>tfw female
>tfw no bf
Tfw female
>i need someone else to be happy
>tfw on autismo spectrum
>but hate autismo guys
>all guys here have some form of autismo
Help me.
>tfw no bf
Stop LARPing faggot
I'm sure you'll get over your break up in a couple days.
Also If you aren't comfortable being single you can't really be in an adult relationship
me too
>y-you too?
i'm pretty normal but very antisocial so not really autism
let me put babies and your vagoo right now
Show bob
I refuse to believe that a female is browsing Jow Forums
>tfw no Christian girlfriend to wife up
It may be a problem with your tits. Post them with timestamp and perhaps we can help.
This, but unironically
I bet you think everyone on this site is white, don't you?
I mean unironically.
The pain is real, only degenerate thots in my area.
You're wrong on both. At least 40% of people who post here on Jow Forums at least, are non-white and a good 10-15% of us are female.
The first two most obvious causes:
1. You're fat.
2. You're a biological male.
If you can rule out those two things, then we'll need more information to go on.
Minorities usually can't read, so yeah.
>tfw female
>tfw no gf
maybe Im irrational, but I would love to fuck a girl that posts on Jow Forums.
but that's literally wrong you fucking retarded faggot
the Jow Forums poll showed that some 1% were female
and i have never seen a non dyel shitskin so the other this is wrong as well most likely
Why is it so hard to find a qt who hasn't been poisoned by modern society, a girl who is a pure virgin and doesn't post her cleavage and ass on social media
Non whites don't post themselves often here because the moment they do they get a barrage of insults just for posting themselves, on top of the cringey banter this place has.
as it should be famalam
This is why everyone should hear the incels out. A major grievance they all have is that women will always despite their own faults try to date up. This bitch has autism and doesn't want an icky autistic boyfriend she wants neurotypical Chad. Well fuck you whore I hope you die
lesbians are the fucking worst
Not only are they no longer a potential gf, they take a potential gf away from men.
Truly the gays are our allies.
Kek you incels are the same, you want the neurotypical Stacy though
>be in Texas
>now you have bf
It’s that simple.
>"shitskins don't exist"
>they do, but they rather not get racial attac-
>"good, the way it should be"
Do you realize how often you move your goalposts in life?
>Well fuck you whore I hope you die
Typical incel response. This is why you'll always be single.
you realize that i'm not actually arguing and am just shooting the shit right?
also you're still delusional if you think that shitskins are anything but a small minority
the site has a super majority of burger and yuropoor posters
A big chunk of users here are from Latin America fyi.
This, go on Jow Forums, /sp/ and Jow Forums and check the flags retard
Any of you live around the Great Lakes? Specifically Lake Erie? Specifically in the Niagara region?
literally more than 50% of unique visitors are from the us you dumb faggots
there is no way that spics are more than 10%
and they still visit more moronic boards like /sp/ and Jow Forums rather than Jow Forums
based pajeetposter
i am
>literally more than 50% of unique visitors are from the us you dumb faggots
And 40% of that are mexicans you retarded chicano.
>believing unreliable third-party data
>tfw a slut
>post im a woman on a forum full of high t guys because i want to have a train run on me
I have a big nose. Could that be it?
>And 40% of that are mexicans you retarded chicano.
absolutely delusional
go eat some tacos you fat manlet beaner
subhuman whites were a mistake
>gets called out a chicano because he is one
>i know u are but what am i ;_;
You're pathetic.
Are you a girl? Seems sketchy
>Implying Christian woman aren't peak degeneracy in the bedroom
Fugg, sup senpai?
>Gay woman
>Date other woman
>Steal potential gf's
>Even converts potential gf's to degeneracy
>Gay men
>Date other men
>Basically thin the competition
>Will even rape the competition
>Have super high standards
The faggots are lowkey our best allies
i literally don't know what that means but okay pedro
whatever you say
>yeah I don't know what a mexican is, never heard of them
you just repeated the other user's post, what's your fucking point?
Are you a girl? Sketched out
This exchange has me dying
How, if she were a virgin? All things she learn will come from you.
>I was just pretending to be retarded, this is funny to me
>femae wants high quaity mate to ensure heathy offspring
Ermmm no sweetie.
the other poster is someone else you retarded faggot
also of course i don't know spic words
i'm a yuropoor
why the hell would i want to know your bastardization of the spanish language
>be a fat sack of shit
>"why does no one like me"
Tfw shes identical to ex sloot gf that keeps contacting every 6 months but is so evil and intelligent i cant risk the emotional turmoil
Whiteknighting for some hole on the internet lol imagine being this desperate
Life is hard.
Not him but thats not true
I want a dorky awkward nerd girl who will challenge me academically and intellectually, her bod could be 6/10 and thatd still be ok
for reals though. where do all the art girls that post on Jow Forums hang out at?
Fuck you larping bitch just go to tinder you'll have 94838383892383838273737 men begging you to smell your farts jesus fuckinf christ i cant stand entitled thots begone whore
why would you lie like this?
>making 6 figures at 28yo
>3 kilos from ottermode, finish cut this month
>all i want from life is a cute wife to have a happy family with
>but balding and manlet
>no girl my age wants me
>the older ones that do are all used up sluts with 2-3 cats in their 30s
i'll die alone.
you're not on the autism spectrum. you just have poor social skills.
>not converting women on site by loving them properly
Not gonna make it to heaven
I play yugioh....and I top every week
>female topping yugioh
yeah bullshit what you running
why don't you try sugar dating until you find a girl who likes you for who you are?
just bee urself man
True lesbians are bro-tier tho.
Trickstar aggro. I top every week at locals.
Of course you're running cheese, where you located so I can send you to the shadow realm and marry you?
Gamers rise up
Anything that is not cyberdragon is shit
don't @me
>tfw male
>tfw christian gf
Praise and worship the Lord and we will all gonna make it
Post bodies.
Where did you find her?
>marry you?
you wouldn't want me, I'm not white.
You have internet there?
>tfw male
>tfw no gf
At church duh
You think virgins don’t have access to the internet? Or friends that tell them? Are you retarded? This isn’t the 1950’s man
Go to church or convert a woman to Christ
May God bless you user
why did u choose the sloot life instead of just finding some nerd who will dedicate his life to pleasing you
Most guys will settle for a girl that is not fat. That is literally all you have to fucking do and even that is apparently too much for women these days.