>that guy who breathes between sets
That guy who breathes between sets
>that chick that asks strangers to help her do neck curls
>that guy who lifts at the gym
>that 9 year old zoomer doing reverse hypers in the deadlift rack
>that guy who squats in the curl rack
>That 14 years old summerfag who thinks he'll get roiders body by doing calisthenics
>That guy who doesn’t just do a single 40 rep set
>that 20 year old boomer posting on Jow Forums
>That fat boomer who goes to thailand for steroids
>not doing a single set of 120 reps of clean and jerks to work the full body
>that guy who makes that guy threads on 4chin
>that guy that does curls
>that guy that mouthbreathes
>want to go up to him and tell him to stop doing that because it's destroying his face but cant in fear of it being awkward
you mean reps?
Oh my!
sauce on the whore
>that xer who moved tyrone's bench
[spoiler]GDP E404[/spoiler]
>that boomer shadow boxing between sets
I do it at the gym because im exhausted between sets
Oh nah that's not what I meant.
Exhaustion isn't your regular state, I was talking about mouthbreathing as your only form of breathing.
Lmao underrated post
>that guy that thinks getting a gf will bring him happiness
>that guy who incline benches in the squat rack
>that guy that wears short shorts
Beat me on this one:
>that guy
we've all been there
>that guy who deadlifts
>that guy who goes to bed after midnight
That guy who takes showers instead of baths
>stewing in your own filth
>that guy who bathes at the deadlift rack