What mode is this?
What mode is this?
Other urls found in this thread:
fat as fatass
peak onions
Shut up
le 56% mode
Slob mode
bear mode
Gsnosken mode
american mode
OP i think i may know you...
What zip code do i live in?
Fat guy who thinks he’s “big” because his fat is somewhat proportional.
This because it was/is me for the last six years
token funny energetic fat guy at every college party mode
Fat lard who probably has some kind of physical labor job mode. He's not completely a ball of dough, but he's probably much less muscular than he thinks, just like most fatasses.
Ah well, i guess i know your doppelganger
I look exactly like that.
My routine:
Powerlift hard and make sick gains during years 2012-2015. Stop working out and eat and drink whatever I want from 2015 onward.
Still get mad puss though.
bloatGOD mode
Libertarian Mode