
>Adam's applet
When did you realize it was all about genetics and nothing to do with how hard you train?

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Other urls found in this thread:


stop mouth breathing
lift heavier
>>Adam's applet
get lean
learn how to speak better
improve your diet


go back to you absolute faggot holy shit

why are you even here


This post fits in here more than r9k

Holy cope

>nose breathing will make my chin grow at age 25
>lifting heavier will make my bones thicker
>getting lean and learning to speak better will make my Adam's apple grow and give a deeper voice
>implying I don't already optimize my diet and lifestyle to try and make up for my shitty genes

r9k is a board for depressed normies. there are more khhv on Jow Forums

>one chance at life and you choose to spend it whining about things you can't control on a belgian woodcrafting forum

Unironically, 100% never going to make it. Saged

Yeah because it has everything to do with my personality and nothing to do with my recessed chin

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start injecting testosterone

>Yeah because it has everything to do with my personality and nothing to do with my recessed chin
is this what the youngsters call an incel?

>stop mouth breathing
also start mewing
vid related
>learn how to speak better
pic related
can confirm these will help but they probably won't fix your pussy personality
good luck anyway

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Your chin won't mess you up nearly as much as your prepubescent-teen-like insecurity. Nobody cares that you want to wallow in your own misery, that's what is for

you dope

that is entirely down to what your mother ate while you were in the womb and also what you ate in your formative years which should have been breastmilk exclusively for 2 years and then meat, dairy, eggs and fruit

if you didn't get this then you will never make it, but you could have made it with your genetics

Got the same :(
I do have a gf though

also shave your fucking facial hair

Cope, I breathe thru my nose and still my chin looks like ops picture maybe even more recessed. It's because of my overbitten teeth. Stick your mewing up your ass.

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Is this from models?

>doesn't hold his tongue to the roof of his mouth


OP should definitely read that

I've been hard Mewing for 5 months now. Constant strain in my buccinators all the time. It does fuck all for the chin though. My "pussy personality" is only reactionary, I wasn't always self loathing until I learned how undesirable I was
Girls don't even look at my due to my ugly face so I don't even get the chance to reveal my insecurities
My mom gave birth to me when she was 36 and finally off the cock carousel
Shaving my facial hair would just reveal my chitty jawline even more

Why not get surgery?

Can't afford it

its not that bad
you dont have a strong chin but no one will point at you like look at this dude without a chin lmao
youre still virgin a normal range

Your facial hair is even shittier than the jawline and doesn't hide shit.

Freudian slip?

Well that's another thing I'm a facial hairlet, I can't grow a full beard

Are you talking about attracting women? Sure all that stuff you mentioned matters but it's all secondary to status and power.

I do, based name though. Fuck the vegan mafia

Which is why you should shave it

>looks normal

Am I the only one that wishes he could slap this fucking faggot repeatedly until he mans the fuck up?


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Get surgery then.

kill yourself you fucking snowflake.

Go back in time and stop yourself from mouthbreathing, having shit posture, and eating soft foods that dont train your jaw.
Yes this is all your fault.

lmao i cant believe this shit. yeah i wanted to write within
but ill admit im high as fuck and i cant write in this condition unless i re-read everything at least 5 times

I had allergies growing up, I would've suffocated only nose breathing

Well you weren't wrong.


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I know nothing of this because I've never had allergies but I'm sure there are ways to get around that such as medicine, surgery, or even tubes to clear the way of your nose or whatever

That bite doesn't look good.

imagine being this cringy lmao

reminder to always sage these threads

llegit cringed at the hollowness of your insult game. first day on the internet?

>its all your own fault for not reaching out to doctors in order to ensure proper oral posture when you were 8

it literally is though

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wah wah wah i'd be a 9/10 with a stonger chin but i dont make bumbass threads lime THIS and spend all day worrying about it like you morons. Not mouth breathing, having good tongue posture and being lean is basically all you can do so stop acting like actual children and grow up.

sure thing buddeh

shave your shitty beard god you have aids tier beard genetics

In the case of allergies you might be excused for mouthbreathing, maybe, but certainly not your parents.
You're like this because of negligence.

"it's not my fault for being ignorant"

who's fault is it? i figured it out.

nug up or shut up

It could have been prevented so stop saying it's because of genetics.

noone on Jow Forums understands what masculinity is

Holy shit I know that feel. Can't thank God enough for my beard.


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im not saying that that was my first post in the thread

>not asking for surgery because of oral posture issues when youre 8 equals being dumb and ignorant !!!!!! !!
post face if you were looksmaxxing at the age of 8 fag, i assume you were also hormonemaxxing?
at that age its your parents fault

Well you can either do nothing and wallow in self pity or try to improve yourself even if you know that you can't reach top model aesthetic.

I can't improve any of the things I've listed in the OP, it's impossible. Testosterone might be debatable but I already am hormonemaxxing and my T is still low. The only thing I haven't don't to increase T is have sex but I can't get laid because I have low T. Perfect catch 22 situation

the manlet and chinlet memes are hard copes unless you're like 5 foot 3 or look like chin-chan. You're fine stop bring a faggot. Or save up for a genio. Those are your 2 options.

Grow a thick beard. Start doing jaw exercises, they won't help your chin but will add emphasis to the rest of the jaw. Consider testosterone. If all else fails, surgery. Where there's a will there's a way.

Comparing him to a photoshopped picture is dumb. The man on the left does not exist. He's the "slayer" version of some male model that an autist on lookism made. The only place more homo than here.

Save for a genio then you insecure faggot


Post the original picture of that model, lookism fag. you won't

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always assumed it was a chico shoop but im not entirely sure
doesnt matter regardless, the morphed lad doesnt have an extremely abnormal only possible through photoshop mandible or something. op has a horrible lower third, sorry to break it to him and you, one that is more abnormal than the morphed jaw in the pic even

nothing is as bad as being a dicklet

Lol i'm not the one with the recessed chin ahaha. I'm just trying to help you losers.

the dickpill will make me die at least 10 years earlier than i should everytime i think about my 5.5 i can literally feel my cortisol levels spike and i cant stop thinking about it

christ what the hell my chin is better than his. it really is all in the eyes


and still made it. When did you realize it really is all about your approach and how hard you work?

Kill yourself you ugly genelet

Post your chin.

>cock carousel
top kek

I'm not a dicklet but I'll never get the chance to show off my dick to a qt because my recessed chin


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what the other anons said, beard that shit up and then surgery. Nobody deserves to look like this

that's a pretty common term my friend

Never, because it isn't.



you boost your T with heavy lifting

btw which one are you on pic

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