High test meme

Is it true high testosterone men prefer thicc women, or is this just a Jow Forums meme?

I can't seem to find any studies on in.

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There is a difference between actual ''thicc'', voluptuous women, and fat women. The former is GENETIC, the latter have shit fat distribution and are overweight.

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If ur not fucking landwhales ur not a real man

Yes, the left has poor fat storage and likely bad hormone production. The right probably has high estrogen and good feminine fat storage.

You need a Big dick to satisfy them anyways. I'm 6 inches and I probably won't get the job done Anyways, besides my dick will keep coming out. And dick size does matter

Thicc is one thing, what you just posted is an obese woman, i not wanting to fuck an obese woman makes me low t call me king of s-o-y-b-o-y-s

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yeah you need a bigger peen for thicc girls cus they have bigger cheeks and the less distand you have to penetrate.

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looks like he gets happier with each pound

loooool xdxdxdxd

Bond took the thiccpill boyos

You can see by that shape of dress on the last pic that she put a lot of weight on belly but not much on tits and probably not on ass. I mean, she weights >240lbs and those tits are just a bit above avg, specially when compared to 1st pic when she weighted 50% less.

All her good genes went for face, none for body lol

you KNOW the motherfucker is a feeder ... he must have a fucking thick cock too, based

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wow 253lbs = 115 kg
Imagine if she is in heels in the last pic.

it's all true
>Twenty-six pedophiles and 16 nonviolent nonsex offenders were compared on baseline values of Luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), testosterone, estradiol, dehydroenpiandrosterone sulphate (DHEAS) and cortisol. Pedophiles had significantly higher levels of LH and FSH but lower levels of testosterone. There were no significant differences on the remaining hormones. When age and substance abuse were controlled, LH and FSH differences were not statistically significant but testosterone differences remained and pedophiles now had lower levels of cortisol. In a second study, 26 pedophiles and 14 healthy community controls were compared on the gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) test. Blood was sampled for LH and FSH at times — 15, 0, 20, 45 and 60 minutes. There were no group differences in baseline values of LH or FSH. Pedophiles, however, showed greater increases in LH (but not FSH) than controls after GnRH injection. Results were similar when age, substance abuse and baseline levels of testosterone were taken into account. The findings suggest that further investigation of pituitary functioning in pedophiles is warranted.

samefag or underage

Kill yourself

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that is literally a prostitute she hired
you won't find a picture with his face in it

why don't women hire me


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He literally bondburgered her


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Child bearing hips attract men, not obesity

i want her to sit on my face and kill me

Is that how it feels like when you're horny and suicidal?

Just imagine.. the last thing you experience before you die is her ass sweat.

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Women get prostitutes too.

not suicidal, just high test

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oh its true

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Feels good.

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I would.

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Reminder that being high test is a curse
Reminder that you shouldnt be proud of wanting to shag fat women

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this meme is retarded as high test originated with those of us who sauce. when your on gear you get incredibly horny to the point you'll fuck almost anything. that is where the 'high test' meme originated but many faggots who didn't understand what it really meant started repeating and running with it and now it's a retarded meme that promotes disgusting bitchs

I want this to be me

If you like fat and obese women, like everyone on those pictures so far, then you are broken beyond repair.

Pic related is what an ideal body looks like. Now go fuck yourselves.

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This is a lesson friends. Never marry.

>If you like fat and obese women, like everyone on those pictures so far, then you are broken beyond repair.

This is true, but now I'm ok with it.

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man with the golden corral

you posted a fat girl not thick

>Pic related is what an ideal body looks like. Now go fuck yourselves.


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his first wife wasted away from cancer mang

That's because he's /hightest/ as fuck. I have the same goals for my wife

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>narrow hips
>flat chest
I can only pray she has a decent ass

theyre the same thing you fat fetishist fuck

>come over for dinner user
>me and my girlfriends made ribs and pasta
>you're not one of those guys all about his 'diet' are you? hahaha

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Checked, how about you fit this dick into your diet hole if you catch my drift

>flat chest

Anons, i am an titty man. My girlfriend is like 6,5/10 and has a great ass. Cares about me, loves me genuily, supports me. But she doesn't have any tits, GOD DAMN IT!!!!!!!! I am a little bit drunk but i confess that i haven't touched a single couple of tits in the last 5 years. It's making me crazy, damn. I am all fine with my gf, but those tits that the ho's at the gym have are just... pure temptation. Is it time to fuck off the rational friendship loving relationship and to fuck some 19 yo fresh pussy with tits?

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It's all about the girls with fat tiddy and fat booty.

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This is what peak femininity looks like m88s.

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low test manlets hate this thread

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If you can't love the tits you want
Then love the tits you're with

this is my favorite pic
left and right are 10/10


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they are plain average so basically 5/10

>tfw you found some camgirl who has a super ugly italian guido face but a crazy body

yeah they are pretty normal looking. I like them because they seem natural, no make up, no posing for the picture, no fancy clothes. So that makes them 10/10 in my book.

>aiming for "normal" looking 5/10 girls

Shiggy diggy.

I'd be surprised if you can show me a better looking girl, with no make up, not posing and wearing casual clothes.

Look up any chick who does sport on Jow Forums
Indefinetly better bodies.
Hell even they would look way better with a good trainings plan.

masT i know thats you

They dress and act like whores, this is a turn off for long term relationships.

>that shit-eating grin

this is Jow Forums. most people would be lucky to get 5/10s

You are generalizing.
Thats not even what this is about lol.
I am not aiming for average bodies, why would I myself have a 10/10 body then?

Cause you are addicted to setting personal PRs.

This is not r9k or Jow Forums lol.
And its also not 2007.
Get with the times, Jow Forums is a normiefest.


mizzbondi, but her insta is private now.

Sauce, for the love of god


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Holy shit this is a black, curly hair version of my gf wtf.

They're so similar i swear my dick thought it was her and i felt blood flow start rushing down there

she cute

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how is that possible

Some women just have wild proportions

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That almost gave me a heart attack. I have a picture of her in this pose (of course im not posting) and aside the couch and wall it could be the same pic with different colors.

W-whats her name?

Shed look better without the botox but that body is unreal

Tell me more lol

Nice larp you virgin


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not the right thread
but... cant i just eat meat
do i need to eat these disgusting pastas
i want to get a nice body
spartan not huge
also i plan to swimm and run

>of course im not posting


just get her pregnant man

yall should see the piggy im gonna go port next weekend. almost a two hour drive but goddamn those g cups and the ass to match.

a little bit goth also

He is handsome. No way I can look like him from going to gym.


Itt boys raised by the internet

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>Too scared to tell off women who absolutely make it up

If God didn't want us to racemix, why did he make brown women so sexy?

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