
>been working out for about a week
>eating good
>zero fucking energy
>can work out for like 20 minutes a day at the most before muscles are completely tired
>apparently this is nowhere close to the amount of working out you have to do to actually make progress
what are some painless suicide methods?

Attached: 1506998209691.png (550x535, 307K)

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eat more salt

Drink your protein shake or eat a qwest bar mid-wirkout instead of after. You can do it.

What kind of working out are you doing?

lifting weights, i get exhausted after a set or two

That's exactly how you make progress. Lift heavy things for about 8 times until you are nearly exhausted, rest for 1-2 minutes and do it again for 2-3 more times. Then change the exercise.

my lifts completely drop after a set or two though, like i can't even do a 5x5

Check testosterone levels

could that really be it?

>been working out for a week
>my lifts completely drop after a set or two though, like i can't even do a 5x5

no fucking shit. Drop the weights, keep doing your reps and deal with it. What is so fucking bizarre about this?

this literally just means you're using weights that are too heavy lmao

>be me, retard
>use weights that are too heavy for me
>can only do 2 sets

man, why is working out so hard?

>what are some painless suicide methods?
meditate on death or whatever comes to mind
be mindful

Attached: just.jpg (720x960, 67K)

watch this from the 1:40 mark, OP

I've fought off a life-crippling fungus infection with exercise and this pic brings some PTSD

oww muh laygs

Attached: oww my legs.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

how the fuck does someone let this happen to themselves...

that must itch like hell itself

he was probably severely abused

beyond a certain point other people become culpable

Do a fuckton of cardio to build up some basic endurance.

Less weight on the bar
If the bar is too heavy do some body weight squats or use those 20 lb suburban mom squat bars