How often should you drink a protein shake?
How often should you drink a protein shake?
If you can get your protein from actual food instead, then never.
Eggs are enough for proteins also soya chunks sometimes.
Every Friday
I drink 2 a day every day.
eat sardines and have a keto diet
Sperm is not a protein shake, you have to stop being so homosexual.
Are you actually working out or just trying to do some type of meal replacement?
Based, sardines are God's gift, the jannies here love shutting down sardine posting too.
Never, because you're probably another dumb fuck bitch who can't even do a pullup.
Awww weak and pathetic white man. It's ok, maybe mama will comfort you.
After a workout or as a snack replacement. Blend mine with frozen fruit and veg for breakfast sometimes. Easier than cooking.
Imagine being this insecure.
you retard
Depends on how much protein you need. I try to eat around 200g of protein every day if i cant eat 200g i take a protein shake
I've been drinking them daily for a while now, down about 35 pounds, and stronger, too.
No replacement for exercise, but they do give you the building blocks you need to make progress.
you want
Have you seen how jacked a lot of homosexuals are though? They must be on to something.
have onions instead, it gives way more nutrition in comparison
My brother is gay and looks like shit though
I said a lot, not all of them. Tell your brother to get on the protein juice diet already.
never. you've fucked up bad if you already have had one.
t. Nigger
>Try a sardine
>It's spine turns into a disgusting dust in my mouth
I couldn't eat a second one.
Do you guys(who have reached abs level shrred i.e 8% bf) eat x.gram protein per pound of your body weight
this senpai
I typically have whey after getting home from a workout and a small serving of casein every night
Your body will never absorb proteins from whole food as fast as it will absorb whey.
Checked trips of truth
Forgot iffy
lol why are negroids so abrasive
Imagine living in a society where your people have contributed 0 inventions and ideas and you are just mooching like the recently freed slaves you are from the superior race that dominates the nation. But the jew media hates on the white man in order to rack up nonwhite viewers and more easily manipulate them into spending the little money they have on things like air jordans or hoverboards, which are sold by companies they hold stock in. Youd probably jump on the bandwagon too and try to feel superior for once if you were black as well. The only thing blacks have going for them is "muh weak white boy!!" so they use it at any opportunity they can. The only reason they even think theyre strong is because they go to a 75% white school where all the black kids play on a sports team in an effort to get a career requiring little thought whilst simultaneously proving their masculinity in the absence of their fathers. By 27 most of them are back living with a family member selling drugs or generally being resentful as they age unsuccessfully. Pretty dumb/slow creatures overall
The rare Ascending Gets
after every work out. Plus one more if I can't get to 180 g of protein in a day.
Easy Tyrone, nobody even mentioned basketball.
Can confirm if eating enough they will help you attain gains faster, although they are totally not nessecary for growth whatsoever. But can provide an edge, makes it easier to get bigger.
Usually once a day, 2 scoops with 2% milk to make ~64g protein. I skip it if I'm getting enough protein from the rest of my diet.
Every day, 70g protein / 800 kcal
It makes the rest of your diet far more flexible.