sorry this gym is for Indians only
Sorry this gym is for Indians only
Other urls found in this thread:
"Yeah, I can tell by the shit piles in the free weight area"
Explains the stench
"What the FUCK did you say about C++?"
Manlet pajeets are drowning in the curry pit again
You see these abs? These abs can fire projectile shit out of my ass at 100 m/s. Before you can even blink, my shit has hit the street with such an impact that it can be heard a mile away. Watch your back, punjabi.
So that's why the squat rack fucking smells like Curry and dollar cologne.
we are all aryans here boys
>These are the guys putting "eyy bb u wan sum idn dik :)))" under your girl's pics
I figured given the stench and terrible code.
I've never seen a Poo in person at any gym I've been to, or anywhere else in fact that had any substantial muscle mass. Are they just low test in general or something?
i got some at mine
Just lol at all that incel rage.
Anyone got pics of that bitch?
im pakistani bro cmon. lets put the kashmir shit behind us and
>"Yeah, I can tell by the shit piles in the free weight area"
but i am Indian though????
Looks like to opening scene of "Willy Wankers Chocolate Factory"
Alright physiques
I used to go to a cheap shitty little 24 hour gym in the city centre when I lived there, pajeets were the majority and they would come to the gym in minimum groups of 5 and use each other for bodyweight exercises and not even touch any of the weights.
>live in a neighbourhood infested with indians and indian gangs for a few months
>15 man greasy indian teenager gangs taking up every bench and all taking turns doin 1/4 rep at 1 plate
>30s and balding gang members roided out swinging dumbbells like chimps
>kids try to take weights off my barbell while im sitting at the bench and ask me every 2 minutes how much longer i have left
>some kid stares at me while im doin gfacepulls waits until im done my set then runs dehooks the rope and sprints to his group of 10 junior gang member friends
indians are truly subhuman
> indian gangs
LMAO what?
low level gang members that make guidos look like high iq cal tech graduates
will steal all their c++ code for their homework from google and talk about how they code apps
He means packs
Indians are the nastiest race of people. It takes at least two generations of white washing until they can somewhat qualify as human beings
canada is full of "indo-canadian" gangs
mostly low level dope dealers who shoot someone when they are 19 and then get sent to jail
canada is full of them
its always dope when somalis finally move into whatever neighbourhood they drove into the ground and then shoot them all and take over
Based pakibro
lol this shit never happens here in Australia. Are the gang members mostly Sikhs or some other type of Indians?
sikh on west coast cant talk for the east coast
there are only two indians
stinky criminal or code plagiarizing app coders
>mfw not even
where i live its mostly just sikhs running little shops and stuff while people from Kerala are nurses or whatever
imagine the smell
imagine the rape
you live in india?
go home poo apologist
Absolute top kek
>t. cope
mong indian with a solid 5/10 white girl
yeah he's truly the champion of indians, the fact that he wont have to puke EVERY (she looks like she has a strong enough odor that even a strong indian might get rattled once in awhile) time he goes down on her
kek, cope harder
You are in fact the one who is coping
>same height as his gf as well......
king of the indians and manlets*
no way this pic is real
it is, just google 'smelly bombs imported from israel'
White? Are you fucking nuts?
yeah looked again and she's some sort of middle eastern hag
...what? how?
Impressive. How did you meet her?
Jow Forums BTFO
hr's very very handsome
indians truly are subhuman. but most of my friends are indian so i guess they're alright. except when they stink up the train on my commute home. fucking indians.
>being scared of gangs
Really? Those guys are fucking amateurs. Lucky they haven't met any other gang yet...otherwise they would get destroyed by any other black/latino gang.
Their moustaches look pretty good desu
Haha can you believe these guys getting angry at a woman on the internet? This is why I like me some Jow Forums, we´re waaay above that sort of thing.
how is it possible to look so manly yet so effeminate at the same time?
Which one are you talking about? If it’s the one in the middle it’s probably because of that stupid animie hair that has some parts coloured
>you came to the wrong designated street, motherfucker
>Indians at my gym
>Always wearing something ridiculous like a button-down shirt tucked into Man United shorts
>Linger around the weight machines in groups of 2-3, taking turns doing low reps on really light weights
>Leave after 20-25 minutes
So strange.
bout to be some roidrage rapping happen
Imagine the "toilets" in that gym.
>not meeting a quality, wealthy, North Indian girl
I have never met an Indian person like what you faggots describe. What kind of third world areas do you guys live in? Every Indian person I've met is a doctor, i-banker, engineer, or in IT and come from wealthy families. You faggots need to get out more.
t. white guy that only dates Indian girls
>Only pic of a poo with a white girl he can find is from 2001
>shitting in the squat rack
Imagine how this gym would smell, fucking pajeets everywhere
In subhuman hierarchy pajeets are bit above nigger, but bellow jungle-nigger, chinkman and redskin.
Why are nonwhites so fucking garbage?
Lol stop larping Durgesh
Meanwhile, in India:
do indians have the chad beard genetics?
Dunno about low test but I noticed on 23andme that they were the least likely to have the alpha3 actinin gene associated that almost all strength athletes and sprinters have. It was Africans >>>> Europeans > East Asians >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> South Asians
>squatting in the shit rack
*puts on headdress and grabs tomahawk*
Alright boys let's get it AWAWAWAWAWAWA
lmao, butthurt poo
Oh God, I used to rent out rooms in my house to Indians. Even with air fresheners when I would pop over the house would stink of curry. Literally, open the door and its fucking curry town.
You are talking about second/third generation Indian immigrants. Take a trip to India if you want to see what real hell is like.
yet there's more top European strength athletes than African?
Fucking subhuman pajeets.............
daily reminder indians have the worst bodybuilding, performance, facial, frame, height, penis and fat distribution genetics and are the ugliest race in the entire world right after australian abos.
>daily reminder indians have the worst bodybuilding, performance, facial, frame, height, penis and fat distribution genetics and are the ugliest race in the entire world right after australian abos.
idk, niggers especially ones deep in Africa are far uglier and dumber than your common pajeets
holy shit pajeets btfo by /ourguy/ lyle
that gene that he mentioned only implies a slightly higher chance of having a type 2 muscle fiber composition dominance, but even then the difference is pretty small.
Almost all humans regardless of race have primarily slow twitch muscle fibers.
There are hundreds of genes that touch in muscle mass, fat metabolism and physical performance if not thousands of them, it's impossible to tell if your overall genome is preferable for sports or bodybuilding.
Also, having a higher ammount of type 1 slow twitch muscle fibers than the norm is not indicative of lower potential, elite bodybuilders have much higher % of slow twitch muscle fibers than fast twitch compared to the average sedentary person, and slow twitch muscle fibers help a lot in slow unexplosive maximal strength events like squats and deadlifts.
there is nothing to imagine
i dont get the pajeet hate lol?most dont cause any problems for society and they are not even that ugly like Jow Forums claims, well at least not here