
Jen Brett on youtube and instgram
Does her stick work or did she get implants for that ass.

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It's all camera tricks you dumb beta, Jesus Christ youre dumb

Geez she is stupid and ugly. Thots are the worst.

nice camera trick then

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i am not saying she is attractive. I am just saying she had no ass and now she has an ass

Bretty good progress :D


just another before after

Attached: jenbretty2.jpg (1507x1499, 441K)

stick = schtick

>that excessively low hanging thigh curve

its like her lower body belongs to an overweight woman while her upper body is normal

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It's likely just genetics.
Are you a tranny?

Sorry dude but she's uggers

true. but my girlfriend wants an ass workout regiment and if she could have this ass I would be all about it.

not that I am but how would me being a tranny figure into this girls ass workout.

A sucker is born every minute

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Op you're a dumb kinda fag


She looked way better before she went full braphog. A year after her before pic she was prime as fuck but now shes just borderline fat. rip

wait... this isn't real...

The right is clearly a guy parodying it.
>inb4 tattoos

no, that's clearly a guy in the second fucking around, or just an obese fuck

Holy fuck you're a low test faggot.

I assumed because you want to have a woman's ass.

She has hit that point where all she does is bitch about "diet culture" and is all about "body love". Not an incel but I don't understand what makes some of these insta thots snap in half and start complaining about what made them popular. Preaching shit like don't judge my body and making 3 paragraph long posts about how Instagram is all about angles and fake. Like no shit sherlock, most of your followers are dudes jacking off and chicks trying to do the exact same thing. But I guess you cant expect people who's job is taking photos of their ass to be all that smart.

you're a clever one aren't you.

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true enough.

that's the most camera tricky photo pose you can do lol.. all people look like they have a fat ass from this angle

I generally agree with this. Her having this huge ass and getting fat probably means she wants to attract niggers.

It's real my dude. It's crazy what women do (filters, photoshop, thousands of photos to get the perfecto ne) to portrya themselves online

Hit the gym dicklette

>2 years
>ass and thighs thick
>nothing else changes
silicone/implants and moderate training.

>Liking a chick who is fit with a tight ass
>Low test

Attached: WOt.png (600x600, 155K)

That sticc on the right is disgusting. She looks way better now

Go back to Africa.

Sticc is not fit you low test faggot. Might as well fuck a trap

>addicted to fat chicks
The cope

Make me dicklette:)

I said a year after her before pic, mfw you don't know how to read.

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>addicted to dudes
The Faggot

She has curves like a woman shoukd have now.

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Think of it this way OP

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God I fucking hate women with tattoos, immediate turn off for me

Go to her page and start scrolling, every tenth pic is a before and after. She fell off her diet and is still trying to convince her self she likes the way she looks now vs before.
The cope

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Is this how you view reality?

See way fucking better

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im sure theyre all very sad about that

BBL surgery right?

Not even thicc anymore, literally just fat.

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How much of it is her diet vs surgery? Her upper body still looks the same :/

still way thicker than the first before pic

this is my initial question. she did gain weight in her arms and such just not as much

Every singe post is her talking about being "SO happy and comfortable in her body now" I dead ass think she just fell off her diet or some shit. mb her genetics sent all that fat to her lower body or she has her upper body lipo'd, who fucking knows

>dead ass


Looks like a trap before

Ideal and high test

Def implants trust me

any reasoning or proof to this or just speculation?

jesus wept this is fucking appalling

What the

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it looks like she gained about 40lbs. 15lbs of that went to her ass and thighs

The fingers, always the fingers!

guess which one she has now

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Short term investment. Pic related is her future. This happens to braphogs all the time. 2-3 years after they hit the peak they go to shit.

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i can deal with that over no ass at all

Want you want is a firm, properly sized bubble butt. This over sized, fat filled shit that people are into lately is a short term investment which you should just pump and dump.

true. thats why I am trying to get her on a workout regiment. my main question was about if this chicks workout was appropriate and could work

Peak braphog/borderline slampig mode desu

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What's the difference between braphog and slam pig modes?

>people unironically think this disgusting nigger ass looks good

niggers detected

how uncomfortable is to have that thing?

why don't guys try to catfish women too?

none you autist, has it ever occurred to you people in pics are just sticking their ass out? they dont actually walk like that...

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still want

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looks better STICC

Men do try to catfish women you idiot.

Obvious implants

HAHAH i cant believe how many people are GAINING WEIGHT to get 'clicks' and 'likes' fucking dying


Her legs are proportional. Idk what this stick of hers is but deep squats, and glute Bridges do wonders for buns and thighs.

based and redpilled


it's fat injections, implants was the old method

>t. hamstringlet

She just got more fat.
You know that women store fat first in legs?

Looks like ass implants to me. Rule of thumb is that a natty ass is going to be proportional to the surrounding bodyparts. You're not going to suddenly have massive glutes while your hamstrings remain moderately-sized. That just doesn't happen. Same applies for an ass allegedly made mostly of fat. You're not going to carry a fuckton of adipose in your ass and then none in your thighs.

Ass made alegedly of mostly fat had me laughing.

If she is building some muscle in there couldn't this be a reverse of the skipping leg day thing

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No because the hamstrings (and back) aren't proportional.

Would still fuck kim and that ass like there was no tomorrow.

Cringe and low test

Skinny chick's with big thighs

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Clearly fake you silly niggers.
A sucker is born every minute

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Her instagram if you want to check:
No way that fatty in is the same person.


Holy shit I went to high school with this girl, literally live like 2 blocks away.

thighs and ass were perfect in 2015

perfectly TITE

HOLY MOLY, asians be giving white girls a run for their money these days

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