
Post pics of your ideal badass/person you want to work out and be like

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that mask just makes you look like an edgy fag

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putins got a very scary aura

do you think he trained it

>Jesus Fuck Ricky

I think it's cool. Like I'm a badass biker or something

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Dumping my Rhodesian Military folder

Attached: Uncle John during the Bush War.jpg (500x1035, 710K)

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I guarantee nobody looking at you thinks that

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Attached: Portguese colonial war.jpg (1856x1264, 662K)

I know for a fact that's not true. I totally intimidate people I see on the street and the beach and whatnot

The timer is too long to keep doing this but yeah, this is essentially ideal, especially the last pic of the portubro.

These are all people from my grandfather's generation because I'm a youngfag, but that slim, not too defined, but hardened and distinct body is what I want.

Attached: Ian Smith with Aviators.jpg (1300x1048, 139K)

>skinnyfat Jow Forums kid wearing a skull mask
yeah bud everyone's laughing

they just think you were a bullied kid who's had enough and is gonna shoot up his school

You're just a scared KEK

Even baldness can't keep this guy from looking like a badass

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Post body

No it's solid tho

They were a bunch of twinks and their country was taken over by niggers, not the best role models

Fuck, that's pretty intimidating

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you take that the fuck back

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>you will never dress up in blackface and go through guerilla nigger camps taking them all out one by one because they're too fucking stupid to realize what's going on

why even live

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there really is no reason

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I would totally work out with you while you read me passages of Culture of Critique.


is that the bryan fury mode, op


JoJo bodies are true perfection that all must strive for.

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It's the ruggedness

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