This guy is only 17 years old

>This guy is only 17 years old


Anyone else feel they started working out way too late?

Attached: Screenshot_20180724-195206.png (1080x1920, 1.69M)

Other urls found in this thread:

literally 3 months of SS + GOMAD

dude has to be 5'4

But this guy is also only 17 and dwarfs that faggot in terms of strength, athleticness, and aesthetics. He started lifting at 5.

Attached: Screenshot_20180704-075616.png (720x1280, 563K)

hes manlet
and dont trust insta pictures brainlet, it goes through a bunch of filters, lightning, angles and all sorts of edits before people post it


that nigga is 5 feet oh no no, he coulda been at least 5'6 if he didn't lift so early


Attached: 1E8DE7A5-F5F5-45A1-9CDC-F573E17AF35B.jpg (640x633, 52K)

Isn't he 5'4 tho

Don't black people have good ass genetics from slavery? (If you weren't fit enough, you'd die so only the fit people bred and passed their genes)

>and dont trust insta pictures brainlet, it goes through a bunch of filters, lightning, angles and all sorts of edits before people post it
this. he didn't cut himself out in photoshop for shit's and giggles.

Well his dad was a two time Mr. Universe and one time Mr. World, so he's definitely got the genetics.

Attached: (711x399, 44K)

How retarded do you have to be to think 200 years of slavery is enough to genetically engineer a race of people to such a degree that their muscle tone and ability to pack on muscle is significantly different in any way?

Not OP, but are you incels actually this out of touch? People do edit their photos but no one fucking wastes time photoshopping unless it's a company trying to advertise. is a straight up recording with no edits

How does he bench 3plate at that weight?

Doesn't lifting too young stunt your growth?

>Confusing evolution with passing down healthy genetics that promote fast muscle growth such as testosterone production and illness resistance

Attached: 1525003789038.png (644x800, 15K)


no shit, he gets buff after 2 days of lifting

Wow, you're legitimately a fucking retard

how is it not? If you breed the biggest niggers every time for 200 years I don't see why it's hard to believe that the gene pool could be significantly affected

No you stupid beta faggot.

this didn't happen on any sort of real scale.

>"good ass genetics"
>85 average IQ


I don't usually post here, but you're really fucking stupid

no you dont need to be very strong to pick fucking cotton

>If you breed the biggest niggers every time

this is where your premise is wrong

how the fuck are you still lifting 120 if you started in November 2016??!?!??

This is on your shit routine

how come your average nigger is so cut?

>he doesn't know the difference between evolution and artificial selection

Attached: 1531936456904.jpg (960x960, 146K)

Their women steal all the food.


I'm 37 and started only three years ago, never too late user.

>he thinks 200 years of generation selection on a small scale is enough for this.
They always had different genetics, it's not selection. If anything, we selected for passivity to a much greater degree over speed and strength, yet that hasn't apparently had much of an effect on black people.

Examine your arguments better.

you mean the average nigger in america the fattest nation on earth is somehow cut?
people been working the fields since forever, only difference is the blacks didnt get paid, you dont have to be some superman to pick some oranges

Is no one else wondering why the fuck he's wearing 2 different shoes?


Examine your skull boy.

>Slaves had"healthy genetics that promote muscle growth"
All they did was pick fucking cotton. You don't need to be a bodybuilder to do that

Sub-Sahrarren negroids have different fat distribution compared to other races thus giving them the “cut” look, it’s simply a common trait although plenty of Africans have bad fat distribution traits like the Pygmy.

i’m 38 and started one year ago

Yes. They are.

That's the literal point you brainlet.

I'll explain it slowly.
In a slave, passivity was valued to the greatest extent. You wanted a slave that wouldn't kill you or rose up. That would have been the primary selection factor, not speed and strength. As we can fucking see, the selection theory has little basis because black people in america are violent as fuck despite that selection for passivity.
Christ. I know you guys are scared of college but there are conservative colleges.

Fuck you. I did starting strength, stronglifts, Reddit PPL, and nsuns

I just don't get 8 hours of sleep

>Get enslaved
>Not passive

The challenge was being on the boat. Those trips were brutal.

>17 and already on gear

He hasn't even fully finished puberty yet, he's gonna fuck his shit up.

Attached: michael.jpg (399x382, 26K)

It's not like they rowed the fucking thing across the atlantic. They were chained in a hold. If anything, we selected the ones that tolerated heat and dehydration.

Please say that is 120 kg, not lbs.

and the sailors still had to work while on the same boats

nice fucking meme routines, faggo


no one irl cares about iq virgin manlet


user, kinda seems like I blew you the fuck out and you might be confused

do you need clarification? That means "do you want me to explain more"

That doesn't make any sense. The average black is fatter than the average white. You're just a cuckold and you're specifically looking out for black guys that confirm your bias. You could see five jacked white guys and not think anything, but when you see one jacked black guy you probably think "he's only jacked because of his slave genetics!"

Maybe they were brutal but it's not like getting lucky and surviving a boat ride changed your genetics.

>you're specifically looking out for black guys that confirm your bias.
You just explained 95% of people on this site and about 80% of people in general btw

Hes ugly af so idc
Could steal any girl from him

It’s not like it was a breeze for them of course, but the sailors had considerably better living conditions.

Asians who have that face + hair are always 5'5 or shorter

>Redditor faggot

bro eat more food lol

It's because of their women you fucking retard. Niggers find morbid obesity attractive so the women feel no shame being fatasses. And I, like literally everyone on this site, notice any time somebody looks like they lift and more often than not it's the nogs. I know the Jow Forums groupthink wants you to say niggers are all 5'5" 300lb goblins, but that is not the case. Go outside.

>can't even green text
>calls me redditor

No it's not retard. Black men are more likely to be obese than white men. Black women definitely do drive that average up though. Almost 60 percent of them are obese. Christ.

I can see why you have no gains and it's not due to your sleeping habbit

What routine would you recommend?

Good ass is correct

>what are roids

eat more and do more volume for bench and if you really want your bench to go up then turn in to a manlet so you have a shorter range of motion on all of your lifts and can do more weight. the dude in the picture looks like a midget.

This. There wasnt any "selective breeding" going on. All you needed slaves to do was pick cotton and other menial shit. Nothing that requires athletism or strength. Stronger, faster slaves were more likely to try to escape or rebel.

>2 different shoes
I noticed that when I opened up the thread, and was about to ask if anyone else noticed but decided to search the thread before I did. What's up with that?

steroids, what the fuck you think

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You're thinking of Ancient/Medieval times when slaves would row all god damn day to power ships. African slaves didn't have to row

This guy is tiny, he has to be 5'11

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that is literally evolution you stupid idiot

> chest acne

strong chance he's juicing

why is he wearing two different shoes? is this the secret formula we're missing?

They have the highest obesity rates in America you fucking retard.

No, there is no trace or record of selective breeding in slave history. Also if there were, they would be selected for stamina and low feed cost.

I bet you're still a virgin even with your amazing 180 IQ.

>puts on a shirt...dyel.


Jow Forums has made me very heightist. I didn't use to think this way. The dude has a nice looking body tbqh, wayy better than mine... but he's obviously 5'7" at most. Wouldn't trade those muscles for my dyel 5'10" jack of manlets frame.

Attached: THIS SUCKS - blank.png (480x360, 135K)

Uh oh, popcorn time

or maybe he is just 17 dipshit

High school athletes juice all the time loser

Is this guy wearing 2 different shoes

>coping this hard

>lift for 2 years
>can't even bench 1pl8
Are you a woman?

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arine did it at 16

Kg I'm guessing

Wh*Toids are pound for pound the strongest race.

Apes are not aesthetic.
I am not meming either you faggots.

Higher IQ people are more likely to fall under the "that boy ain't right" category.

Please explain how, moron. Plantation owners didn’t ask all the slaves their 1 rep maxes before buying them at auctions, did they?

Then where are all the burger giganiggers dominating Olympic Lifting?

They're playing football