Is there a bigger fraud than this joke of a therapist?
Is there a bigger fraud than this joke of a therapist?
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Is this you
Why do people praise this man? Firstly his credentials (which may be fake also) are for physical therapy, which is so far removed from athletic/muscle performance as you can get. He works with old people so they can walk comfortably into old age, and gives them band exercises, how is this relevant to a training video?
He also promotes meme exercises, seen in his bitch Jesse who looks like shit after 2 years of lifting on his program
noone here praises him, all I see is a new hate thread every few hours
MPT & CSCS are not easy to get. Very few have both. He's aesthetic af and like 45 years old. His advice is solid and practical.
He fixed my shoulder pinge
I don't see a problem. He has practical advice and doesn't follow meme diets or exercises
>seen in his bitch Jesse who looks like shit after 2 years of lifting on his program
>What are genetics?
ITT: ego lifters who will eventually injure themselves and probably give bad advice to everyone around them
>imagine blaming looking like shit after 2 years on genetics LMAO
>calling people who don't listen to your fake fraud ego lifters
>blaming much genetics on his shitty workout
Even the worst genetics could have made better gains if they actually tried training
There's nothing wrong with Jeff, he's cool. The only reasonable picking can be about clickbait video titles.
Fixed my patella tendonitis
What's your favorite Athlean vid? Mine is this one:
my biggest issue is that he has done so many "must do" exercise videos now that if you were to incorporate all of them you'd have to stay at the gym for 6 hours every day
I like the guy, his videos got me into lifting.
Helped me cut out some bad form / avoided potential injuries.
His videos taught me a few new moves / things to try in the gym.
learned good muscle mind activation.
Personally id rather take advise from him than a bunch of 14 year old virgins on Jow Forums any day of the week.
I used to take the piano man's advice but since his passing (may he rest in panini) I no longer watch any fitness channels
THe clickbait titles are post-ironic, he's self-aware.
Jesse was in a car accident and couldnt work out for like half a year.
He's in good shape and educated, why would you NOT listen to him.
he works with pro athletes tho
Post body
I'm throughly convinced that all these 'jeff suks xd' threads are the work of just one skinnyfat dyel who finds working out or doing anything Jeff says too hard.
Point and laugh
This. He can't cope. It's non-negotiable.
>I'm sorry, user, but you have a developed a herniation from doing your dumbbell rows off a bench. Here's a script for some muscle relaxers (TAKE THESE NOW!)
anyone can look that aesthetic with the amount of roids he does
tell that to jason blaha
T.delusional fags who don't wanna admit that genetics are everything
>thumbnail of him doing a very popular exercise with a grimacing face and a red arrow pointing to reddened area implying injury/discomfort
Also, he went overboard with meme exercises and being safe (seriously, dumbbell row inguinal hernia but that's probably him running out of ideas).
Jesse has evolved
Yes, pic related.
Dont say that about ol' jeff. Hes just a good ol' fella that dont mind gettin' sweaty in the gym!
Really? What pro athlete has he trained?
> physical therapy is far removed from athletic/muscle performance
Gee user I wonder how I instantly know that you are a dyel, have a shit body, shit strength and have never been involved in any type of serious sports or athletic environment
imagine being this much of a youtube eceleb bootlicker
He's good, but as others have said, his titles are clickbaity and he has so many 'must-do' exercises that you can never really do them all.
Hey guys whats up? Jeff Cavaliere, and today we're going to talk about dyel fags on Jow Forums and why their shoulders are already torn without knowing it
go to bed joe rogan
Literally who? His sponsored videos? And his personal project, Jesse, looks like shit being personally trained by him lol.
>post cope
>anything Jeff says too hard
>meme cable exercises 'too hard'
>ignores basic barbell compound movements and replaces them with meme cables
>too hard
All humans are almost biologically the same, stop coping so hard lol, believe in yourself and stop coping
No, I know you are a dyel for backing Athlean X up. I won't go up to a physiotherapist in a hospital and ask him the best way to gain strength and size, I'll go to him when im 70 and my hips hurt for him to give me old man exercises lol.
>Imagine thinking going to a physical therapist for strength advice is worthwhile
First of all,he is not a physiotherapist in a hospital. Secondly, nearly all professional athletes, in every field, are in contact with a physical therapist to ensure everything is in order with their tendons, liagements, the works. They detect instabilities before they turn into injuries, or can help get rid of injuries quicker by doing certain meme exercises. Most big professional teams even have a team physical therapist. They are not responsible for the strength and size part, they are responsible for maintaining strength and size injury free. As I said before, you are a dyel little shit and you know nothing of being an athlete. I don't even watch Athlean x for advise but I back him up because you are a retard and completely clueless on what his job is. Keep being an angry coping little shit and post your body to make us laugh about how Jeff maintains a better looking body, being 45, purely with meme exercises. You daft little shitcunt.
Double nigger faggot.
You just said it yourself, don't go to physical therapists for strength and size information, only go for injury prevention, if you are injured, but not for general advice on training. He just relays general information and retards eat it up because he spouts he has a master's in a irrelevant field to fitness. He also is on TRT, so it is no surprise he looks the way he does. He does not weight a lot too, he looks DYEL in a shirt, and his lifts are weak as shit, and he has no past lifting accomplishments besides his meme certifications which do not apply to the general public
Irrelevant 4pleb poster mad at popular people.
>Everyone more successful than me is wrong!!!1!!1!
You have no idea what you are talking about.
Stop spewing bullshit out of your mouth you weak dyel pos
the post seemed more angry than any other posts in this thread. Projection much lol? I just feel pity for people following people who give them irrelevant advice and will limit them from making gains
Why don't Athlean X cucks ever argue the points brought up against him? Don't you see you are being too attached to him.. stop appealing to authority and think for yourself.. why would you go to a physical therapist for sports/athletics/strength and muscle information is beyond me..
Dude imagine being in the athlean x gym. Jesse is probably trying to do his workout and Jeff sees that he isn't using textbook form, which makes him so angry he fucks his bad little natty boipussy until he learns to have more mind muscle connection in his glutes. There's a reason he looks like a twink is what I'm saying.
But him training with professional athletes makes him less useful to the general public doesn't it? Pro athletes already had decades of base building, barbell training, etc. so when Jeff takes over their training for 3 months and claims he made the athlete what they are, that is kinda deceitful.
I mean look how he fared up against by training an untrained person Jesse. He looks like shit. Explain that?
People out here like to shit on athlean because he shits on some of the shitty exercises they might do (like upward barbell rows). Most of his advice makes sense, more or less, and don't forget that half of Jow Forums doesn't even lift.
More like 3/4 bro
He surely has “therapist” eyes if youbhet my drift
This. I don't follow the channel or anything, but I just like the (NON-NEGOTIABLE) memes. Everything I've seen from him looks legit to me and he's not one of those broscientists telling people to not do the most important stuff. Everything I've seen him shit on should be shit on.
Original athleanx defender, and I agree. His entire "let me draw out the muscle groups xd" makes sense to me, and I think at most he's being too careful for normie sakes (ex. This is dangerous if you have no idea what youre doing) He also has a really bad case of having really fuckin clickbaity video titles, which is honestly pretty awful
> He also has a really bad case of having really fuckin clickbaity video titles, which is honestly pretty awful
Agreed. That and having every video be almost exactly 10 minutes long because that's the most efficient for jewtube metrics and ad revenue. Still, it's so brazen that it becomes endearing self-parody. NOT NEGOTIABLE.
>which is so far removed from athletic/muscle performance as you can get
Lol you have no idea what you're talking about.
This is he type of lifter who criticizes people at the gym doing their own thing but will invariably drop out as he ages and accumulates injuries and become that boomer telling people how he used to bench 315
cables are memes now?
holy fuck i swear fit gets dumber every day
Cables are cool, nevermind that idiot.
>don't go to physical therapists for strength and size information, only go for injury prevention,
PTs are reactive at first. A client or patient comes to them and says "this is wrong" or "i want to do this". Once that is figured out PTs plan a course of action to address the issues/pains at hand. Then, once they fix the pain they work on things that will help prevent it in the future. They don't generally give out general training plans, at least the ones I've gone to. They could if they chose to specialize in that. Some PTs specialize in running and help with running technique and things like that. Others, like Jeff, specialize more on the lifting side of things. They give you training plans for your problem area or you specific goals. I generally don't see them help with overall training plans, at least where I've gone to go get help with my injuries.
What Jeff does is give you the best way to perform certain exercises, maybe give you some ideas for things to add to your training to help give you size, to help fix your form, and to give you a better way to do your movements.
Nobody catches your drift you autistic shitstain
But that's just how yt titles work, so who cares
Is that the same Jeff?
i like his videos for isolation work and injury prevention
but i don't follow his workout routines or anything
he's the guy i'll look to when i'm trying to choose a curl or lateral raise variation
Is that you coach blaha? what are you doing at this time on /fit? shouldn't you be in the bedroom by now getting pegged in the ass by mooncookie with that purple dildo of yours?
>scooby left
>tiny trip left
>now jeff
why do we pursecute our heroes so? what happened to we’re all ganna make it?
Jow Forums fucking sucks now