Getting ripped is not as important to me as staying health, especially in the case of heart health for men...

Getting ripped is not as important to me as staying health, especially in the case of heart health for men. I'm 30 years old, as I get older I want to know what I can be expecting health wise that I should keep an eye out for, if there are any older anons out there I'd love to hear your opinions.

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Same my family has a history of heart attacks and I'm pretty much destined to die of one. Doesn't help all the shit I take.

Make sure your BP is 120/80. Resting heart rate between 60 and 100, but lower than 60 is even better. Get your cholesterol checked. Also you cant eat like you did in your 20s. Cut out beef, pork and all the bad stuff. No fast food and no more cheat days.

>that boomer who values his health over his aesthetic

>cut out beef, pork
Fuck off dickhead

Going full veg is the best bet honestly

unless you are fat as fuck, why are you worried about myocardial infarction?

do this if you only "exercise" once every two weeks because of how tired you are after work and consider work as a workout

late 30's here, highest test and best health of my life right now, simply because I now lift. when I was 24 to 28 I did cardio 5 days a week, I'm healthier now that I lift. my family has diabetes on both sides, father side also has high blood pressure. lifting is keeping me healthy.

My father has a history of high blood pressure and cholesterol and I feel like it's something i need to be mindful now while I'm (relatively) young instead of trying to make up ground when I hit my 50-60's

go plant based, and don't fall for ketard memes on this board. you don't have to go full vegan, just eat mostly whole foods that are plants like fruits and vegetables. don't eat anything processed(cooking oil is considered processed btw) and keep sodium intake low. people that say eating cholesterol doesn't raise cholesterol or that raising cholesterol isn't bad for health are retarded, just go outside and look around you and your family's diets, and see if that is if any at all true or makes sense. my dad the other day had to get sent to the ER because he forgot to take his statin medication, and guess what he eats a shit ton of meat and also has high cholesterol. barely eats any vegetables too, so i'm not taking one ounce of this ketard bullshit from this board and neither should you

See that's the thing, I've actually started doing the keto diet but more focusing on fats that come from plants (avocados, nuts, olives) with some meat. If I lower the meat would it still work?

It will, but not as well as if you go mostly plant-based. Like the other guy said, no need to go vegan but at least go plant based for your health.

Sounds really good. You're doing the best you can with what you know.

there's vegan keto but honestly it's too restrictive, keto diet in general is extremely restrictive and not worth it. all keto does anyways is make you eat less due to higher satiation, but there's practically no health benefits that are controlled for calories outside of epilepsy treatment so it technically can work, just not for your goals. if you want to incorporate these plant fats into your normal diet(not keto), it's fine, just please discontinue the keto diet, it's a meme on fit for a reason.

Good to know, thanks for your input.

The other thing that I'm concerned about is trying to keep my mental facilities in as good order as possible. So I'm also focusing on antioxidant foods as well. Alzheimer is a massive fear of mine.

Yeah cutting out beef is retarded, I'll agree with you

alzheimers is basically heart disease of the brain, as long as you keep your cholesterol in control you won't get alzheimers 100%. doesn't mean there aren't other forms of brain degeneration though, so make sure you get enough omega 3s. get enough omega 3s(at least 1g of DHA and EPA/day) and be mentally fit by reading a lot and challenging ideas including your own. the brain is basically is basically like a muscle, you lose it if you don't use it once you're past your 30s which is why you have boomers that get increasingly more retarded the older they get because they don't think much of anything that they haven't already when they were young.

Don't get too hypochondriac, user. Obviously do your best to be healthy via diet/exercise but don't get so obsessive you forget to live

I know and you're right, but g'damn getting older has made me more and more aware of all the physical/mental faculties that we take for granted when we are really young.

Happens to everyone who isn't super dumb about health and doesn't care. You're doing the right thing by taking action and control.

Barring what was previously said in mind what else is good for men's health?


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