W-will I grown an inch more if I'm 19?

w-will I grown an inch more if I'm 19?
g-guys? :(

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Here's the thing
The people who post shit like this aren't worth fucking in the first place
They're generally ugly, unpleasant thots.
Second, they post stuff like this because they are insecure themselves and height is the only concrete thing they can use to try to make themselves a superior princess.
Secondly, despite the memes, most women do not care as much about height as this board would have you believe. I've never been told I'm too short (I've never even been rejected by a girl) and I'm a bonafide manlet at 5'9. I was even told by a friend of a literal 6'2 goddess that she girl was really attracted to me. That was the moment that I realized all this shit about height does not apply to the real world. If a girl who towers over me wants to fuck me, then height is not nearly as important as people make it out to be.
Granted the shorter you are the harder it is, and the taller the easier, but if you're under 6 feet it is not over for you.
Your height isn't what's holding you back. It's your autism. Or your ugly ass face.

Lmao do you really think girls know what 6ft is? They think fucking 5'10 is 6ft.

Women don't even know what 6 feet is. They see a 5'9 normal height guy and think he's 6' because they were lies to by males all their life.

It's like dick size. If you have a 6 incher and tell them that its 8 inches they'll believe you because they never saw a real 8 incher in their life because such a dick is actually pretty rare.

>caring this much about what thots want


Any chick who is picky about height with a man taller than herself is a turbothot worthy only of being cast aside.

Lie to women, they're all retarded

Women can not tell between 6'0 and 5'11

>constant Jow Forums trolling had me convinced I had a 4 inch dick
>finally cave and measure it
>turns out it's slightly above 6 in.

you don't want to deal with a girl that thinks in this way

Manlets and trips don't lie

This OP. He is absolutely right when it comes to girls being insecure and they use height to knock you down. Don't fall for it OP.

and finally we have someone who's left their house before, trips confirm.

Can't argue with those trips
Manlets everywhere are cheering. Thank you
>or your ugly ass face

they can smell the shame of the manlet pit tho

damn, this is the first time ive seen Jow Forums not shit on someone who says being a manlet isnt that bad

bravo man, you give my manlet ass hope

It just annoys me when I see people unironically believing memes like the manlet one. I used to think about my height constantly until I realized that no girl said anything about my height. Finding out the Amazonian wanted to fuck me was what put the nail in that coffin.
I have a friend who is 5'7. Girls are all over him. One of my friends (female) tells me that girls go up to her all the time asking her about him.

>Your height isn't what's holding you back. It's your autism. Or your ugly ass face.
You're so bitter about women hating manlets but you have no issues with them hating ugly guys
It's no different
And yes, even most hot girls will always crave a tall guy even if not being tall isn't a total deal breaker, she will have thoughts of cucking you once it sinks in that she's in a relationship with a manlet

They did studies that prove that looking strong and being tall makes up most of what women find attractive

Calling girls ugly thots makes you feel like a real man, but you're not a man, you're just a bitter hypocrite manlet
Women might be shallow, but it only makes you mad because you're a butthurt manlet not because you're on any moral high ground

I am 5'10" at 25. How can I grow a couple of inches?

>You're so bitter about women hating manlets but you have no issues with them hating ugly guys
I'm not bitter about women hating manlets, because women don't actually hate manlets. Which was the entire fucking point of my post you mental midget.
My post was meant to spread the truth, not to lie to people to make them feel better. Of course being ugly makes you undesirable. But being below 6 feet doesn't.
>And yes, even most hot girls will always crave a tall guy even if not being tall isn't a total deal breaker, she will have thoughts of cucking you once it sinks in that she's in a relationship with a manlet
How many girls have you fucked? Hell, how many have to talked to? Have you ever been in a relationship before?
I've never been cheated on. In fact, currently I have two girls who have both told me they are only interested in fucking me when I literally told them they don't have to because I don't want a relationship. They are both able to fuck taller guys if they want to (lord knows they could) but they both only want me. This is not me bragging. This is just what's happening in my life right now. If what you say is true, how do you explain this?
The fact is you got everything you think you know about women and the things they want from other virgins on the internet. If you want to keep on believing them, go back to Jow Forums. Otherwise keep your bullshit off the fitness board.

>Calling girls ugly thots makes you feel like a real man
I'm not calling girls ugly thots. I'm calling ugly thots ugly thots.
>t. ugly thot

>some low confidence sluts fuck me so I'm alpha
I know fat guys that have fucked hot degenerate girls with daddy issues. Doesn't mean they aren't inferior men
I get what I know about women from the real world, women with short boyfriends ALWAYS act extra submissive and flirty when I hit on them, even in front of their boyfriend

>Doesn't mean they aren't inferior men
And now the true nature of your post appears.
It's not about women not wanting to fuck short guys. It's about you wanting to feel superior.
Women are fucking short dudes and in relationships with them and you're just sitting their thinking to yourself "yeah but they totally want to fuck me instead" as you browse Jow Forums alone.

t. midget


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You don't know what it's like to make a woman feel truly dominated

Unironically cringe
Thank you based manlet, bringing lanklets to tears

If you're under 6'1'' just fucking kill yourself honestly.

yeh cause no woman under 5'9 exists
the absolute state

t. midget


Yikes are you actually seething right now?
Sorry for insulting you ugly folk, I didn't realize it'd get you so mad

why are you so mad? why do you have to keep proving yourself? is it because of...

funny seeing how much focus you put on this I am 6'4" but I am Danish so it is pretty common.
Scandinavians are just tall unless they have outlander blood.

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I'm 5'11" king of the manlets, have a beautiful fiance and pretty much constantly get hit on whenever out with mates, it's all about the face lads, I'm barely out of dyel mode too.

How can you be this fucking stupid? Just measure the damn thing

Og hvad fanden er din pointe?

I'm 5'9" and girls believe I'm 6 foot lol

Pretty much this. If your an insecure manlet who can't get a girl it's the insecurity stopping you not your height. Girls can smell that shit a mile off.


Okej?? Hur många danskar tar det att skruva en glödlampa???

Ingen. De er blevet udfaset og er ikke længere til salg

idgaf about this entire convo

but nigga, a fucking 5'5 gimli looking fucker can dominate a 6'2 woman simply because he's male

I'm 5'8", my gf is 5'2" and one night at a restaurant she gave me her opinion on height and dating: "It makes me mad when I see short girls with really tall guys because tall girls have a hard enough time finding a guy as it is and the short girls are making it even harder for them by stealing all the really tall guys."

You've got about an inch or so left user it'll be ok.

>Mfw 6'2
>Mfw other dutchies mog me

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>trust a woman to measure or estimate anything


I've grown 4cm from 19 to 21 (now), went from 180 to 184.
Trips don't lie, based manlet

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in what fucking scenario are you picturing where she personally measured this man? it would obviously be a self-reported height

Thats a red flag for ugly chick bro
Not even kidding its almost always 5/10s that have this condition

Witnessed trips


manlets will always exist if womanlets also exist and keep getting fucked by you pedos. stay mad faggot

the pit is shaking with cheer!

Probably doesn't want to crush her arm

Don't bother with explaining things to him. He's unironically using "degenerate" and "cucking" to explain his distorted view of the world. He's beyond anything but therapy at this point.

This was definitely created by a fellow user and some shitty meme page picked it up.

thanks brah, im 5’9, i hope it isnt bad for me either

what the fuck man

yeah now how am I supposed to cure my diagnosed asperger?

false, girls think I'm shorter than I actually am

Penis length does vary with age

It's fucking over

This image is exactly what they mean by insecurity. They met a super famous guy who every girl fawned over in the movies and they had to rationalize why he didn't want anything other than a picture with them.


that just means youre ugly brah
unless youre under 5’6, in which case i dont know