Does no fap really help with gains?

Does no fap really help with gains?

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Yeah, just go through the archive and you'll see the second to last nofap thread, the way op puts it he went up for a check up for the flu and the Doc pops his bonce ronce the cornew and des his gona sasd ewrg.

yeah it does. actually go check the last nofap thread and you can seethe studies posted about testosterone and androgen receptor density

yes you stupid fuck


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Benefits are all there.

Doesn't prove that the overall effect of it works anabolicly

is this a meme

the only meme you need to know ya damn slapdick, is to hop off my ding dong diddly penis

does nofap really cause ed? i started nofap to get rid of porn induced ed, and a weird fetish i developed. now im concerned

Not Jow Forums related, fuck off and stop caring so much about such irrelevant garbage. Touch your dick less if it really makes you feel better, just stop polluting the board with this inane topic.

Shut the fuck up dirty kike.

Crying about jewish boogiemen doesn't suddenly make it relevant discussion. Drink bleach faggot.

Shut the fuck up dirty kike.

>(((they))) manage to brainwash people into getting ED by thinking committing to nofap is actually going against their influence
>the meathead retard board full of people who take shit like keto seriously is the only one to fall for it

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Nice try Jebediah

Falseflagging kike spotted


You're not fooling anyone mr. Horowitz

Falseflagging kike spotted

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>and the Doc pops his bonce ronce the cornew and des his gona sasd ewrg.

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Right, so the general idea behind nofap is to reprogram or heal your sexual functions. Generally this is articulated as combination making sure your cock works in the presence of a sexual partner, you consume less porn and spend less time masturbating. Anything beyond that is the territory of how a given person feels about the physiological benefits of chastity. So while in this may or may not have any chemical effect on your body that translate to performance in the gym, the unspoken benefits of spending less time and energy on porn and masturbation leads to more time and energy to be productive, and that might get you to better places in the gym. The importance of having confidence and security in your sexuality and sexual development cannot be overstated. Poor or absent sexual education and development leads to deviant behavior and unrealistic views of what sex is and how you have it. A clear example of what that can lead to is present here: a generally pessimistic view of female sexuality, the process of courtship and how these two things relate to each other in practice. So the spirit of nofap in its most basic form is to address and hopefully alleviate those defects. Again, anything beyond that sort of mentality hinges on your own personal views of chastity and what benefits it could bring to your life.

TL;DR Think a little you dumb fuck.

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Yes. Also, go to your nearest Catholic Church and tell them you want to join RCIA.

>submit yourself for brainwashing
I honestly can't tell how much of Jow Forums is just ironic now

You're not fooling anyone, mr. Horowitz

>he doesn't realize he's already brainwashed and going to church would reverse this process.
Keep watching porn and jerking off you faggot

Falseflagging kike spotted

fucking laughing out loud


You're not fooling anyone, mr. Horowitz

>been on nofap for longer than you can comprehend for no reason other than knowing I can
>"y-you're just brainwashed! you need this other brainwashing instead!"
Got a good laugh out of that one, thanks

Falseflagging kike spotted

*tips fedora*
Go read The God Delusion you retard.

you ok there champ?

>if you're not Catholic you must be an atheist!
You're just making one assumption after another now, pretty embarrassing.

Any other religion is just Satanism.

You're not fooling anyone, mr. Horowitz

Yup it's me, Satan. I make you touch your penis with my evil porn magic and your only salvation lies in your local child molester.

(((catholicism))) is satanism dumb papist scum

Reminder, consuming pornography contributes to:
>funding human trafficking
>drug cartels
>destruction of marriage
>"hookup culture"
But sure, watching drugged-up, mentally-ill whores getting fucked by niggers is totally not satanic, man.

>not ejaculating will magically improve muscle growth
lol no

What if I cum really fucking quickly when I fap does that mean I don't need to worry about no fapping as a means to cure myself of degeneracy? I'm kinda worried that when (IF) I get with a girl, i'm going to cum within like 5 pumps.

reminder that having a job denies someone else having a job, contributing to
>drug addiction
>the holocaust

Literally a sign of low testosterone.

If you don't have the urge to shoot off every couple of hours, you probably have a problem.

If you can go days without jerking off, your sperm production is null.
I have to jack off every 20 hours or i feel like my balls are going to explode from having so much semen.

lmao what a retard you are

>tfw some Jow Forums nerd thinks i'm retarded

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wtf? I get morning wood every day on nofap rofl, the people who post shit like "did no fap for a month and couldn't get hard anymore no fap is a troll meme just jerk off" are LITERAL shills FACT!!!

>I'm kinda worried that when (IF) I get with a girl, i'm going to cum within like 5 pumps.
so fucking what dude, srsly, stop caring what these bitches might think, I guarantee you won't even get hard in the first place if you're this insecure are the MAN and she's your sexy submissive slut, just fkn grab her and do anything you want with her body, she'll love it


Nobody even remembers NoFap started as a way of getting more motiviation and confidence to pursue girls. Now it's supposed to unlock some hidden potential people allegedly have.

uhhh user? you ok?

Sometimes it do be like that

Based and redpilled


Shut the fuck up dirty kike.