people enjoy it.

But trainig at increased g, even if it was somehow possible would not work.

I mean, you could in theory go full Elon Musk/Tony Stark and make a centrifugal with a mini gym at one end.

I'm a shitty phone poster while in class, but I went to YouTube and found multiple videos of pilots training for higher Gs. When I get home I'll post a link. You're right about duration just as you can train for tension under weight

>When I get home I'll post a link
Thak you user!


You're not a saiyan, user.

Attached: 1511997541538.jpg (259x206, 13K)

Chinese cartoons are not real. You will fuck yourself up doing this. I guarantee it.

cool video


I actually wore ankle weights for the longest time when I went running. Only thing I gained from it was intense lower back pain and maybe a little bit of more endurance. The endurance part however probably had nothing to do with the weights.

Okay so far people are mentioning ankle weights and shit that might harm you but what about this? Its supposed to be distributed in a way the body can support well

Attached: d0857fd2-9f47-4369-af4f-8dec53503989_1.d42f345b8f663138a02dee947b6f6595.jpg (450x450, 25K)

Fucking try it and report back. No one knows, because weighted clothing is such a fucking ridiculous meem.

>he didnt star with fly weights
You're dumb user. What do you think would happen if you suddenly tried running in 2g. You need to incrementally increase the weight over time. This is fundamental muscle training knowledge. it seems you Jow Forums faggots needs to go back to the basics.