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>Get Jow Forums
>STILL no Asian braphog gf
What's the goddamn point?

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ask yourself how hard you've really been trying

>fetishizing a race

genuinely pathetic

You have to give them the money to get those ass implants, user.

Excellent advice user.

Attached: c2f.jpg (680x923, 98K)


Probably men desu

this two dont have implants, you can tell they work out, especially by the topless one back

>playing alone in the dark

Attached: D1DA32E7-9F6D-46A4-934D-C6BBB7C50FA2.png (500x483, 247K)

>thinking that's thai and not tibetan

how NEW are YOU

Attached: udhr_tibetan.gif (600x243, 28K)

I like that clock.

What if it's the white race tho?

It's a pro to be fit, but if you want an asian braphog gf you still have to go out and get one.

>tfw got a braphog gf
>tfw didn't even try, she forced me into sex
>tfw been fucking for over 1 year

Those are some serious brappers. Why is everyone so race-obsessed these days? Just meet people that fit your body-type preferences and go from there. Could be Ugandan, Korean, Albanian, Brazilian, who the fuck cares?


Girl I'm seeing now is Ugandan. 10/10 would recommend. Sorry you have shit taste.

>Why is everyone so race-obsessed these days?
>these days
Nice gaslighting there.

shut the fuck up libshit, people have had a thing for races since FOREVER
lol at ugandan gf, couldn't pull any better? kys
>just meet people that fit your body type preference
what about skin color faggot, that's a very important part of physical attraction. Hell, more important than body itself. Would sooner fuck a small tittied skinnyfat white girl than a black girl with all the works.

they have fat injections, those are not butts made in working out

Jow Forumstroll go back to your cess pit.

Its fine to prefer a skin color, I prefer darker skin. However, salivating over muh race on a Tibetan fly-fishing forum is dumb.

You need to work on your personality. For starters, quit using the word "braphog" even in your own private thoughts.

This made me laugh obscenely hard

Doesn't matter what race

Check Wayfair, they have decent home and living room decor

>fit your body-type preferences
what if my body-type preference is specifically 25-40y/o japanese women

That's not a body type, 25-40y/o japanese women come in many shapes and sizes.

what Asian porn stars have massive asses?

>what about skin color faggot, that's a very important part of physical attraction

the only thing who thinks that is your brainlet ass. i wouldn't fuck an unhealthy womanlet/goblin no matter what race they were


I literally married one

Tiger benson

why is working out and having implants mutually exclusive? Insta thots are like fitness models; assume they're on roids and assume they have implants until proven otherwise. Why would a woman whose career it is to post sexy photos not maximize her sex appeal?

That's your concern? Not the braps?

legs > asses

Attached: legs.jpg (720x1087, 79K)

Asian women are the dominant race


Holy shit

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NEED those tight around my windpipe

Holy shit.

Asian boi detected

>Thighs = ass
FTFY. Nice asses look bad with shitty thighs. Nice thighs look bad with shitty asses.