Alright Jow Forums , Give me all the evidence that shows and proves that Nofap either does or does not work. Bring me everything and I mean EVERYTHING. We must reach THE definitive answer. Put an end to this question/debate on fit once and for all
The NOFAP thread to end all Nofap threads
Other urls found in this thread:
I have anxiety when I'm with girls and can't perform. Will no gap help? Does it go away with experience?
fuck off with this "once and for all" threads, try nofap for a week/month and see for yourself
I wonder this too
It's a meme. Just jerk off less.
Nofap is for people who have mental health issue like addiction to porn that result in wanking around instead of doing useful task (yes fapping is wasting your seeds and your time). There's also people like who can't get it up because of low libido due to constant fapping so no fap might be the solution. He can also be gay thought
suck a fat fucking cock op. life isn't a video game
if you're not mature enough to decide whether or not you need nofap or not or god forbid you don't have the discipline to do nofap then fuck off to r9k
That's a lot of words for "I have no evidence whatsoever that supports my belief that nofap is benefitial"
Again, 0 evidence.
1 years and 3 months of nofap here. Psychologically you feel like demigod but it still hurts, especially when you continue to get ignored/rejected by girls you approach and talk to. You want to fap the frustration away, but you dont because you know that's just an excuse to partake in degeneracy, so you don't, but you still feel a sense of hollowness. It's a never ending struggle that only subsides once you get a gf/love interest. No physical benefits to speak of, btw. You're the same you, just not a degenerate pervert.
Just read up on the anecdotal evidence and try it yourself:
I am one week in, been trying for years but my best streak is only 18 days. You will feel it. You HAVE to be lifting though, also meditating for willpower/motivation gains as well as self control and cortisol reduction.
Yeah niqqa pull up that sauce
This is what this thread needed, thank you.
That's a massive boost in testosterone.
>Take fluoxetin
>can't cum while flapping and sex
>muh scientific evidence i cant stop touching peen and look at blacked for 3 months
>muh i lose too much if i stop watching porn
get over yourself cunt fucking be a man even women dont need evidence for trivial shit like this
so many words for "I have no idea what placebo is and I believe everything I read on the internet"
just lmao at you
fine user let me check my folder
i don't actually need nofap, i just want to start this again to motivate myself to do more important shit than watching porn in my life
>still incel after 1.3333 years of nofap
look up "Yuro no Champion"
I'm also gonna dump some Jow Forums stuff, do whatever you wan't with the screencaps
There is no evidence, it's placebo.
It goes away with being attractive.
If you need to do anything out of the ordinary to keep your hair from falling off then you're going to go bald anyways.
There's no such thing as fapping making you lose hair. It's your genetics making you lose hair.
>bible as proof
Have you guys manifested anything out of the ordinary while on your nofap journey? Today I had a girl make eye contact with me.
Nothing to do with being an incel. Incels take any kind of rejection personally and lash out at women. I don't do that. I'll keep asking girls I like out no matter how many times i get rejected. Point is that no matter how healthy your active and social life is, a part of you craves female attention. What you learn when you stop going on porn and fapping is that you were substituting that craving by rubbing one out. You'll feel this for yourself when you hit 3-6 months of no fap/porn - no gf hits way harder when you have no place to hide from it.
>nofap journey
ask me how I know you're American
well good for you for having a healthy introspective attitude about it
Aha was looking for this one, found it, this ones good
Does rejection get easier after a few rejections?
That's all folks, now stop making threads about you being unable to resist touching yourselfs inappropriately
It’s not actually the rejection that’s hard to get over - it’s that feeling of needing to start all over again that can weigh down the most on you. So if you were to ask the girl out and she upfront said ‘I’m not interested’, then that’s super easy to shrug off. But if you were to spend over a couple of months getting to know someone, and it doesn’t work out, then you get a sense of ‘damn, now I gotta go through all this again’. It’s frustration more than anything, and how you deal with it is up to you. Personally I think this is where a lot of people would relaps and go back to porn/fapping. Took a lot of will power for me to resist going back.
>Excessive internet browsing
>Video games
There's most of my day.
thank you
>bible as proof
1.25 brainlet
>one week into nofap/noporn
>started rubbing my dick on some instagram thots but did an emergency stop before it was too late
Jesus christ that was close. Probably the hardest urge in the whole week
Alright I've been doing NoFap for longer than most of you >2 years so i'll give some of my NoFap realisations I had along the way.
Firstly, Quit watching ALL forms of porn, that is a major problem to your mind/mindset/hormonal(receptor) balance in your brain. Yes the urge to watch porn is probably the strongest urge you will ever get in your life once you stop, but you need to stop for life. I can meet a man and tell right away if he frequently watches porn or not because of how different the men are.
But you did give into the urge. That's a relapse mate, reset.
I just get really horny when I try nofap. Last time I did it I got to around 8-9 days and I did some inappropriate stuff like for example slap my mates girlfriends butt. I even got a fucking boner from leaning on the counter while making dinner.
It wasn't even the biggest problem not to watch porn, but every semi-attractive woman had just the same effect as watching porn.
Any tips to cope with this horniness in normal life?
uh yeah. try being a normal, healthy adult male and fuck the shit out of every female that moves, just like your ancestors
imagine grog the cavedweller contemplating why he has a strong libido
Wanting to fuck every woman and not being able to causes frustration and can fuck up a friendship, both can be more harmful to yourself
thanks sherlock, but i think anyone here who's not a sperg understands the concept of 'judgement'
>the man on Jow Forums told me to fuck all woman, now my mom hates me, what do
You're really thinking too much in extremes bro
me too was about to fuck my gf the other night and couldn't get hard. virgin still
Based and redpilled
Nofap is for people who are ADDICTED TO FAPPING, meaning they literally cannot go without fapping for even 1 week without succumbing to temptation. It gets to the point where it's impossible to get and maintain an erection, and difficult to even maintain a half mast for more than a few seconds without constantly beating your cock and watching porn. If you have erectile dysfunction and/or struggle to go at least a week without fapping, you most likely need nofap to cure that. If you can get hard just fine (hard as in rock hard even without touching your dick at all) then it's not necessary for you. This is mentioned every single nofap thread but somehow retards keep ignoring it. It's not normal for a man in his 20s to not be able to get hard just by looking at an attractive women. If you need porn and to constantly be touching your dick to stay hard, you have a problem that needs fixing and nofap is, 99% of the time, the only thing you can do to fix it.
I know a lot of people do nofap in an attempt to try to have more actual sex, and be better around girls.
Should I bother doing nofap if I know I wont ever have sex?
>Nofap is for people who are ADDICTED TO FAPPING
It's for everyone really, but addicts will definitely benefit more because they're the ones who notice the negative effects the most
Doing nofap for roasties is a false incentive. Do it for yourself and no one else
day 12 no porn. Don't remember dreaming anything lewd but pretty sure I had a nocturnal emission anyways.
Well anyone can do it, but the main purpose is to fix addiction and addiction related symptoms. For anything else, nofap could be replaced with something else like cold showers or long distance running or something that requires a certain level of discipline. Not saying that nofap isn't useful or should be replaced rather than used in addition to other things. But for people who are actually addicted, it is absolutely 100% necessary for them to stop fapping for at least a significant length of time, the same way that an alcoholic must abstain from alcohol. Anyone can abstain from alcohol completely and receive benefits from it, but for an alcoholic it is absolutely necessary.
Guys so I met this girl online who just happens to have the same kink as I do (kinda /d/ tier, weird but not too fucked up compared to other things that're there), she messeages me pretty often, almost every day and I can't help but to get hard asf and wanting to fuck the shit out of her, what should I do? No doubt it would be the greatest sex ever but is it really worth going through with? I've had this weird fetish since I was a child before even browsing the internet, so I dunno about changing that.
Yeah I'm not disagreeing
>the definitive nofap thread to end nofap threads
You should stop living your life by silly buzzwords that don't mean anything.
I don't think anyone can answer this for you, you'll have to figure this one out yourself.
Do nofap if you want, if it makes you feel better, great. My point still stands that you're directionless and confused if you live by a virtue with no meaning like "avoiding degeneracy". Degeneracy is an abstract measure that just means "thing I don't like", usually because people more popular and happy than you get to participate in it. Learn to think for yourself.
What's the fetish?
>Degeneracy is an abstract measure that just means "thing I don't like"
Wrong. Degeneracy is anything that contributes to the decline of a nation. Read a dictionary before posting again
please explore the mechanisms by which masturbation leads to societal decay on a national level.
Yes go for it, embrace your fetishes instead of being unhappy due to conformity. Life is short
weak men create hard times
im just as good with girls when I'm fapping as i am on nofap, however i know it's a waste of energy and time and always trying to fix it
1 week into nofap, my initial beta attitude disappered and I'm already set for a date tomorrow and another one next week. Except I relapsed yesterday cuz I was flatlining. Definitely saw the results man, I'm so gonna go for nofap waaaay now seriously this time.
Dude nofap doesn't change your personality it makes you more confident to approach girls,most of us are to underconfident. So its just what we need, it won't cure you if you have 1 too many chromosomes
> wasting time scoring sex with girls when he could be at the gym instead.
Get your priorities straight.
did you reply to the right guy? i go to the gym way more than a have sex. way more
um roll?
the testosterone boost tapers off after 8 days, even then its not as much as having sex regularlly
This, and to add to this, fapping isn't really the problem it's all porn consumption
hollly fuck
Nofap is fucking retarded and if you really think not jerking off to porn will fix your shitty incel life
You want to fix your life?
Get your shit together, get a job, figure out who you are and who you want to be and become comfortable with yourself while always striving to improve.
This fuckign retarded nofap shit is nothing but a massive placebo because you're too retarded to actually make systemic important changes in your life
Fapping in and of itself can be a problem if you do it too much. Even without porn you can cause blisters, skin irritation, loss of sensitivity, even urethra problems if you're fapping too much, and you can develop an unhealthy addictive associate with fapping and dopamine, even without porn. Also, if you subconsciously associate fapping with porn and vice versa then both are equal in their role as a catalyst for an underlying problem involving both fapping and porn.
much appreciated you are the most based user
>Even without porn you can cause blisters, skin irritation, loss of sensitivity, even urethra problems if you're fapping too much
That's for really extreme cases though, like fapping multiple times a day. Most people probably only do it once a day typically. It's true that fapping and porn usually go hand in hand so you should stop both for a period of time to rewire your brain.
*tips fedora* Back in the day no one masturbated, that was the secret to winning ww2
High speed internet porn where you can speedwatch 50 different nude woman a second wasn't a thing. Or streaming a 3 hour long interracial bestiality cuck hypnosis crossdressing shemale rape porn wasn't a thing either. It was nude magazines if you could even get your hands on them or your imagination. Otherwise you had to actively seek out real girls to have sex with.
also is there a reason that jews are so fucking evil?
Y'all gotta be some fucking low t beta bitch boys to not be able to jerk off and get it up with girls honestly. Doesn't porn just make you guys want to have sex MORE? nofap is so retarded it hurts
Of course I could still get it up with girls. But the fact is fapping and ejaculating in general makes me super relaxed and submissive. When I'm on nofap for a week I'm x10 more aggressive and masucline.
So just don't be a fucking bitch and you don't need to do nofap? Got it
I did nofap for like 3 months. It was stupid. Just masturbate less. It depends on your physiology but something like 2-3 times a week works for me.
>Thinking it's purely psychological
Lmao @ your life.