Why do people like this faggot?

Why do people like this faggot?

>talks shit about people who actually have the balls to try different things in the gym, while he himself hasnt hit a PR in over 3 years
>graduated from bottom barrel law school
>harasses homeless people
>smug keyboard warrior, would get absolutely curbstomped by Kali Muscle and Vince G irl
>stopped being funny years ago, so lazy that he won’t make videos for months to play Dark Souls

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I'd like him if he was proper emblematic of a jock, but he's comparitvely fucking tiny. Ugly, dough-eyed, slack-jawed, and nothing special muscularly either.

Guy is legit hideous, knows it, and hides his face now. He's eternally mogged by all.


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Literally who

He is weirdly harsh on people in his videos. A huge faggot in my opinion.

ITT: reddit incels the meme

nice try vince

t. crossfitcuck

Elgin only makes fun of faggots that deserve it. Or do you think that useless fucks like Kai Mussel or Vince G are some holy paragons of fitness?

>Literal who
Great thread dawg

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>hasnt hit a PR in over 3 years
What are his numbers?

He's funny when you first start out and think you know everything to know there is to know about training...but the gag gets stale really fast. Honestly, I am ashamed of following any gym humor channel of any sort, but his channel I am most ashamed of all

He also makes fun of competitive athletes
Literal reddit scum of the earth youtuber.

>reddit scum
He makes fun of trans-faggs, so i dont think he's reddit-tier.

Also crossfit "athletes" are joke; crossfit is not a sport, bucko.

hahaha I love this pepe

That has always been my question as well. He is retarded, not even a little bit funny, and simply hates everyone and everything. He sounds just like a salty bully.

No he doesn't just make fun of transathletes, but actual legit elite athletes in powerlifting for having subpar form in maximal competition lifts.
He's just a skinnyfat reddit youtube fitness memes bandwagon retard.

Well if you're a competitive athlete and you have a shitty form you deserve to be laughed at

I hate this faggot too. He is absolute 9gag tier.

get off the internet vince g we know you are hiding behind your wellfare check

>leddit the thread

i never thought id see the day Jow Forums becomes le r word like go fuckyourself and kys


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This and only this.
Worse than eceleb threads on /v/.

asians have to lift because their shitty genes are so bad to begin with

You do crossfit, don't you?

Asian dudes have smaller frames and s in general. so they have to lift if they wanna get taken seriously by other dudes in american society

>He can probably outlift most people here.
>Has the balls to post his face and not shit on others on some anonymous imageboard.
>His humour is fun and whenever he thinks some series isn't working anymore stops because he gets enough money from his day job.

but yeah let's cope more and shit on him for being asian.

He's one of those people that religiously studies guides on how to become alpha.

My roommate absolutely loves IE and shows me all of his videos and I don't have the heart to tell him I don't find IE funny at all and just don't like the bitter, hateful vibe I get from him. All he does is tear other people down (even if they sometimes deserve it), and there's only so much of that I can take before it gets really old.