/fast/ #235 - make Plato proud edition

>What is /fast/?
Fast is a thread for the discussion of intermittent fasting, fasting, water fasting, dry fasting.

>What’s the difference between intermittent fasting, water fasting, dry fasting, etc.?
Intermittent fasting: Fasting for a certain amount of time with a short eating window. 16:8 (16 hours fasting, 8 hour eating window) is the bare minimum.
Water fasting: Fasting with only water.
Dry fasting: Fasting with no water. Dangerous, use with caution.

>Why should I fast?
Read all of these, they might answer some other questions you may want to ask.

See your doctor before fasting if you have any sort of chronic illness (type 1 diabetes, malnourished, underweight, pregnant, breastfeeding)

>How do I safely do an extended fast (approx. 4-5+ days)
New snake juice recipe here - youtube.com/watch?v=1onQ0nxgWFM

>2000mg of sodium (preferably Himalayan Pink Salt) max
>4700mg of saltless potassium max (NoSalt/LoSalt are high potassium-low sodium salts available in grocery stores or Amazon and the like)
Mix these in a liter of water and sip it throughout the day. The apple cider vinegar and lemon are optional but recommended for 10+ day fasts.
You can also do this if you feel lightheaded, weak, dizzy, nauseous, etc., on shorter water fasts. Don’t do this while intermittent fasting.

>Won’t I go into starvation mode?
No. It only occurs at extremely low body fat (4% or less).

>Will (something with calories) break my fast?

>Can I drink coffee, tea, and diet soda? Or anything with artificial sweeteners?
Artificial sweeteners and diet soda are bad for you and may fuck up your fast. Zero calorie black coffee and tea are generally considered to be fine.

>Do I need a multivitamin?
Not really, since the fat you are burning contains most of the vitamins you need.

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Just did a refeed after a dry fast and My stomach feels like its gonna explode. Help me, please.

uhh, have you drunken anything? how much did you eat??

At what bf% should you stop fasting and go to OMAD?

yeah i drank some water about two hours before I ate to prepare for the food. As for the food, too much. I mean I know I'm still good calorie wise due to my eating window, but my stomach feels so god damn tight.

I usually go for a walk when that happens to me, you just need to wait for it to digest. The pain should be gone in 40 minutes or so

when you're happy with ho you look I suppose. You don't really have to stop fasting until you're extremely lean. Just listen to your body, it'll tell you when you're hungry (I mean REAL hunger, not the "it's been 12 hours and my ghrelin is spiking" hunger)

Successfully water and coffee fasted from last Sunday till Thursday night. Went from 258 to 249 on the scale. Had to attend a family gathering and decided to break it. Barely ate anything there but since last night I feel like shit mentally. I plan on fasting from this to next Saturday again.

Any idea why I feel really down? Haven't been able to shake it off for the last 24 hours.

did you eat a lot of carbs? that's probably why

Only had chicken broth and garden salad with no sauce. Less than half a plate's worth. I'm guessing I just feel really guilty for breaking a fast I could have continued. Who knows.

Wondering if its possible to fast on Powerade Zero i mean its got electrolytes and things in it

Might be a brainlet idea idk

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Do you guys really think dry fasting is 3x more effective than water fasting for health benefits?

Powerade Zero is fine. Don't fall for the "artificial sweeteners are bad because they make you more hungry" meme. As long it as works for you, it works.

t. fasted on Diet Coke, Powerade Zero, water and coffee for 30 days.

how much did u lose user?

Has anyone here ever gotten rid of chronic pain through fasting? Like arthritis or tendonitis?

If so, how long did it take you to feel a really strong difference?

Started the month of June at 244.2. Weighed myself on July 1 at 211.8. Lost about 1.1 pounds per day on average, but in my third week I hit a plateau and was losing about 0.8 - 0.9 pounds per day.

I'm lazy as fuck. Committed to fasts before this but could never do more than a few days. The only reason I did this was because I have a wedding to attend on August 2 and it just woke me the fuck up. Right now I'm sitting at 216.2. Trying to get to at least 200 by July end.

powerade doesn't do shit all that snake juice cant do better. That being said I do drink it on the days I have work because it helps me mentally get through my shitty min wage retail job

how long does it take to get into ketosis?
how much fat do you lose per day?

Why am I having liquid shits 4 days into a fast? Liquid poo is dripping out and I can't even fart without some kind of liquid coming out. What the fuck, how do I get rid of this?

You have got to be shitting me.

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Super common. That shit will subside though. Your body is just readjusting. Just don't trust farts for another 2 - 3 days into your fast.

I lost about 28 lbs *on the scale*. Refed with an unsalted broth. I still try to fast throughout the week and only refeed on Saturdays but the biggest benefit (besides the weight loss) is I just don't see food the same way anymore and hunger means nothing to me.

>sleeping pattern changed to sleeping 3-4 hours then waking up and staying awake for about 6 hours
>this is after 24 hours of fasting

It's been a long time since I've been here.

Why has the fasting general co-opted by this snake juice faggotry and this try hard manlet, with his "le epik hardline" fitness man?

>how long does it take to get into ketosis?
18-20 hours
>how much fat do you lose per day?
I lose like 1kg a day on a fast, but you gain like 30% on a refeed. Who knows what % of that is fat though.

Dry fasting makes water fasting a hell of a lot easier. You come to appreciate the ease of at least being able to ingest a liquid.

That being said somehow the hunger is nonexistent during a dry fast as compared to a water fast. Probably because my body values hydration than it does nourishment


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Same user. No idea why

I started a 16/8 IF yesterday and got diarrea, Is it REALLY that related? Why does it happen?
I suppose I should add oats to the end of the window to decrease liquid and get dat dere fiber right?

I just caved and ate some ham, how fucked am i?


Anybody use pic related on fruits, vegetables? Very tasty and has salt. Great for lean /fast/ers that dry fast regularly and eat fruit/veggies during eating windows.

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Just go back to fasting.

>I started a 16/8 IF

Wrong thread, sweetie. You are NOT FASTING. Of coarse you are going to get shit results or sickness BECAUSE YOU'RE EATING.

I prefer dry fasting too. Once you get pretty lean, it seems dry fasting is the best bet, and quick autophagy. And you lose weight much faster.

>Why has the fasting general co-opted by this snake juice faggotry and this try hard manlet, with his "le epik hardline" fitness man?

Uh, I don't know, maybe because it works and gets results FATTY. But seriously, he has nothing to lose like Dr. Fung, who can lose his medical license if he doesn't make his advice "safer" for the "general public" in case someone dies after reading his book.

Cole can just spit pure knowledge bombs. Results rule here. I never would have known about dry fasting from Fung, only Cole. Perfect example right there.

Plato, Ben Franklin, many other influential thinkers in history cite the many benefits of fasting.

It's common and will go away. Keep fasting. Don't chug snake juice.

>Has anyone here ever gotten rid of chronic pain through fasting? Like arthritis or tendonitis?

Yes. IT band syndrome. Coupled with foam rolling, and lacrosse ball deep tissue massage, etc.

>If so, how long did it take you to feel a really strong difference?

It just depends on how much body fat you have, how long you've been fasting, etc. Dry fasting takes inflammation to zero pretty quickly. Wet fasting is good too.

I don't know. Might sound about right. Still lots of benefits with wet fasting though. Effects are just faster with dry.

Hard to say. 15%? Depends on your workout routine, and how much energy you need in the gym. And how cut you want to look. You could OMAD with cucumbers and coconut water (under 500 cals; Cole has a vid on it), and get super lean with that if you want, but you won't have a lot of energy at the gym

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You have to go back

>2 days into fast
>joints are achy

Plato is a retard who thought a plucked chicken was a human

not enough magnesium or sodium maybe
drink snek juice sssssssssssssss

He's probably right about the magnesium. If you're lying down all day or siting with poor posture because you're tired that could contribute to achyness as well. Try doing some light weights/body weight stuff, and take more salt if you're tired.

Just rubbed some magnesium on me. and going for a light jog

I ate breakfast today like a bitch now I'm going to miss out on the dinner I was planning :

Oh, also you can try taking a cold bath with epsom salt. The magnesium will absorb in the skin, and cold baths/showers are great for the muscles, joints, etc. (and also burns calories).

Pic related is magnesium powder you can add to snake juice too.

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how much more than my goal weight should I lose so when I refeed I stay at my goal?

Why would i give a shit about Plato? You do realize that faggot said that humans and hens are the same? Fuck off. He was a hack.

>t. diogenes


can i lose 10kg/22lbs until december if i do this?

Does magnesium citrate break a fast? It tastes delicious.

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It's magnesium, water, and citric acid. No, it doesn't.

Ooo i can feel my heart beat moderately faster.
Its loud.
Im 27 hrs into water fast. My BMI is 25.50.
Is it normal?

yes its expected

Is a 21:3 fasting?

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What about the flavoring? Tastes like pure lemon.

Why does it happen?

Probably the same shit they put in La Croix

increase of nor-Adrenalin when fasting. Your body is trying to give you more energy to go and hunt that food.

Fuck yeah dude.

Cool shit yo.
I got like 45 calories from lemon juice yesterday. Did it break my fast?

yes? but considering how little it is, it shouldn't take much time to get back to fasting.
Anything that has calories brakes a fast, since your body will use the energy you just ate/drank, over being in ketosis and using body fat for food.

Ok but the snake juice recipe says something about the lemon juice of 8 lemons.
I only did 3. Whats up w that?

Again, read the shit above, while it technically brakes it, you will be back to a fasting state fast.
Keep in mind people who eat only fat for instance can stay in ketosis.

>the snake juice recipe
that's like a really really fucking old one
the new one doesn't even have ACV in it

Ok cool.
Does fasting hell with acne?

>Does fasting hell with acne?

It won't heaven, that's for sure

i think he meant heal

He meant help dumbshit

yeah that makes more sense

Anyway, good nutrition fixes acne, but it's more complicated because you need to know whats good for you (not carbs, and especially not sugars).
And then you need to get good sources of good foods.
But the super simple thing is to not eat.
You can't fuck up your body with shit if you aren't taking anything. But naturally you can't just not eat forever.
So it's fine to fast and fix things up. Just letting you know you should think about feeding yourself with things that don't fuck you up when you do go back to food.

Im 18.
How long should I fast?

24 hours is a joke as in literally nothing it's better than what most normies will do most of their life, but still. 24 hours is just where you start to get hungry.
48 hours is good cycling session, as in doing it relatively often. Your glycogen stores should be depleted by then and you should be in ketosis.
4-5 days is still in the safe territory.
Anything above that you need to be mindful of getting enough salt, potassium, magnesium for longer fasting.
Ideally you fast as long as you can. But obviously listen your body.

So my general advise is no less than 24 hours. No more than 4-5 days for beginners.

And for god sake when you start eating again, get small portions, of healthy food, ideally starting of with something light and going back to beefier meals.

So if you start eating sugary shit and carbs in mass right after a fast its retarded. The only carbs you should eat after a fast is vegetables. Getting good quality fats and meats/eggs/fish is a good nourishing meals.
If you plan to start lifting heavy and working out, that on the other hand is a decent time to eat some healthy, complex carbs, such as potatoes, brown rice, buckwheat and so on.

18 as in 18 years old. Im actually 30 hours in.

Should I worry due to my age?

>Should I worry due to my age?
I dunno are you anorexic?

No but some sites say something about stunting growth.
Apparently I shouldnt be doing this.

Source to the Plato quote?

You also shouldn't be fat, or having issues with your health. How many people follow that advice?
The other thing is that your body releases lots of human growth hormone when you are fasting, so when you start to eat again, your body actually does a lot in rebuilding and buffing it up.
Again just make sure you are eating quality food that nourishes you.

Otherwise it's like breaking down a room in a house to do renovations, having the entire crew on standby ready to get to work and rebuild a better room, only to have the owner send them cardboard and snott to build it.

Thanks a lot man. Your advice is invaluable to some dumb teeny like me.

Anyways. I broke the fast (first one ever) with 30 hours. Im gonna take up on IF and eating even more slowly. Ive already cut out soda and sweets. Dropped white bread a few days ago.

16:8 from now on till I lose some weight.

Good luck man, thanka for answering all my questions.

so did the hurt go away user or are u dead
also how long did u dry fast


I juice fast with store brought fruit juice. Beats snake piss fasting.

So what's the story with fasted lifting?

Previously I've done a few 36 hour fasts, and lifted as normal. I lost about a kilo each time and it had no negative effects on my performance. The body releases growth hormone after fasted lifting anyway, so you've got yourself covered.

But how would I cope lifting everyday during a three day fast for example. Has anyone done this?

>begin with a slice of cake and a donut
>eat a bowl of thick lentil stew next
>eat some sausages to get in my proteins
>nibble on some cheese while I finish my meal
>almost forget my dessert: another slice of angel cake and a second donut
>eat a mint to clean my breath

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I'm eating 1 meal a day (dinner) and started trying out a keto diet for about a month. Combined with weight lifting 2-4 times a week I'm down 10 lbs in about 5 weeks. Had to buy a new belt last week. Progress looking good, and much more energetic throughout the day.

Where is all the extra water going? Say I drink 2-2.5 liters of water in a day. I take maybe 3 measly, dehydrated looking pisses. And my stomach feels empty. Where did the other 1.75-2.25 liters of water go?

>2-2.5 liters of water in a day
That's like half a gallon. I drink that much by lunchtime at work. And I work at a desk.


Also sweat, also you're probably underestimating the amount of water you're pissing out

I work on machines. We’re not allowed to have water on the work floor so I have to walk to the break room and slam whenever I get time.

I could be underestimating the amount of water I drink too. It’s a 1L bottle and I always fill it before it gets empty so I’m not 100% sure. I know that before I started fasting and before the snek joos I was pissing like 10 times a day. Now I’m at 3-4 and I don’t even feel like I need to.

Sounds delicious

Christ these threads have gone to shit since 6 months ago. What happened to the other copy pasta with all the proper science journal links and videos? Why is everyone being a retard?

Refeeding begins with diluted fruit juices. You slowly ramp up your intake levels over the course of 4+ days. Never eat right out of the gate or you can actually end up killing yourself.

DId you read that?


Do not take this as a joke. Do not break your fast incorrectly.

That is a massive shit load of food after fasting. Never do that again.

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How long must I fast to look like pic related? Currently at 6ft 290lbs with a massive 52 inch gut, life is hell.

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Cole is something of a pioneer when it comes to adding salt to your water during a water fast. I used to fast on pure water and felt like absolute shit, and the refeeding was always tricky. Since I started using his nasty ass snake juice shit I can fast for much longer, I don't get headaches or side effects after the first 24 hours, and I can break the fast more easily.

So while Cole sounds like a retarded chimp with Tourette's and has no studies to back up his claims, he seems to be onto something based on what we notice anecdotally.

It's really hit or miss with Cole. Snake juice and borax are legit, but long fasts aren't catabolic? Fat cells are miraculous horns of plenty with every type of nutrient under the sun for the body to use? Really?

He also contradicts himself a lot. One day he'll tell you to lift high intensity, low frequency, and the next, he'll tell you to do the opposite.

Take anything Cole says with a grain of salt.

>stupid fat piece of shit cant even into displacement
>oil isn't even fucking hot

nice bait retard

It's a pretty steep IF

At that point why you're not just doing OMAD is beyond me

>had 4 nightmares about breaking my fast
Let me. Sleep.

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Hey fags.
I'm currently in a 72 hour fast. How many days after it I should eat lightly to be able to safely start another fast?


Diogenes please go