Do you find it hard to balance lifting with your professional life?

Do you find it hard to balance lifting with your professional life?

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Yeah, but that's the part of discipline that makes it hard. The best strategy is to life before work.

Oops forgot the product placement

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>wake up
>go to work (or work from home if I plan to skip the gym that day)
>finish work
>train BJJ if it's Monday, Wednesday or Friday
>get home
>eat my suplements and a huge meal
>shitpost, watch netflix, play PS4, get shifaced if it's Friday
>go to sleep

>get shitfaced

drink a lot of alcohol

You know... "Get riggity riggity rrekt, son!"

its the best part of it honestly
after sitting in a shitty office all day the first thing i want to do is MOVE

t. omad fag

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Is not like i imagined you'd get a qt chick to shit on your face exclusively on Fridays for no particular reason at all

*lift before work

I don't have a professional life. I run equipment lel.

How does it feel to dress up in clothes you hate, to be stuck in traffic you hate, to deal with clients you hate, to report to a boss you hate?

I'm self employed so no

how can you not know what shitfaced means? Is English your second language?

Yeah I'm from superior europe

yes,pic releated

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literally hell unless you fucking love what you do.

>lifting before work
Lifting is the one thing I look forward to in my day. If I did it before I even fuckin went to work I'd probably lose my job.

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>Expecting to exceed you maximum capabilities in a sub-optimal condition
user I...

what the fuck is wrong with me

>How does it feel to dress up in clothes you hate
no dress code. I unironically wear a tracksuit to work sometimes
>to be stuck in traffic you hate
It's like 15 minutes and I can work from home as much as I want
>to deal with clients you hate
usually don't have to do that
>report to a boss you hate
don't really have to do that, maybe stuff like explaining that something that the client wants shouldn't be done, because it's not in the requirements, etc.

>tfw adult
Weekends are WAY too little time to do anything than read some articles online and recover/sleep from the work week and do chores.

Fuck life, this isn't what I imagined when I was still a kid.

I work in an office and I don't have to do any one of this. I feel like people who write this have only worked at shitty McJobs.

nice OC my man

>dress up in clothes you hate

A lot of places let you wear casual these days

I'm right there with you bro. Got a shitty job selling bread and cake at a bakery right now. Which in itself is a pretty shitty job, but due to lack of personell, I had an entire month of six-day work weeks, usually with overtime. I come home, fall asleep, wake up, go to work - rince and fucking repeat.

The moment I got my personal life fixed (about to lose the apartment) I'm getting the fuck out and get a new job with more spare time. I can live with shit wage as long as I have enough free time to not actually waste my adult years.

>I don't have a professional life
>I run equipment
That's right you don't have a professional life you faggot. You probably run wiggle wagon for $20/hr and think you are top shit and bitch and moan to us mechanics that "whaaa the air conditioning in the cab isnt cold enough". Get fucked retard.
>t HD tech making $51/hr

It was harder back when I was working a job that was 1.5 hours away. Now I work a couple minutes away which gives me more time. I also work 9 hours on monday through thursday and half days on friday. This allows me to use friday and sunday as lifting days where I don't need to rush anything, and then I fit another workout in on tuesday.

I'm also /homegymmasterrace/ which further cuts down on time spent on prep/commute to the gym.

No. I go to the gym after work every day

I work 5 days a week and it feels like it takes me 3 days to feel recovered from it all. The only way I have energy to do a goddamn thing after taking care of my career and household is by drinking copious amounts of coffee.

Is that OC? first time I'm seeing it and it's really good

Job is even paying me fitness first
live 150 meter from gym.


Do euro women shit on your face?

I'd let a girl sit on my face and I'd lick her feet while she acts bossy, but that's just fucked up, man

German detected

Except if you're a wagecuck like me doing produce. Lifting shit and running around all day is twice as hard if I work out before I clock in.

German here from Hamburg

Just lift on weekends.

>literally hell unless you fucking love what you do.

You can’t find one hour of your time a day to lift? I feel sorry for you. Not the fact that I don’t believe you have the time, but the fact that you are so poor at time management. Get your life together

I know guys with multiple children under 4 and they all can balance work, family, and gym time

I don’t know maybe you’re retarded or maybe you have “ADHD”...

>the memes are true one again

Professional NEET here:
>wake up to the sunrise
>yoga for an hour
>mediate for 30 minutes
>cook breakfast using fresh ingredients
>practice guitar while my stomach digests my delicious breaky
>head to the gym
>lift for 90 minutes
>come home for a post workout meal, freshly cooked
>fast for the rest of the day
>spend my free time increasing my skills, going on dates with qts, reading some books I need to catch up on, or conversing with my fellow anonymous cohorts
>peacefully fall asleep with another stress free day completed

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yet you're poor and haven't starved to death only because the socialist cancer that will run out of other people's money in a few years. unless you live off inheritance, then congrats on you're easy mode


how could it possibly be hard
>a professional life
wish i had one, cant even afford consistent diet lmao

You are doing weekends wrong. You are meant to recover from your weekend during the rest of the week

Have some fun, user

Saturdays are for getting drunk etc and Sundays are for self-improvement like learning algebraic topology.

luckily you dumb wagies keep working and lining my pockets, what would I do without you!

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I do shift work and for about a year i was going 5-6 times a week. but it took its toll and I got burnt out. now I just go on my days off, its never busy and I can take my time. 3 times a week now but I'm not stressed about it anymore

No, social life is the hard part for me. I have never been very social, and 1, MAYBE 2 nights tops of doing something with friends per week is enough for me. I often find myself more bored than when I’m alone, and it takes away time that I could be doing something I actually enjoy. Plus, most people drink a lot when they do stuff, and being around drunk people while you’re sober is annoying. And I don’t want to get drunk because it is unhealthy, it really isn’t all that fun after the first few times, and it ruins the next day. Don’t get me wrong, I really appreciate having friends, but sometimes I find myself making excuses not to hang out because I’d rather exercise, work on hobbies, play vidya, watch anime/tv, and jack off than hang out with people.

who's driving boomer's car?

This, wagies like
who think being unemployed in a first world country is difficult are very funny! The entirety of the West is moving further toward socialism, not away from it.
>inb4 muh Trump
Trump is great because he makes a bunch of socialist feminazis do well in every other election. And once all these “woke” dumbass liberals put Biden or Warren in the whitehouse, us NEETs will be living on easy street while you middle class “evil white male” worker bees are made into pariahs and taxed even harder! Here’s to the future my man, thanks in advance for giving 60% of your salary to taxes which will fund my lifestyle.

Zoomers have adhd and don't like anything repetitive

>lying on the internet

You wake up at midday, eat cheetos and jerk off to animoos.

>implying I'm American
and living off other people to survive is just pathetic. soon you'll run out and your only option will scavenging in the garbage bin, see Venezuelan socialist paradise. that's why I work on contract and almost none of my money goes to single mothers, the likes of you, etc.

>read some articles online
Why settle for being a dilettante? Read books.

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>only because the socialist cancer that will run out of other people's money in a few years
Not him, but so what? The system is going to crash and burn anyway, even the wagies that are loyally going to work will not get the pensions they're getting taxed into oblivion for when the state runs out of other people's money. Why not enjoy the ride of the destination is damnation anyway? We are the rejects of a society that threw us to the wayside, we do not owe that society jack shit.

Fast food and retail are fake and gay.

$30/h and no one at my new job can tell I'm actually green af (I had a total of 2 hours on one beforehand). Also yes, the AC was blasting and it still was too hot outside.

I kinda agree, I just don't wanna be completely dependent on it and I'm doing everything to not live off it or support it

>I just don't wanna be completely dependent on it
Then let me spit your words back at you: unless you have an inheritance, there's no escaping the system. You're taxed into oblivion to the point where you become dependent on the system and then you're expected to be thankful because this is a 'fair redistribution of resources'.

Fuck that shit. Unless you have a really cozy job where you can fuck about and then earn big bucks part time, you're better off opting out.

I gave up a career to go back to uni and complete a chemistry degree part time. I work four days a week mon-Sun and always have Wed off. I work 7am-230pm and make only£15k pa but I love it. I have time to have a life and its not like I will ever amount to anything anyway so might as well just live and make time for the things I love. I get to spend plenty of time with my Maine coons and my German shepherd, and my gf and friends.

>Fuck that shit. Unless you have a really cozy job where you can fuck about and then earn big bucks part time, you're better off opting out.
well, I shitpost on Jow Forums or smoke cigarettes most of the time at work and I have way more money that I can spend, because I'm a khv living with my parents and I'm practically unfireable at this point

My office job is the reason I joined a gym because I get a 30% discount on membership. So I go every day right after work, and rest on the weekend. Love Friday when the gym is empty