Tuesday reminder to drink more water, buddeh

Tuesday reminder to drink more water, buddeh

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thanks buddeh

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Goin on a water fast today stay hydrated based buddeh poster

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thanks buddeh

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Absolutely BASED thread.

Is tea water?

On the bus home from work right now, feeling absolutely sick. Can't wait to get home and drink some water!!!

Based and redpilled, thank you baddih

Drinking many of water during bulk is retarded tho

Based buddeh

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No. Take a 100mg caffeine pill if you need caffeine. I cut out tea and it did wonders for my hydration

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bless you


>Not drinking green tea for it's other benefits.

>be hipster fag
>drink energy drinks
>wonders why still a skinny fat fag

Drink water, damn it.

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Riff raff my boy

Not quoted but redpill me. I have plenty of green tea laying in the shelf but never tried it.


Green tea is good, but drink it moderately. Can fuck your body up when drinking around 2 liters per day.

Try to mix your drinks by yourself with less or withour sugar, stop being a consuming retard.

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>you need 4 liters, buddeh

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What the fuck are you even arguing?
Proofs on it fucking up your body?

is earl grey good for you?


I don't care about caffeine or the lack of it. Tea tastes good.

>2 liters of green tea has enough caffeine to fuck you up.

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Are you even trying to educate yourself?


...or being these underage or under 20 years fag, who thinks he can fuck people.

how would cutting out tea fix your hydration, its water and splash of milk

>Only post link after getting *snapped*
I counter with this article:
Also at most, a cup of green tea could have 50mg of caffeine, eight cups of it would result in 400mg of tea. Which is something you don't have to do you fucking troglodyte.

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Iced tea not hot bong tea

>Burgers needing reminders to perform a primitive function

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thats okay then

>eight cups of it would result in 400mg of tea
you almost got me

Tea is a diuretic, and in the context of a water drinking thread we are talking about iced tea not a small cup of hot bong water.

People drink tea for caffeine no matter what the sperg says.

Daily tea intake will not be great for hydration.

>green tea could have 50mg of caffeine, eight cups of it would result in 400mg

Childish perception, come back again when you actual experienced it.

The one true king of Jow Forums

Guess I'm retarded for accepting first results on Google which based it around the max possible from it being 30 to 50mg of caffeine per cup. However Wikipedia has this at 12mg per 3.5oz which 8 cups worth (64oz) will have about 219mg of caffeine. Which is practically half the amount.

>Not just drinking more water or less tea.
When did I implied you have to drink exclusively tea?


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