Just bulking right?

Just bulking right?

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The parents should be fucking shot.

>nine years old
>178 kg

>9 yo
>178 kg
is this really possible? I mean the kid is basically a ball of fat at this point considering the average height of a 9 yo male is around 130 cm. At 185 I was 100kg at my worst and I never want to go back there.

The kid was 100kg at 6

It's fake.
What kind of a 9 year olds heart could keep up with the body of an morbidly obese adult

I dont believe it

>9 years old
Is it Kyraikos Grizzly's daughter?
You sound dyel tbqh

We talking about boogie here, right?

The legendary bloatkid

what the fuck

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This kid aint even human at this point he's just a walking sack of fat

Also how the fuck does Australia of all places have obesity problems its literally scorched earth there

probably some islander cunt those kids are huge

This is nothing less than child abuse. The child will grow up being picked on, alienated, unable to play sports and be launched into adulthood with poor eating habits, poor socialization, and to put the cherry on top, a fuck ton of loose skin if he does take control. As a former fatty who grew up literally obese, fuck those people, stop feeding your fucking kid so much.

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>9 year old
>3x my weight
What the fuck is going on?

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can you repeat this in american?


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Hes bulking up very early for some serious long-term gains. He is on a level we cannot comprehend.

The parents should be arrested

fucking hell, his life is already over, even if he loses weight I doubt he'll live over 30 to 40

Bet $100 it's an islander, or abbo

178kg is around 390lbs.

If he has 180kg now, I doubt he will even make it to adulthood

you sound fat and ugly

i think i was like 20kg at 6. wtf.

fug, his parents should get gassed

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sub 1/2/3/4 dyel for reps detected

Whatever it takes, right babe?

Good progress but still a twink

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Jealous, twink?

This can't be real. I'm a 6ft male and just about weigh that in lbs.

A fully grown toddler weighs 200kg
Not impressed

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>When you're 20% human at 9 yo stuck in a ball of fat because your parents are retarded

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At what point should social services remove the kid from his parents?

there is now way this is true.

Absolute unit

He lost 83kg

When the parents disagree with his gender orientation.

They don't do that in rooland already? Kids are always weighed and measured for their annual health report, we even had dentists and GPs here.

What is he about to smack on? A candle?


But seriously how do the parents condone this?

What, have these guys never heard of SS + GOMAD or something?

>juvenile of marriage age but only half legal age to drink coffee
>approximately one Amy Schumer
What the tarnation? *fires pistols in air angrily*

Ice cream cup