Is Athlean the real deal or not? It seems like he knows his shit...

Is Athlean the real deal or not? It seems like he knows his shit, but quite a lot of his movements also seem like meme shit that looks stupid in the gym. And he's selling stuff, so i get the suspicion that he's a fake natty.

By the way, did you know Jeff is a professional tetris player?

Attached: Jeff.jpg (900x900, 128K)

Other urls found in this thread:

He is an expert on cables, bands and bosu balls. If I want the best form to do reverse band bosu ball squats, then Athlean X is my guy.


his scapulas are shit


He has good advice with respect to injury avoidance and seems to have a good understanding of biomechanics, but a lot of his exercise recommendations are just clickbait bullshit and won't achieve much.

Pretty much

>5 reasons why your bench form will give you CANCER and break your SPINE


He has the knowledge, but he's also into meme exercises and routines

You can learn useful stuff from him, from the videos about legit lifts, just dont bother watching the ones about those looking stupid af

>boom! tetris for Jeff

Attached: me.png (499x338, 35K)

Is that actually Jeff Cavaliere though?

How much do Jeff pay you to shill for him? We have this thread twice a month. Besides that he is a good cunt, click bait title but legit advice

He got caught using steroids during is 'bacne' photoshoot accident and a lot of his workouts are meme exercises

So yeah overall great Jow Forums material

source for those pics of him using roids?

He's the real deal but his philosophy of constant progress and improvement is off-putting for lazy fucks.


BOOM Tetris for Neck and Neck

Someone tell me whether this is Jeff Cavaliere or not, i really can't fucking tell.

He’s a Jew
>popped up out of literally nowhere
>top YouTube fitness channel overnight
>ugly as fuck
>makes videos showing how to do things that have been covered ad infinum on YouTube
Prime example of Jews using their influence to support one another (youtube is Jew owned)

Attached: F1D11A58-B685-41A6-BD16-71AE6016EF61.jpg (1280x428, 93K)

Isn't Cavaliere an italian name?

ugly manlet gymcel

>dude has a degree and trains professional athletes
>lean as fuck
>Jow Forums questions whether he is legit or not
absolute state of low iq dyels

You forgot
>does roids and lies about them

face blind people should not be allowed to live desu

he looks just like Jeff and you know it. His name is even Jeff.

so what do you think professional athletes will come to train under you when all your knowledge is based on some broscience bullshit aquired from google ?

Are you denying that Jeff is on the gear?

>trains professional athletes and not (((paid actors)))
>(((((Athlean X)))))

He's Italian you bunch of Jow Forumssters.

Id like to think that hes natty since he has been training for so many years and isnt even that big. Post that evidence of roids if you have it

he did not pop out of nowhere though, he slowly build up momentum

>cant understand how social growth works

fake quote

>out of nowhere
>years and years of youtube contect you can go and check out for yourself

>only italians living in italy

who could be behind this post, i wonder

>outta nowhere overnight
>most popular videos literally several years old

Why do brainlets blame everything on kikes?

Tetris tournaments are actually pretty entertaining to watch

>i get the suspicion that he's a fake natty
get a clue ya simp


He is the realest of them all
>superior knowledge
>superior experience
>trains world class athletes
>has ONE cheat meal a YEAR on his b-day, which is a carrot cake

Anyone on /fit9k/ who says otherwise is a dumb cunt

>trains antonio brown
>uh guys is this guy knowledgeable enough for my 3 pl8 squat experience xDD?


he says lots of stupid shit and throws plenty of red-flags. I suspect he's a fake faggot

>trains world class athletes
Literally no proof of this except for his own word

He did a fucking vid in which he trained with two wrestlers, and he also has vids where he shows him training a linebacker.

>>superior knowledge
nope. he often spouts unsupported and even pseudo-scientific bs. + i hate his click-fucking-bait

Back when I was starting out, I used to watch his videos all the time. His tips are legit. Sometimes they look stupid to do, but you could feel some serious hypertrophy. It's hard to find anyone with legit knowledge in biomechanics on youtube.

>feel some serious hypertrophy

Attached: 951.png (474x711, 90K)

jeff was the head physical therapist of the New York Mets at one point

How much did they get paid for their time there?

[Citation needed]

His heavy use of clickbait should make anyone suspicious.

he makes like 10 videos covering the same topic , he ran out of shit to make videos on long time ago , overall solid info. He seems to be more of a `be healthy` than get big guy tho

for you


Attached: Jeff-Cavaliere-01-815x1024.jpg (815x1024, 184K)

have your you back

Most of you shitting on him literally never checked out his channel. Theres a lot of normie meme wirk out stuff but also tons of legit info spanning through years

>tons of legit info spanning through years

like what?

>notice shoelaces are untied
>lean down
>Jeff pops out of a bush
>"NEVER AGAIN! (This TRICK will FIX IT!!!)"

Thanks J-J-Jeff.

Attached: FINISHED.jpg (350x441, 117K)

His best tips generally revolve around safety measures and min/maxing measures. If you're injured or have some sort of weakness, he probably has a good video on it. Who gives a fuck whether or not he clickbaits if his info is legit? His workouts are highly optional, though. Just focus on the most important workouts (squats, deadlifts, pullups, bench press, rows). You won't need anything else from beginner to intermediate.


Bro he had Antonio Brown in one of his recent videos

literally who ?

His posture shit is genuinely mind-blowing. I had no idea how many things i was doing wrong and how much my posture could be improved.

Because the kikes are behind everything you filthy reptillian rat roach leach monster. Regardless Jeff isn't even a fucking kike he's a wop.

Attached: i wonder who could be behind this catastrophe.jpg (642x480, 60K)

Yeah and how much was he paid to appear on there ?

I really don't mind his clickbait meme titles

You can always get some useful information out of his vids

yeah, it's a bit obnoxious and so is the intro, but the vids themselves are good.

Definitely not fake natty
>doesn’t know how to get big
Listen to him for rehab/prehab advice, or if you want to be 150lbs ripped

Holy shit just read the description of the video OP linked



Do you even watch his shit? Lmao

He knows his shit. Him, and BuffDudes are the only two I watch.

>Buff dudes
Clearly you don't know shit to know who knows or doesn't know shit

nice b8
or maybe you let your healthy suspicion of the tribe go a little too far

I'd be surprised if he was on more than legit TRT given his age.

he knows his stuff


he is click baity. does it for the jewtube platform.

I imagine Jeff gets quite a lot for that contract.

prolly not

>Brown's most recent contract was for 68 million
>yeah one of his trainers probably doesn't get much
you're pretty dumb

He's Italian you fuckin dingodile

You think Jeff has the money to pay off AB to appear on his channel?? Brown makes Jeff's annual gross income in one game.

whats a good bodyweight workout for the back then
no pullup bars

it is the real deal, but the reason why you see the meme shit is because he needs to keep the channel going, after all there's only so much knowledge one person can talk about and he needs to make money just like the rest of us

This post is a Jewish false-flag, you fucking idiots.

This thread is a perfect demonstration to why Jow Forums needs to stay in their containment board

Bodyweight rows. Dunno where you could do them though, edge of a table maybe