How do I stop being cripplingly lazy?

How do I stop being cripplingly lazy?
I sit around all day doing nothing. I want to do stuff but for some reason I don’t get up and do it I just watch tv instead. I feel like I’m wasting away here.
The gym is the only thing I force myself to do

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Same. Apparently it's a sign of depression.

2 minute rule is a good start. If something you should do takes 2 minutes or less do it immediately (as in NOW, not 'in a second')

>I sit around all day doing nothing
No you don't. As you said you watch TV and do other dumb shit. You need to actually do nothing, sit and get seriously bored. That will lead to you really wanting to do something. And should make you more productive.

Start a sport mate. If your cardio is shit do indoor soccer

Start your day doing those things. You're more likely to repeat it if it gets you out of the house. If you start the cycle of doing nothing after you wake up you're not gonna want to do it later at all.

You need to plan ahead. Plan all your free time activities as well as your work time and other responsibilities.
Try to identify maladaptive toughts and fight them. It's best if you write them down. For example you will think "I will feel more like doing this tomorrow". Write that down, then write down an answer explaining that it will be just as hard to do that thing tomorrow as it is today, and it is better to do ot sooner. Do this wiith every harmful thought you have.
Make lists. If you something comes to your mind that you need to do later, write it down and forget it immediately. Don't let it interfere with what you are buisy with at the moment. You can get back to it later. This will free you from a lot of pressure of keeping future tasks in mind and stressing about them.
Control your environment. Cut out distractions. Use tools to limit your time on social media or watching tv. Use the pomodoro technique to make your working time more productive.

If you fail to do everything according to your plan, don't stress about it, just move on to something else. Guilt can be paralizing. Do not convincce yourself that failure means the method doesn't work and you don't need to try. Just get back on if you fall off.

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Go to sleep early, and when you wake up, do one hour of cardio with only a cup of tea in your stomach. Just try it once. If you can't fall asleep early just take melatonin and some chocolate milk.

You need to suffer.

meh. not really worth it. i trained 6 times a week while in high school and after a year of not training my gains still look good

i have more time but i make less effort

do you have any reading comprehension at all? OP clearly said that the gym is the ONLY thing he does.

I want to bury my face in that ass like an oxygen mask.

i'm similar but I'm actually pretty productive because I realized a long time ago that the hardest part is just STARTING to do something else.

i'm just hanging out watching twitch right now, but i know i'm not too interested in it, and i'm not going to lose anything by turning it off, and beginning to study for my exams, and then doing my mobility stuff before going to lift in a couple hours.

removing a lot of the temptations helps too. if you can't remove them, make them a pain in the ass to do that way you can stop compulsory behavior. i fuck around on my phone too much, so when i go to study, i'm going to leave in the back of a drawer in another room. if you spend too much time on Jow Forums, block Jow Forums or something. just make it so you have a bigger window to realize you're engaging in that compulsory behavior. makes it way easier to stop yourself.

I´m gonna need some sauce

mayo or ketchup?

Mayo please

Hana Kimura

Learn 2 search

do you guys not have jobs lmao

just stop being lazy? lmao

just do things. lmao

no lol

Read the Wait But Why blog posts on procrastination

Isn't that a lion king song?

Energy stack: vit d, b12, caffine, CEQ10, creatine, zinc

i want her to pin me down and rape me

nope haha