Sweden YES !

Sweden YES !

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11 years late m8

I hope Trump institutes a fucking travel ban on Sweden. Fuck thoughs people.

Could you have saved her Jow Forums?

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"thoughs people". Yeah, poor us for not being able to visit you inbred swine

you inbred trash.

9mm of justice

we're all pol you inbred trash

back to pol inbred redneck piece of goddamn shit! back to pol! back to pol inbred redneck piece of goddamn shit! back to pol! back to pol inbred redneck piece of goddamn shit! back to pol! back to pol inbred redneck piece of goddamn shit! back to pol!



You don't think I understand what you are doing? You don't think I realize your subtle spreading of propaganda? You don't think I realize you are a racist incel piece of inbred sister fuckign trash?

Even if i could i wouldnt.
All these weak humans have to die.
They wished for this.

Trying too hard buddy, pretty shitty bait but here's a (you) so dont feel too bad.


Nigga you're talking to goebbels the second here, nothing subtle about it. dont pat yourself on the back too hard for managing to identify it.


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chill sunhuman nigger lol

A 13 year old girl does not deserve to suffer the consequence of the actions of adults

>you will never be arrested for being too big

Whats even the point anymore

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Visit Sweden

I dont care about this.
They will never wake up, so i dont care if they get raped or die.
They all deserve this.

You have no moral standing to talk about what is deserved by others

You gotta be white though. They don't want any competition against the muslim rapists.

Nigger, I live in Sweden. It's much much worse than in OP's pic. If I could, I would tie you to a bench and just crush your skull in with a dumbbell.

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Spotted the pedophile

>watch out dyels, we know you're on the juice!