Just reached 1.5 plates for benching :)

Just reached 1.5 plates for benching :)

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Congrats user, it's a good feel :)

Congrats user!!

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Keep up the good work bud! We're all gonna make it!

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Thanks! My next goal is 3 plate deadlifts, currently at 2.5 plates

But is it fo reps?
>t. hit 50kg OHP for two reps but still unsatisfied

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You're going to make it user

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DYEL manlet

I'm not even at 1pl8 and I've been lifting for 2 years lmao

I'm gonna need to ask for that salsa brother

5 reps


did you start at ultraskelly mode or are you just retarded

I honestly wish I knew. Maybe I just have shit genetics and can't put on muscle.

Do you gym alone or have a spotter?

Alone. Spotter would help, right?

If this isn't a larp, then you are doing something VERY wrong. I started benching a couple months ago and I went from 70kg to hitting a 115kg 1RM today. Eat more, and follow a program. Stop fucking around man I see too many people look the same month after month doing the same thing

Helps heaps imo. Gives you more confidence to lift heavier also knowing failure won't break your neck

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Nice, I hit 3 plates on the deadlift not that long ago, you'll love the feeling.

Describe your routine, diet, sleep, weight/height, etc. You're doing something wrong.

Maybe switch to heavy barbells so you don't feel like you could die.

1pl8 took me like 6 months is this bad? I feel like curls are the only lift that progress normally for me.

Shit I'm doing 3 sets of 10 reps. Are you saying to do 1 rep? I can lift 1pl8 for 2 reps.

Nice work user, keep going!

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>brosplits 2013.-2015.
>pause untill June 2017.

>84kg BW
>BP 95kg 5x5
>DL 180kg 1x5
>OHP 65kg 5x5
>SQUAT 125kg 5x5
>BBR 90kg 5x5

how beta am I?

Don't listen to this user the fear of death allows for the best gains