Mfw i've been doin no porn for 3 weeks, and i just woke up from a dream where l was watching porn

Mfw i've been doin no porn for 3 weeks, and i just woke up from a dream where l was watching porn
Why is my brain like this

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Perfectly normal, don't worry about it, it will stop soon

I'm 2 weeks in and I just woke up at 330 in the morning with a raging boner and sexual thoughts. Can't fall asleep now.

day 23 havent had any sexual dreams.
have never had a wet dream in my life.
masturbate to porn since grade 2

Because you've probably spent like a decade+ wiring your brain this way. Shouldn't be surprising at all.


I remember those dreams. Then I started seeing pornstars I used to watch and getting aroused but they were just still images like from a picture. Shit got weird man

Sometime ago before i quit porn and all that, i had a super vivid dream where i was talking a bath with katsuni and i ended up fucking her in the ass, i rarely have wet dreams and that shit let me shook

My wet dreams were first like that but then they became normal. Keep at it, the reset is real.

Reminder that every time you rub your penis, a Jew rubs with you.

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nofap noporn is the dumbest thing i did, now my libido is dead. I restrained for 7 months, had a wet dream each week or two.
Now even if i want, i cant fap. dick just doesnt feel like anything, i can barerly get it hard, and even if i do i dont feel anything and im loosing erection quickly.

dont do this, this is stupid. just fap with no porn

>Now even if i want, i cant fap. dick just doesnt feel like anything
so... you don't feel horny but you want to masturbate? does that sound normal to you?

im trying to masturbate to wake up my libido
i could fap 3-5 times a day before the nofap

that wasn't libido, it was your addiction to masturbating. you know what would wake up your libido? sucking a girl's big fat tits.

have you tried, like, fucking girls?

find a hot girl you fucking retard and get her naked
your dick will become a skyscraper

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addiction is pain + relief. you are addicted to something if it causes you some kind of pain.
In this case
pain - libido
relief - masturbation
I tried getting it with the girl, couldnt get it up. Thanks nofap.

and you think more wanking will help your situation? lol

who rubs with me if I'm a jew myself though?

I had no problems with erection before nofap, so yeah, I believe this is the problem. You are aware that most adult males on this planet ejaculate from sex or wanking on a daily basis? And they are fine.
Why restraining yourself would help anything? Just dont fap constantly, jesus.

a zionist

that's called porn-induced erectile dysfunction, PIED

>i can't get hard for girls, it must be because i'm not watching enough internet porn
do you know how much of a dipshit you are

I'm a zionist myself, what now?

i mean really, do you think, as a young adult male, it's healthy that you can't get hard without porn? that going without porn should kill your libido?

that's an addiction. your brain is fucked up. you claimed to have been "nofap" but you did not reset. you don't heal overnight, or even in a matter of weeks.

Then you're a failure to your race or just lying

>believe that my fellows jews and I should have a nation-state in our ancestral homeland
>failure to my race
diasporafag anti-zionist leftist globalist jews in amerishartistan are the real failure to our race

What the hell in this story is so unclear you are so confused and keep talking about porn which im not watching

>22 years old, fit
>libido off the roof
>can get hard easily, with porn, with no porn, with thought only, etc.
>I wanted to be better at bed, like last longer, have more energy
>Started nofap
>after 7 months my libido is dead
I just wish I never tried it, better find a friend with benefit on tinder and train on her

>ancestral homeland
stopped reading right there
check your history faggot, your ancestral homeland is the garbage bins and ovens

G-d is on our side, ar*B incel, and he will send the arab invaders back to jordan, syria, egypt, and wherever else the so-called "palestinians" immigrated from in the previous century

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whoopsie-doo there my brown friendo, correct pic here
read the second last sentence, genetic evidence unironically shows that ashkenazi jews, mizrahi jews and sephardi jews are closer related genetically to the indigenous peoples of ancient israel than the arab palestinians are
as I said G-d is on our side and will smite your people for trying to usurp us to try and steal our land

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