Did Jow Forums make you gay or bi?

Everyone knows bodybuilding is one of the most homoerotic sports out there. Throughout your fitness experience, did you manage to stay true to your original self, or did you let it change you into something different?

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No because gays are born not made.

I wouldnt say it made me bi or gay but it did make me wanna get fucked in the ass

I don't think that's entirely true; sexual abuse or other childhood events can have an effect on your adult sexuality.

Being gay is a mental disorder, and I say that with respect. You acquire being gay in your life, you are not born gay at all.

being bi made me come to Jow Forums in the first place because nobody wants a pasty skeleton

totally disagree.I still think its a disorder and not something supposed to exist hence the low numbers but you are born with it.There are sone rare occasions where people choose to be gay but those people are crazy.

>it did make me wanna get fucked in the ass
How come?

Jow Forums made me realize muscular male bodies turn me on

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I dunno, i have a girlfriend but for some reason i just wanna play with a big dick and i want it in my ass, i bet it feels amazing. Im not gay tho

Here's your >>you

To answer the question, I was bi a long time before I came to Jow Forums but coming here eventually gave me the confidence to come out.

Try pegging, user. God put your gspot in there for a reason.

His hips are larger than most girls.

How is bodybuilding a sport?

Face is hotter than most girls too fuq

What does G-spot stimulation feel like for a man?

buy a dildo and anal yourself, that's what I do sometimes, feels great. Analing yourself with a dildo feels better than fapping

Watch some videos of guys cumming from anal. They always blow loads bigger than fucking demons from hentai.

im not confident enough in my sexuality to do that

>what is neuroplasticity

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>tfw no pasty skelly bf

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Unironically yes

Not exactly, though I now have a thing for "women" like pic related.

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Bumping with fit girl to pray the gay away

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>Im not gay tho
Same man. I just want to suck on a nice big juicy cock. Literally nothing gay about it though.

>tfw no straight bf to whisper "no homo" into my ear as his cock slides out of my ass

I don't disagree that bodybuilding is kind of homoerotic but what about women who do it?

Y-you forgot to say no homo

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Gays are made. I can vouch on this because it happened to me. Pic extremely related.

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Bodybuilding is kinda gay. Strongman is very hetero. I think heterosexuals naturally gravitate towards strength and enjoy having rugged natural physique.

If they bodybuild seriously it's bitter feminist sexual market lose behavior.

If they stay natty and focus on glutes and thighs, classic feminine behavior

The guys over at westhunter blog make a good case that it might be a virus.

user that sounds just a woman with an added bulge. I bet if you were next to a dude dressed like that IRL and smelled his BO and felt his prickly stubble growing in youd realize you aren’t gay.

It's called prison gay.

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>Wanting to suck dick isn't gay

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Did you do gomad?

Wanting to pound cute twinks is not gay the Greeks and Romans loved that shit. You're only gay if you take it in the butt my friends.

wanting the superior orgasm is not gay

I want women to eat my ass.

No, broccolibutts made me bi, but I just feel like fucking cute twinks, not getting dick in my ass

im considering letting a fag suck me tonight and i spent about an hour this day with a toy in my ass. im not gay tho

Anyone else had this happen?

When I was a kid me and a bro started doing a little bit of homo stuff. He taught me how to jack off and we messed around with eachother's dicks and jacked off in the same room (to his grandpa's straight porn at least) but then we grew out of it and went on to be straight men. Come to think of it we even had a third friend who would do it too. Still friends to this day. Honestly I've never had a homo inkling beyond this but I always wonder what the hell could have posessed me as a kid to do that stuff.

>When I was a kid me and a bro started doing a little bit of homo stuff. He taught me how to jack off and we messed around with eachother's dicks and jacked off in the same room (to his grandpa's straight porn at least) but then we grew out of it and went on to be straight men. Come to think of it we even had a third friend who would do it too. Still friends to this day. Honestly I've never had a homo inkling beyond this but I always wonder what the hell could have posessed me as a kid to do that stuff.


This, faggots

It didn't make me gay in the sense that i started to like dick or manly faces but it did that weird thing with me that i now also like extremely muscular women.

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You people are weird. I'd never jerk off next to another guy.

i can appreciate a male physique for the hard work put into it, but i've never been attracted to men

if anything fit grills is the only thing that attracts me now

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I was like 10-12 and my cousin was 15 or something.
I think my classmate was there too and he may have sucked his cock.
I was taking a shower and I came back and they all came and shit idk you dont talk about stuff like this

no i am straight

I'm pretty convinced it's some combination of socialization and some fetal factors- either a virus, or the mother's or baby's immune response to some sort of infection. It's fairly clear that it's not a genetic thing, because those genes should have weeded themselves out quite quickly and no gene variants have yet been found to be associated with it.

What bodyfat is this? I’m thinking11-12% he just has GOAT lighting.

If that were me the awkwardness and the shame would've killed me afterwards

Same sucked my cousins wiener at 5 yrs old and put mine in his butt no homo

that's me but not gay

>It's fairly clear that it's not a genetic thing
FOXP2, you don't know enough about genetics

more interesting question would be if you could take a pill that would change your sexuality for a month and then switch back would you give yourself that experience?

Wanna cuddle? (no homo)

You sound really dumb. Most gay people still procreate. Even if they didn't the genes wouldn't weed themselves out, genetics doesn't work like that.

Kek nice one. It's always a choice wether you realize you made it or didn't but through circumstances like an absent father or molestation you become a faggot.