For everyone struggling with nofap, I know there are a lot of you

If you have the patience to read a book, this works 100%

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stop shilling this retarded book.
only way to quit anything is through willpower you fucking jew cunt.
there's never an easy way to an improvement, easy things always lead to downfall.

>only way to quit anything is through willpower
Wrong, also kys. Having to use willpower implies that you still desire what you want to quit. That is cognitive dissonance.

you're actually retarded.
willpower and discipline are the only ways to quit.
what are you going to do?
>just forget about it bro lmao
looks like you've never been addicted to anything

>there's never an easy way to an improvement, easy things always lead to downfall.
Also wrong

>actually doing nofap unironically

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You're a faggot and a dumbass. Using willpower doesn't get rid of the desire, you know the actual addiction, it just makes you feel deprived. The truth is you're not depriving yourself of anything

>But How Can You Willpower If Willpower Isn't Real?
Fuck off, kike.

You sound like a child

Most drug addicts want the feeling drugs give them

Willpower is ineffective, it doesn't solve the problem at the root

When they get that craving though it is only about relieving it

t. never been addicted to anything serious.
this book you're shilling:
>masturbating doesn't give pleasure
>you aren't giving up something
you're giving up pleasure, alone time and all the feelings you get from masturbating
>fear prevents you from quitting
not really, what prevents people from quitting addictions is the fucking urge to shove dopamine up your brain with the harmful activity.

only way to quit whatever is to use discipline and willpower, both of which I doubt you have, and also the most important thing is to make a lifestyle change, somewhat big change to go with you giving up the addiction.
you need to picture what you want your life to look like and discipline your way through, keeping your word.

>t. never been addicted to anything serious.
Been addicted to almost everything apart from gambling, don't know why, couldn't get into that one for some reason
>masturbating doesn't give pleasure
pleasure =/= relief, also sitting in a puddle of your own spunk feeling guilty isn't pleasurable
>you aren't giving up something
>you're giving up pleasure, alone time and all the feelings you get from masturbating
See above
>fear prevents you from quitting
>not really, what prevents people from quitting addictions is the fucking urge to shove dopamine up your brain with the harmful activity.
The dopamine withdrawal is actually very mild, it's the brainwashing that is strong
>only way to quit whatever is to use discipline and willpower,
Wrong on so many levels, me and someone else already answered this. You use willpower if you still have desire, but as the other user put so nicely willpower doesn't solve this desire for self harm

Willpower is a finite resource though, everyone runs out of it eventually

Uh-oh, I think OP triggered the porn cuck

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are you getting paid for this jew?
you really are trying to shill me that masturbating does NOT give me pleasure?
how fucking braindead are you to say this autistic shit?
relief? from what? its not nicotine we're talking about and if you're talking about getting
a dopamine fix then you're contradicting yourself.
>dopamine withdrawal is mild
why the fuck then, when I quit porn and get somewhere near the 20th day I feel drained
and the second I look at a half naked girl picture or a slut on the street I physically feel
chemicals rushing in my brain?
>willpower doesn't solve the desire for self harm
willpower is the thing that makes you take action in whatever form.
if you choose to use your willpower for harmful habits, you will get shit results
if you combine willpower with discipline you will stay away from bad habits and get good results.
I quit smoking after 5 years of 2-3 packs a day marlboro red.
if I didn't make all the lifestyle changes I made and didn't have willpower and discipline, I'd never have come this far.
>Been addicted to almost everything apart from gambling, don't know why, couldn't get into that one for some reason
really interested to hear your addiction stories. you know snorting cocaine twice at different parties isn't really an addiction, right?

You dumb piece of nigger's shit, you cannot get rid of an addiction. It fucking stays with you until your last day. Only way is to control it with willpower. Look what happens when an alcoholic gets a relapse, he doesnt drink to get moderately wasted and then stop, they will binge drink 24/7 for the next few weeks.
>T. Someone who knows more addicts than normal folk

it is infinite if you know how to nurture it. and the way to nurture it is discipline, they go hand in hand.

I'm on day 22 nofap/noporn

>a jew getting paid to help people with nofap
You realise that jews are behind porn and want you to masturbate, don't you?
>dopamine withdrawal is mild
why the fuck then, when I quit porn and get somewhere near the 20th day I feel drained
and the second I look at a half naked girl picture or a slut on the street I physically feel
chemicals rushing in my brain?
Yeah that's dopamine but it's mild compared to the feeling of deprivation you get because you genuinely believe that porn will relieve it instead of create the next craving.
>willpower is the thing that makes you take action in whatever form.
>if you choose to use your willpower for harmful habits, you will get shit results
You're right for once but you've missed the point completely. Even if you do manage to use willpower until the dopamine cravings subside, the desire is still there dormant. It's the reason so many smokers can go years without smoking, then have one cig when out drinking then get hooked again
>really interested to hear your addiction stories
Porn for 15 years
Weed and tobacco for 13 years
Videogames all my life until recently
MDMA / cocaine / base for about 5 years
Crack for about 1 year
Even I wasn't stupid enough to do heroin
Jow Forums still to this day


you're porn free for how long?

Here's an idea for you, instead of whining and bitching about it, why don't you read OPs book first THEN come to a conclusion?

Around 2 months, I don't count the days anymore. Before I could barely manage 2 weeks

tried reading it, for the first 50 pages or so all the writer does is self shill the same book im reading so I dropped it.
Its just fishy when they beat around the bush for so long.
so if the op picture is somewhat a synthesis of the book I'm glad I didn't waste my time finishing it.

>self shill the same book im reading
and which book is that?

I meant he's self shilling himself.
the first 50 pages of the hackbook is shilling the same hackbook.

I don't believe you, the book only has about 50 pages. You haven't read it at all have you?

liar, he doesn't

my bad sorry for the wrong numbers, I don't remember exactly how much but it felt like he went on forever saying the same shit with different words
shit like
>keep on reading and you'll find out
>it's mandatory to repeat this so it'll get cemented in your mind
I'll pass on that thank you

I realised I had a porn addiction when I was jacking it to porn and not even getting fully hard. I get a semi and jack it for like a couple of minutes to porn and go straight to orgasm. If I tried to fap without porn I just couldn't get hard or feel anything. The porn was triggering the orgasm without any of the pleasurable build-up. My virility was through the floor and I was never confident in my erections.

I tried to read this guy's book but he spends like 70% of it saying the same thing - "you won't believe this works, it's like magic etc." and lots of stuff about your brain on porn. The actual method is very simple: instead of saying you're gonna quit, say you have quit and that you're free. I tried it by saying to myself "I am free" whenever the urge came over me and I have to say I'm finding it quite effective. Last night I fapped in bed without any porn and maintained a much more solid erection even without fantasizing. (Obviously I'm not on nofap but my goal is to stop watching porn.)

>it's mandatory to repeat this so it'll get cemented in your mind
He does say this a lot, and for good reason. Sorry if you lack the willpower and discipline to finish a free ebook, maybe it can help someone else instead

I don't want to cement shit in my mind from a book named "the hack book" or a writer I don't know.

That's fair enough. The author of the original book on quitting smoking was called Allen Carr who had a 95% success rate with getting people to quit. I've read this book and not smoked at all since. The hackbook that OP posted is basically just a carbon copy of that book, but with smoking replaced with porn/masturbation and a few other changes to make it more relevant. The reason OP (or whoever) made it is because Allen Carr is dead now. It's a good book IMO, definitely worth reading if you're struggling.