
Mirin' trap gainz bro.

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how the fuck is that horizontal vein popping out like that?

Just hit d5 boys

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3 months in, lost 10 kg. Should I keep losing weight or start bulking?

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Also gym pic

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26 y/o boomer
182 lbs

3x5 110 OHP
3x3 185 Bench
3x5 205 Squat
1x1 315 DL

Attached: progress 2.png (1181x500, 1.06M)

guys, what if we actually make it but still hate ourselves, I started lifting in hopes that if maybe I looked like this I will be happy with the way I look and not hate myself, but what if I reach this and still fucking hate myself?

I was at 294lbs, lost 50lbs and put on some muscle, everybody's mirin but I still don't feel better about myself

That's the karma of every single lifter.
It will never be good enough

Don't hate yourself because you look the certain way. This is not healthy. You can be happy or not because of your looks and if you don't like something - fix it if you can. If you can't - don't give a fuck, forget about it, it doesn't depend on you. Other people won't hate or dislike you for this either.
Listen to this guy for example.

Time to start eating, friend.

t. weak faggot afraid to show his fatass body

killer chest user, now work on those abs

thats because you still look like shit. you are fat and dyel

you cant be unhappy with yourself if you look like unless you have a severe mental illness.

do you do neck exercises?

Jason is that you

No, I don't train neck/forearms/calves

lucky bastard. you have an insanely muscular neck.
Mine is thick too but i trained it for an entire year to get it to this size.
I know you are probably not gonna tell me even if you did, but did you ever do a cycle?

masT why do u block out you’re face? Your pretty handsome :)

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that one vein on your anterior delt looks like a worm, eeks

Nah I haven't yet. I'd told you though, see nothing wrong with it and I'm not trying to sell you shit as a nattyfuck.

>beta gay face
I can see why he roids.s

>6'4 210lbs

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Only martial arts, cardio, bodyweight and eating healthy. Used to lift for almost 2 years but not right now.
Only equipments I use rn are a pull-up bar and a power rope.
Focusing on being lean, mobile and good cardio.
Still like to eat some junk once and while and won't say no to some homemade chocolate fucking cake.
But other than that no sugar in my coffee and trying to reduce as much as possible (I'm a casual weed smoker so it's not easy to cut my sugar intake to 0%)

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Is that Bradley Martin?

>Only martial arts, cardio, bodyweight and eating healthy.
you have the body of someone who hits the gym once every now and then and drinks beer every night
>But other than that no sugar in my coffee and trying to reduce as much as possible
How come? Family history of diabetes? If not, as an active person there is literally nothing wrong with sugar

When I smoked I used to come from a workout, make a lot of healthy food and eat it. Usually meat with good condiments and rye bread. Also fruits. Didn't gain fat from it.

Jesus Christ look how blotchy your skin is. Arnie and zyzz both had perfect skin which is a big reason why they looked so good.

How much do i need to cut. 6'4'' 250

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probably about 40lbs to be beach ready

fair enough.
Can you give me some stats. Height, age, weight, time spent lifting?

100 lbs

Don't drink every night but love me some beer for sure. I don't deny myself from the stuff I like.
I prefer salt over sugar, just think it's bad for you even if you're healthy. Also not a fan of the sugar rush/crush.

40? I was quessing 20 myself. Ill aim for more

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Yeah for sure dude, you'll be surprised. 30 at MINIMUM

Second this, 30 is minimum

How short are you?


Move your hands faggo :)

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Wtf your arms are mad out of proportion. More shoulder more chest

>tfw you will never be turkish jaden smith

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Goal body
Lookin good but you could be leaner
Good development but unfortunate genetics
You probably look great to normies
Quote the improvement lad
Just keep at it and then cut hard once you’re bigger

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your nipples are making me feel uncomfortable

can someone post some 5'8-10 manlet bodies?

looking for weight to be from 150-180


>150 lbs
You’ve don’t it Jow Forums. Just got a gym membership and I’ll be starting my journey next week

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Captain hath arrived

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not bad

5'9 200 pounds

forgot pic

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165lbs at 6'4", up from 136lbs. Slowly but steady getting up to 200

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>start lifting
you must be the Tom Platz of back to say this. Post back, big guy

mirin surfer look and leaness

pretty balanced physique if legs are on par, you'd look like a pussy slayer losing 10 pounds of fat


good athletic physique, I'd throw some chest work for aesthetics but I know how fightfags are, used to be one too


good taper and legs!

solid, better than most

similare to but a bit leaner

Height/weight? good delts/traps, core needs a bit of work


Thanks bro, everyone on earth says i look like a surfer but I’m aiming for the Viking look. Whatever works though I guess, right? Surfers are cool too

wish i had pecs

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5 11 200lbs 33 year old. Lifting 17 years. Natty

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Whatever works! Don't worry man, Viking is the evolution of the surfer so just eat more meat

>lifting 17 years to look like you did SS for 6 months

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Yeah I'm working on my core but I think I also need to get leaner. But this bf% is too comfy, I can have cheatmeals and drink wine from time to time.

>SS for 6 month
>Look like that
Are you retarded this is like year of ss+GOMAD

So does the evolution go something like this?

Not him but let’s see your physique

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Bulk or cut

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Lift fucking weights and eat clean, that's all you need for now, forget about bulking or cutting, it's not for dyels.

Sorry about your hips and nips user

>If legs are on par
I barely even work legs, but they're fuggen big anyway

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Plat 1 53lp :')

161lbs 5'11

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gimme a bodyfat estimate, i am 5 11 202lb 32in waist 16.5in neck.

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A lot, probably 22-25%

6’3 243lbs

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Waited 12 hours to let you know you aren’t mogging anyone or anything lmfao. Was probably a fun 12 hours for you though, little Tonka Truck

gotta get to your goal and then you cut mothefucker

postbody you dyel worthless FAG

Goal body right here, routine / how long lifting? Pls respond.

You look really really good. Mirin


sickkunt. mirin dude.

I’m going to sing along to Ed Sheeran songs while staring at this pic and pretending I have your body.

Amazing physique? In MY Jow Forums? Post routine, man!

post body-

oh wait you already did and it’s berrynice!! congrats bruh

Deadass goal body right here. Miss me with that hate, other anons.

Please fuck my wife.

Those rear delts make me so jealous that I want to punch a fucking hole through my drywall

Thick tight and solid congrats bro shiiiit

wtf you look good im hard lol

>mfw wanting this body

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Must be roids. If not, please for the love of God post routine or I’ll kill myself.

this guy mogs like everyone else ITT holy fuck

you remind me of Bane from TDKR brother.

How does this guy manage to look so good...?

Is this some kind of meme? The dude looks good but we only have a bad picture of his back and everyone’s sperging out about it


were you the obscenely lean and skelly dude

I’m 5’5

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Ottermode yet?

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natty or nah?

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Towelie, is that you?


>thinking this is aesthetic

I was an obscenely lean skelly but idk if I was THE obscenely lean skelly you're talking about

Post body fatass