ITT: Female transformations
Be it body or plasticpill (or both)
ITT: Female transformations
holy shit
a woman that actually has enough discipline to lose more than 50 lbs of weight
>that nose
Oh no no no
this picture unironically triggers fat women
What's wrong with her nose?
In the after pic, it's that typical bimbo nose where it's raised up and you can see the inside of her nostrils, looks bad. Her previous nose was much nicer
It's a completely different angle like what's your problem desu
That's the angle
It also is too short, giving her face a weird aesthetic overall
Jesus christ 100% neccessary
You're a retard incel
Why are you defending some internet bimbo? I don't like the fake, perfect look she is going for
Why are you talking out of your ass? She didn't even have a fucken nose job
>literally only one picture of this happening
Who's the retard now?
all these women losing weight and tanning but not lifting
> pic related
> having so many plastic to get thin cheeks that you end up looking like an alien with a chanel wig
the only good job here tbqh
This t b h.
If you don’t have an iPhone you’re automatically incel.
can anyone point out whats wrong with this pic?
she is not sucking my dick
Who’s her lover? That secret service dude who’s always with her?
Can't blame her
too many things have changed for you to see the two women as the same person
Why do incels have incredibly high standards?
Jesus Christ. Can’t decide which one of the two is worst.
The gypsy whore look, or the disease ridden gypsy whore look
It’s all they’ve got.
Most wouldn’t stick to those standards IRL anyway. Every incel also always obsesses over some homely internet chick like obscure youtubers or whatever.
I'm not saying she's not sexy and that I wouldn't fuck her, it's just that I'm not that attracted to the unnatural look all that much
Men alwys say that yet they always go for plastic.
its not the same person
she found the cure for ginger?
We go for whatever we can get
those woman are hot but are in my too ''perfect'' in looks.
I find that the imperfections cute girls have is what makes them really beautiful. I wouldnt want a plastic fit girl, i'd preffer a cute skinny or chubby girl.
My ex was chubby and i loved everything about it
should be but are in my eyes too perfect*
how tf did her nose end up looking like that? every other one of her features is stacy-tier. her sons are guaranteed chads if they get their father's nose
nice, but no ass
women like that are unironically disgusting. beautiful is better than sexy, and you are a low IQ nigger if you disagree.
my nigga
Tiny frame + plastic is so fucking hot. Hnnnnnggg. Please, may I be able to fuck girls like that
both the woman from your pic and from
seem to be putting on some kind of show desu
low iq nigger
This chick lost 93 lbs.
I always think it's funny when I see hair like that (right) and think about how much time and thought she probably put into it. She's hot, but there's enough volume in that hair to blow out car windows.
looking for qt3.14 pious muslim/christian orthodox gf with child bearing hips
wtf kind of comment is this
yeah, its because she has some kind of tumblr or blog about headscarfs i think
That’s how women put other women down, user.
She looks better on the left tbqhwubbqfamilam
Fucking ruined
Absolutely ruined.
>limpwristed user prefers s()ygirl over CHAD
>that thousand yard just kill me now stare she has on the left
Whoops, meant for:
why do cucks have incredibly low standards?
Start going to church functions and stuff, you'll find them. The people you want don't go out clubbing, this is the way they socialise.
the thing is i would absolutely kill this girl with my penis any day of the week but just looking at her i 100% expect her to act like a cunt.
its you again...
Kek is that the best you can come up with?
She shills extensions on her IG I think.
Is that the tranny from IASIP on the right?
why are Russian lolis so perfect bros
But fuck her, she lost weight and then fucked with every part of her body.
>Eyelash extensions
>Lip injections
>Hair extensions and coloring
>Idr where she did her plastic surgery
>I think she also has implant now
Eh, i'd buy her not having implants. A lot of sports bras double as padded push-up bras now, and she could be one of those lucky 5% that keep a good chunk of their tits when they drop weight.
Why do women think thigh gap is attractive? It looks disproportionate on girls with wider hips. She needs to do some fucking squats.
jews will go to such lengths to hide their true selves. they want to look like whites so badly.
Great face gains
there's a Stacy at my gym whose Instagram I found and she was definitely a chubster 2-3 years ago. not as big as some of the other chicks ITT but definitely at least 35-40 extra lbs.
she's pretty hot now but unfortunately she's also a huge thot, or so it seems.
when my kids come out lookin ugly as hell im gunna think my genes are the bad ones
she looksmaxed, dyed her hair, wear big glasses, fixed her diet
>she gets paid sponsership money to take awful selfies like this and be a whore while doing a fraction of the work you do in the gym
I think she looks cute in the first one. She looks out of everyones league in the third one.
It's her lips
Fuck that after pic just turned me into a lesbian
I will still have an ugly face, but im hoping this thread will be me in a few months
>get fat gf
>get her to workout with me eat right
>leaves me for first guy that flirts with her
>rinse repeat 3 times
Don't fall for the fat girl trap. Even if you do get them to lose weight with our mental discipline they will turn in to whores
>tfw no hungry lich queen