How to spot a fatty on online dating? Pic unrelated.
I'm talking to this one girl who only has face pics which is a huge red flag. But her profile says she has an athletic body type. She says she works out and likes to keep fit but a lot of fatties are deluded and think they're fit when they're not. Also said she worked out last night but was too lazy to train legs. Does she sound like the fat type that is ashamed to admit that she's fat? Also, what's a polite way of asking or finding out if she's fat? I don't have IG or SC to receive pics from.
>I don't have SC You're crippling yourself then. If you are determined to use online dating apps, which I don't recommend because of how one sided they are, then you kind of need a SC.
Girls use a fuck load of filters and shit for their profiles. SC is a good way to quickly find out how accurate the shit is. They might still put filters on but if you're talking with her semi regularly you will be able to tell.
Matthew Baker
what's SC?
Aaron Richardson
south carolina
Nicholas Reed
Soulcalibur, a 3D weapon based fighting game, same makers as Tekken
Angel Hughes
Julian Green
>(((Average white girl)))
Nolan Fisher
Thats legitimately a pornstar
Noah Howard
Siemens Communicator, a shitty german app that emulates Facebook Some retards try to push it on Jow Forums for 9 months now
Adrian Green
SecretChat It's a way for girls to hoe around anonymously
Luke Nguyen
Social Crawler
Chase King
The arms. Always look at the arms.
Luke Parker
Oy look at that nose!
Eli Watson
Squat Conditioning. Mark Rippletoe patented it.
Henry Nguyen
The arms are barely visible in the photos too
Nolan Walker
tell her you've gained a few pounds, while posting some lean pic of yours and when she replies with something, tell her >haha how much do you weigh btw.
"not your average white girl" said the basic bitch
Mason Kelly
what's the worse that could happen smartypants
Asher James
what's up with having a live game? with all the shit girls get online, it should be a breath of fresh air for her if you can say hi without stumbling upon your words
Sebastian Nguyen
Snapchat. These trolls are messing with you but I have your back lol. Good luck out there man :)
Aiden Price
Juan Stewart
>a woman not embarrassed of their weight I hate when people say they don't mean to be rude or apologize for asking my weight. It's probably because I wear baggy clothing but hey I'm barely 100lbs, any woman heavier than me who can't say her weight is probably fat.
Easton Hall
>barely 100 lbs You're basically anorexic. I'd say tits or GTFO but I don't really care about looking at mosquito bites, I have one on my arm right now
Gavin Johnson
I have accepted my shapeless body for what it is and aim to be this way.
When I'm bulkan and gyming 5 day o week I have a C cup at 115/7lbs. It disgusts me honestly since I hate the way I look so I immediately return to skeleton mode at 100/5 once summer ends and not looking like I'm gonna run somebody over with my legs.
Samuel Wilson
Post 100 and 117 pics, side by side of you can. Legitimately curious.
Aaron Reed
what cup when you aren't bulking?
Josiah Kelly
>shapeless >C cup Sounds like you just have low self esteem. Post pics and we'll rate you
Jeremiah Taylor
you sound like an extrovert. jk
Oliver Gray
>arms >check angle of selfie >thighs
Tyler Long
Nope. Autistic introvert
Arms and thighs aren't visible. Angle of pic is pointed straight at her
Cameron Kelly
>Nope. Autistic introvert So you agree, that you were projecting your own low self esteem onto m'lady
Jonathan Flores
don't gamble it, let the convo die
Isaiah Lopez
I don't have low self esteem. That doesn't change the fact that I'm an introverted autist
Xavier Turner
OP here with an update. Ended up installing SC and looked at her stories or whatever the fuck those things are. Saw one of her petting her dog and her forearms were bigger than mine
Eli Young
imagine smelling her BRAPS
Isaac Brooks
I don't take pictures of myself or post pictures of myself. Sorry...
A cup.
32C to 32A
I do have low self esteem but that is because I've accepted I am ugly and wish upon nobody else this fate. No amount of "rating" or "validation" from others means anything to me, especially when I can't even attract a mate or be treated with the same courtesy as other females in public. I honestly do not mind it, I am happy when other people are happy, but I can simply gage my level of femininity and lack of it.
Dylan Hall
Austin Robinson
Sounds like you fit in perfectly with the rest of us on here
Parker Scott
Me trying to find out if she's fat. She acts like she's fit but I can't get passed those forearms I saw.
Maybe take a pic of your screen from your phone? Or are you posting from your phone right now?
Either way, judging by everything you've said and what she said here , there's like a 99% chance she's a fatty. I'm sorry lad, but this is all just too convenient and wormy to be anything else.
Anthony Gray
Here. Didn't really wanna post her pics for privacy reasons but whatever. I want to figure this shit out now, I don't want to waste time on a coffee date with a fatty.
i'm perplexed by the collarbone indent. The full bone ain't there so probably not as athletic as she says?
Isaiah Allen
talk about a butter face
Zachary Stewart
dude she's a fattie 'I just try and stay fit' is literal fat speak
Brody Ross
She's chubby but attractive. What's your problem? You should have banged her by now faggot.
Jayden Morgan
dude if all her pics are like that one they are old and two she's much fatter now. think about this for a minute women absolutely love showing off if she was in OK shape she'd have 100's of photos showing full body
Brody Perry
>tfw the only girls who are interested in you are fat
Ayden Walker
Was there ever any question, op?? Ffs just look at her face. She got so much fat there that I bet she's got at least 20 extra pounds where she doesn't need it.
Anthony Foster
true if she exercised regularly she would be more specific
she's definitely at least chubby but it appears she has tits which makes up for it a little bit imo. you could ask her for her height. women aren't aware of the connection so that one will fly under her radar. if she's very short then her proportions are okay and the question becomes if you want to bang a short chick. however, if she's 5'4+ then her proportions scream fat and you should abandon the mission.
Thomas Gray
She's 5'2"
I can't be with a fatty though. Even chubby is too much for me
Dominic Clark
This is the answer is right here. Pump and dump and get on with your life
Jeremiah Garcia
yeah don't do it breh, you're not gonna change a fatty and they'll probably get worse if they think they can settle down
Carson Evans
More fatties for me faggots tehehe
Josiah Bell
>Even chubby is too much for me well okay m8, there's no ambiguity with that at least. She's definitely chubby at a minimum going off those pics.
Nathaniel Adams
I mean you can literally see her chubby arm and face in the pictures. why did you even ask then?
Caleb Reyes
Juan Morgan
I've seen enough to know this girl is fine as hell but I like my women a little thick so take that for what it is worth
you belong here and i have truly not said that before.
you are fucking based and dont ever let someone tell you you're just a depressed fuck, for actually seeing things for what they are.
Liam Rodriguez
shiny coins
Joseph Phillips
>muh Obama! Why doesn't this hoe just find a nice black guy to father her child.. oh wait
Camden Martin
probe her for basic Jow Forums knowledge. Ask her routine and causally bring up counting macros. If she isn't knowledgeable of baseline/rudimentary fitness modus operandi then she's a fucking liar and 'I just try and stay fit' is a euphemism for I walk on a treadmill for 15 minutes twice a week and gorge on pizza the rest.
>whatever I feel Wow, she has no clue. Teach her how to make a workout schedule, go on a gym date, then fuck her.
Julian Myers
Just say how come you dont have any body pics? You're not a secret fatty are you
Jonathan King
>I haven't trained properly in forever >It's been a long time since I planned my routine >whatever I'm feeling Well you have your answer OP. considering this I doubt she's that invested in fitness as a hobby or 'keeping fit'. However she still doesn't look fat, slightly pudgy maybe, but I'd still go for it if you like her.
Anthony Ramirez
I'd feel embarrassed taking a fatty to the gym. All my gym bros bring their Stacy gfs there