Has a grill ever told you that they loved you?
Has a grill ever told you that they loved you?
yeah and i told her to fuck off
Yeah and we’re married and I’m an autist. Go back to Jow Forums.
Once. She broke up with me like 2 weeks later, I wish she never said that instead of sending me mixed messages on what she wanted.
Yea multiple. Then i became a beta loser from watching porn and smoking pot and they cheated and left me. Dont smoke pot and dont watch porn.
not even my mom
but it doesn't matter anymore
yeah. she turned out to be bonkers up there, so i said adios and have sworn off tinder. so far so good.. although jerking it gets old.
why not sounds good and the thot is gone too
try chaturbate its more fun when people watch
She did
She left 6 months before the wedding
My only ex dumped me after 4 days
yeah just a few minutes ago, she also repeatedly told me not to leave her
i think i love her too anons
yeah a million times
three girls have wanted to marry me but I'm too nutty so I always break up with them
She said she "pretty much fell in love with me" after I broke up with her. Women are retarded.
4 days after dating or 4 days after saying she loved you
You should leave her for the lols
Fucking hell, sucks user.
>but it doesn't matter anymore
whatever you gotta tell yourself.
4 days after I asked her out
yep 3 grills actually, had crush on one of them and rejected her. fuck stop reminding me lad. ive been soulless since then i dont know what happend in my head
i want to go back lads
i think i might have to leave her in a few months or go through a long distance relationship for the next 4 years but i really dont want to do either
how do I quit porn? already quit weed but porn is so hard to quit, even though it doesn't get me hard anymore and I basically force myself to fap
Yeah but shes fat and the other one broke up with me
>long distance relationship for the next 4 years
Fucking hell, not worth it man. When a girl doesn't see you regularly, it makes it way too easy for some other guy to swoop in.
Jesus Christ. You need to quit porn yesterday. I went from jerking it to fucked up porn to getting rock hard to just swiping on tinder after a month. You need a good reset.
well I didn't fap today so that's a start
ya if i have to ill end it as im not gonna go through a long distance relationship but i dont think shed cheat on me, maybe im naive though, just based on her lifestyle and personality, she is at home a ton and is pretty introverted
No guy ever thinks their girl would cheat. Women aren't rational, they are driven by there emotions. And when you aren't there, that connection they have with you becomes weaker and Chad from work that makes her laugh suddenly becomes a good friend to lean on.
yep 2 of them and i dropped them because i was fucking bored and havent had a single relationship since but have bones 10+ other women since.
Ya my mom, grandmom, and sis
>had multiple girlfriends
>came to the realization not one ever told me those words
I'm the constant lads.
Does my mom count?
yes. she was batshit crazy and i manipulated her into breaking up with me. she's the worst decision i ever made.
don't be so lonely and starved for love/attention that you make a bad decision.
How long did it take you, though?
The reset, I mean
>tfw hooker accidentally said 'i love yu' during sex
>Didn't look me in the eyes after
Awkward and I almost went flaccid because it was so unexpected
Yeah, anyone who's ever dated me, usually after a pretty short amount of time too. I guess I'm easy to fall in love with. I don't think of that as a positive thing though. People get too attached to me, and it never ends well. I'm too exhausted of it to even go out and try to meet new people. It's been 6 months since I broke up with my last gf. I'm thinking of deleting tinder and just focusing on other things for a while.
you are all faggots.
She did but I dont think she meant it.
No, but a guy has, no homo.
Yeah, she was 17 and I was 24. I was her teenage crush that she grew out of. I should have known better. I let myself catch feelings when I knew it wouldn't work out
She love you long time?
Yes. To my own misfortune, I believed her.
How do I get off a relationship fit?
I am pretty young with little to no experience and I have been in a relationship for over a year.
I'm no longer feeling the "love" and I'm just staying because I know for a fact that will be devastated if I break up the relationship.
Yeah, then i waited to long to say it back and fucked up my chance
As a brother.
Trips deserve an answer.
There's no easy answer, though.
You're going to break her heart (especially if she's young). But she will bounce back. Do it sooner rather than later.
T. Just got out of a 7 year relationship
>Be me 18 in hs
>In weight training class
>act autistic for me guy friend since I'm the only one who lift
>realized school Smith machine reduces 1/2 of the weights mfw I realize I can ohp 1 pl8 for reps and squat 3 pl8s
>act all gay and retarded for friends and show off
>girl mirin
>she starts hitting on me with cringe pick up lines
>I'm still to tires to care after workout so I just say oh that's a good one
>she then confronts me and say she has a crush
>I just nos my head while eating a banana
>still confused at the moment cuz girl actually hit on me
>after semester over I told her sorry I like anime 2d girls better
>she thought I was autistic for not picking up her signals
Fuck mobile me to say tired instead of tires
And node instead of nos
>5 years later she felt like she was "missing out" and jumped on some skelly's dick
>came crawling back when she realized my faults were insignificant compared to those of skellyboy
>told her to fuck off
>she got together with some Chad
>he pumped and dumped
>she comes to me
>tell her to fuck off
Still no new gf after 2 years but at least my life is sorted. Need non-bipolar gf for breeding now.
No, and I'm at the point in my life where if someone did actually say that, I'd be fucked mentally because I wouldn't be able to understand or accept it.
Yeah. It was pretty nice until she broke up with me. Never found out why. I cried for like a week then moved on with my life. Haven't gone back since.
>Tfw jerked off to incest porn literally 20 min ago
I want to stop guys, I really do... I'm on my way to vacation and there's no net there so hopefully these 3 weeks will be the perfect opportunity
yes this one
Nofap isn't needed. Just excercise some self control and cut back.
yes, after admitting on cheating on me
really fucks with my head that the only time i heard "i love you" was from a roastie that used it to manipulate me